‘Tis the season to linkity

Congrats to Yvette, who won Training Season by Leta Blake!

Congrats to Loren, who won Where the Lovelight Gleams by Keira Andrews!

Congrats to Karl, who won Nowhere to Hide (2nd ed) by Clare London! Nowhere to Hide (2nd ed) will be released December 22 by JMS Books.


  • Whoops! I missed my eighth blogiversary at the end of November. Oh well. 🙂
  • I spent a bit of my workday Thursday at urgent care – I’ve had a red, painful, hot, swollen spot on top of my foot since Saturday and I have no idea what it’s from. Doesn’t look like a bite. I haven’t stubbed my toes or dropped anything on my foot, plus there’s no bruising. After xrays and blood tests, a broken bone, gout, and cellulitis were eliminated. Apparently it doesn’t look like rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. The doctor decided maybe it was a low-grade infection and sent me home with antibiotics. Here’s hoping…



Think, Do, Make, Learn

  • Ewww. Don’t follow that link if you ever want to eat a chicken breast again.



Gluten Free


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update

  • Falalalala hockey fics!

“Is that a furry rattly mouse I spy?!” -Mayhem

17 thoughts on “‘Tis the season to linkity”

  1. Hope all turns out well with your foot infection. Glad you went to see a doctor about it. Also, Happy Eighth Blogervesary!!

  2. Happy Blogiversary! And I hope your foot is on the mend soon!

    I see your salted caramel and coconut brownies and raise you with a gluten free brownie that is to die for!


    I’m not sure if the Healtheries mix is available in the US, but I’m guessing you might have the equivalent? I add 1/2 cup each of chopped dried apricots and chopped walnuts to the mix and it’s YUM!

    And I got: Probably American… 0_0

    Does Santa know about the furry rattly mouse?
    A recent post from orannia..The America’s CupMy Profile

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