Bitten by Books is giving away 15 copies of the new Carrie Vaughn novel about a DJ werewolf, Kitty Raises Hell. The contest runs for a week.
“For some reason, I suddenly feel as if there’s a target painted on my back…” -Mayhem
“Bwa-ha-ha!” -Chaos
Bitten by Books is giving away 15 copies of the new Carrie Vaughn novel about a DJ werewolf, Kitty Raises Hell. The contest runs for a week.
“For some reason, I suddenly feel as if there’s a target painted on my back…” -Mayhem
“Bwa-ha-ha!” -Chaos
See that “cat rug”, May? That could be you, next
You’d better check under that cat bed in case there is another black kitty around.
Run, May, RUN!!
I didn’t even notice Chaos until Mayhem mentioned the target
LOL! I didn’t even see him with laser eyes!
Well, she is kind of camouflaged!
Chaos, your boat is full of holes, perhaps Mayhem burned them with his kitty laser eyes.
Watch out, May!
Don’t look over your shoulder, Mayhem.
Just. Don’t. Look.
This would make a great LOLcats picture – really. I mean, the caption possibilities are endless!
Nope. Don’t see him at all. Just relax; have another cuppa …….. RUUUUUUUUN!
She does look quite scared, doesn’t she?
I see three, three sets of eyes!
Mwa ha ha!
awwwhhh I love that photo
I’d get out of the crate, May.
I love your cat pictures. Our cat tends to hide from the camera (though that has gotten a bit better), which is too bad because lately she’s been doing an awful lot of cute stuff that we’d love to capture.
Alas, milk crates are not “safe” in kitty tag.
There are two sets of eyes on poor MayMay; the ever-vigilant Chaos, and the spooky cat bed. Poor girl
That photo looks like a cat version of The Scream – or at least that’s what I thought of!
Poor little May! I think she would be a fabulous cover model for a scary romance.
May, not to make you nervous but the Chaos lasers are locked on target and that target is you! Run for you life!
I love the worried look on her face!
There are far too many cat eyes in that picture.
That cat bed really does have frightening eyes. How any other cat can stand to have it around is beyond me.
Poor May looks worried. She looks like she’s just watched a scary move, so has retreated to a ‘safe’ place. She is a very cute kitty.