Linkity thinks tornado watches must mean it’s spring, right?



Think, Make, Learn, Do


Gluten Free

Flourless chocolate cake.


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update

  • Look! Over there! Is that the Stanley Cup playoffs?!

Flashback Friday! Here’s May as a seven-month old kitten, keeping her eye on a wand toy that she’s about to leap after.

9 thoughts on “Linkity thinks tornado watches must mean it’s spring, right?”

  1. I’ve been watching the Habs-Bruins series in French. Very fun. I have a cheat sheet for terms, especially the ‘punitions’ – it will take me all week to get through this linkity!

  2. The flourless chocolate cake is on my list to bake soon!
    May, you were a very cute kitty, and you’ve grown into a beautiful panther princess!

  3. Hey! Long time no comment:). Thanks for linking back to me. Hope you’ve been well…as you can see, I’ve had an extended blog writing/reading break. I’ve greatly missed Linkity and Misadventures in Stock Photography. Glad to be back:)

  4. My niece just went to China for two years (her husband is working there), and they just bought a bunch of stuff for their apartment at the Ikea there.

    Oh, look at May! What a little sex kitten.

  5. Am keeping my fingers crossed for minimal (read no) tornados!

    And oh I have to investigate the slow cooker recipe, being that it is definitely autumn here (and I STILL don’t have any heating…I’m waiting on a permit and slackness is annoying when one is cold!)

    NZ is STILL waiting on an IKEA…I went to it when I lived in the UK, but no matter how much we plead out closest one is Australia…which is probably why the map pinpoints the one in Australia and doesn’t even have NZ on the map ๐Ÿ™

    May was so cute as a kitten/is still so cute!

  6. Creme brulee this, creme brulee that… you are mean.

    Neat shot of the difference between Disneyland now and then! Very cool.

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