
Margene’s celebrating her blogiversary with a contest – guess how many yards are on her newly spun bobbin of singles and you could win a mysterious prize. Leave your guesses by 5 pm MST, February 26.

Make a donation to ARF (Animal Rescue of Fresno) and for every $5 you donate by March 8, you’ll get a raffle entry in Elisa’s contest. The prizes will be two yarn grab bags, each worth at least $40, and a Tiny Painting (random or custom portrait!).

Frank of Chromewaves is giving away two pairs of tickets to the May 19 Leonard Cohen show in Hamilton, Ontario. (Tickets will be from $100-$250 for that show when they go on sale.) Having seen Leonard Cohen at the State Theater in Minneapolis the last time he toured (in 1993) (it remains one of my top concert experiences ever), I’m sure it will be an amazing show! (Brigitte or MamaTulip, can I go with you if you win?)

Aquarium Drunkard is giving away two pairs of tickets to the April 10 Leonard Cohen show in Los Angeles.

I might’ve mentioned that book blogs give away all sorts of books. I was not kidding. Here are a few of the current offerings on the book blogs I follow. (Most are paranormals, but there’s a scifi title and even some straight up romance.)

Bitten by Books is giving away 10 copies of Anton Stroud’s latest urban fantasy, Deader Still. Contest closes March 1.

Remember how enthused I was about Nalini Singh’s forthcoming book, Angel’s Blood? While Angel’s Blood doesn’t come out for another week (March 3), Singh now has the companion novella Angel’s Pawn available as an ebook. (Bless Mobipocket for supporting the PalmOS – I’m hoping to stick to my Palm Tungsten E2 until the ereader business stabilizes more over the next year or two. Here’s a timely cartoon about ebooks.) Also, Singh is having contests every day until Angel’s Blood is releasedI’ve already won an ARC (advance reading copy) of Jaci Burton’s Riding on Instinct.

Leave a comment about what you think would be the scariest zombie animal, and you could win an ARC of Amanda Ashby’s Zombie Queen of Newbury High. Not sure when this closes, but it’s worth reading Ashby’s post on zombie cats even if the contest is over! Ashby’s also giving away all sorts of books during her blog party to celebrate the imminent release of Zombie Queen of Newbury High. Your best bet is to go to Ashby’s main blog page and work down through the various contests – and not all of the prizes are paranormals, CursingMama. 🙂

Fantasy Book Critic is giving away 10 copies of Keith Brooke’s scifi novel The Accord. Contest closes 11:59 am PST, March 26.

Literary Escapism is giving away a copy of Cheryl Brooks’ novel Rogue: The Cat Star Chronicles (described by the author as “er0tic science fiction romance”). Contest closes midnight, March 3.

Patricia’s Vampire Notes is giving away a copy of Marta Acosta’s book Happy Hour at Casa Dracula: Casa Dracula Book 1). Contest closes 11:59 pm, February 25 (aka today).

Marta’s giving away several different paranormals (all new to me) at Vampire Wire during her week of contests. Contest runs through the end of the week.

If you join Michele Beardsley’s web forum, you could win copies of some of her paranormals set in Broken Heart, Oklahoma. Contest runs through March 1.

You could win some Kim Harrison-related swag at ScifiGuy.ca (a White Witch, Black Curse t-shirt and some “T4” tomato seed packets). Contest closes March 1.

Today I have a guest photo with caption from KitKatKnit. How perfectly does this tie in with today’s post?! Thank you, Susan!

20 thoughts on “Uncontested”

  1. Ooh scary May 🙂

    I used to use ereader on my palm Zire 72 all the time – I now use the same program, but the windows version on my laptop amd my netbook (eeepc901) – It is just as well most of my books are e books – hubby would be horrified at the size of my library :-)- He thinks I have a large wool stash – it’s a drop in the ocean compared to my library….

  2. I never really got into the ereaders (I was using one on my old Treo), but I’m hoping to upgrade my phone to one of the new Palms. I’ll have to see if the newer eReaders for the Palm are easier for me to read than what I was using in the way back time.

    Though, with documents to go, what I really should do is load all of my knitting pdfs to my phone.

  3. Contests abound!
    Wow, May, congrats on the book cover. It’s quite something. 😉 If only there were “Bib Ripper” romances! You’ve already had experience with that.

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