The rest of the (bib) story

I survived the switch upgrade, which didn’t finish until 5 am. I didn’t have to work yesterday, but I ended up only getting 3 hours of sleep because I had a plumber coming by at 9 am. At least I got to bed early last night and feel pretty darn good today.

Danielle won a big ol’ bag of yarn from Mason-Dixon Knitting and is celebrating by having her first contest! Leave a comment for her, guessing what she’s knitting (toadstools maybe??) before noon on Tuesday, August 29.

Norma’s gearing us up for the Red Scarf Project 2007, which will have its own blog this time around. Anyone who knits a red scarf to donate to the RSP and posts a picture to the blog will be eligible to win prizes, such as a skein of handdyed yarn from Scout! Both Norma and Scout have great explanations of how to save one of the many button choices to your own server and get it into your sidebar. That was something which completely mystified me when I started blogging, so take advantage of the info!

Cheryl’s having a contest to guess who will win the Wing of Moth shawl knit-off.

SRP Update
Mallets Aforethought by Sarah Graves, 294 pages. Another Home Repair Is Homicide mystery. I enjoy this series, but I’m not making any effort to read them in order – which I would if I felt passionately about them (like the J.D. Robb mysteries… mmmm… Roarke…). Anyway, I think this book had a relatively large “continuity” gap near the end. Hmm.

And now, the rest of the bib story alluded to yesterday…

“I can’t believe I fell for this again! The shame…”

“Nor can I bear to look at this thing… it’s so girly.

“Watch my fancy footwork as I begin my escape!”

“I am but a blur!”

“Whew, that was tiring…”

“Wait, it’s still there?! Not for long…”

“Ha! I triumph yet again!”

40 thoughts on “The rest of the (bib) story”

  1. I’m with Mouse on this one. But then I’d have to start sleeping with one eye open. As I suspect you may have to soon…

  2. Ha, well, I think Chaos looks good in pink. He was especially handsome in the sunbeam photograph. And is that Moderne which I spy underneath Chaos?
    PS–did you get the Patio Pink locally? Or online? I’ve been admiring the newest colors for SnC.

  3. Congrats on surviving the switch upgrade, whatever that is.

    Poor Chaos. It is girly, but pink is his color. And blue. And purple come to think of it. Hmmm. Does Chaos have a color he can’t pull off?

  4. Sad that I not only know what a switch upgrade is, but have sat up throug many of them – both from the customer perspective and the vendor perspective. Either way – they SUCK! My record was was 72 hours at a site.
    Looks like you almost had Chaos for good in that second-to-last photo! He’s such a good sport!
    See you tonite…

  5. I heard switch upgrade and started getting a twitch over my eye. RM has had to contend with those.

    Chaos, Wiji and Hazel cover their eyes with their paws in horror.

  6. Chaos – Gandalf says he thinks you’re so cool for getting that girly bib off in record time! Black cats rule! (Although Atticus and Mae may have something to say about that…)

  7. Congrats on surviving the switch upgrade! How much coffee was involved? 😉 Really, it sounded like a tedious job, glad you made it through and are rested!

    Hehe, I’ve been showing Chaoudini around the office – Chaos, your fan club is growing! C’mon and admit the bibs are your new gimmick, all magician kitties need one ;o)

  8. You are totally rocking with all these links – I needed some “news” for the upcoming Pointy Sticks episodes, and *bam!* – you completely hooked me up! Red Scarf project!

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