And then there was thundersnow…

Let’s just admire this traditional postcard shot (from last July) of downtown Minneapolis (taken from the Sculpture Garden with Spoonbridge and Cherry in the forefront) until spring arrives, shall we?

It’s very snowy here at the moment. *sigh* (And the Cherry’s been removed from the Spoonbridge in order to be repainted. Probably the Dish will run away with the Spoonbridge before all is said and done.)

I have to admit that I felt a little silly yesterday at 11:30 when I left the office to do a few errands on my way to work from home for the rest of the day. Sure, the sky was a bit ominous, but it wasn’t precipitating. I stopped at the library. When I came out 10 minutes later, a few scattered snowflakes were falling. Next I stopped at the Wedge Co-op. When I came out 20 minutes later, I had to brush about 0.25″ of snow from my car windows. By the time I got home at 12:30, conditions were near whiteout! In fact, around 4″ of snow fell in the next hour or two. I felt a lot less silly at that point. 🙂

This looks like a lot more fun than badminton.

Poor baby!! Eeep!! has posted a list of the urban fantasy, paranormal, fantasy, and science fiction releases for March. And the new Uncle Hugo’s (scifi/fantasy/paranormal) and Uncle Edgar’s (mystery) newsletter is out – I really look forward to receiving this each quarter.

Reading Update
Hot Mail by Janice Maynard. Extremely steamy non-paranormal romance. I got annoyed at one of the female characters, but maybe it’s because I could see too much of myself in her. 🙂
The Cat’s Meow by Emily Carmichael. I confess I picked up this romance/mystery solely because it had a black cat on the cover. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this well-written story of a high-powered attorney who develops amnesia and starts to hear her black cat Nefriti talking to her and giving her advice. I’ll be reading the other interconnected books.
Smart and Sexy (Sky High Air, Book 1) by Jill Shalvis. A nice solid non-paranormal romance. The male characters featured in these books own an air-charter business in California.
Caressed by Ice (Psy-Changelings, Book 3) by Nalini Singh. This is a very, very good paranormal romance series. Definitely recommended. The next book is already waiting on my book stand!
Angel’s Pawn: A Companion Novella to “Angel’s Blood” by Nalini Singh. Ebook. A decent read, but without the punch of Angel’s Blood. I’d recommend reading Angel’s Blood first to get familiar with the world. But then again – maybe it was just the ebook format, giving the reading experience a very different feel. Guess which reading experience I prefer? 🙂

You put your left paw in, you put your left paw out, you put your left paw in and…. zzzzzzzzz….” -Chaos

28 thoughts on “And then there was thundersnow…”

  1. No snow here, either.

    Yesterday it was in the low 50°s and Neatnik and I tromped through the wildlife sanctuary.

    Today, it is supposed to be in the upper 50°s – but with a 90% chance of rain. and the temps are supposed to drop into the mid 20°s by Sunday morning when the wintry mix is due.

    What is up with this? I mean, our pine tree’s sap has been running. That is a harbinger of spring not more winter… 🙁

  2. I walked to work yesterday, planning to bus to my one meeting outside the building. Good plan. I could see nothing but gridlocked cars and snow on my way home about 4 –

  3. Hey, what’s wrong with badminton? Of course, I learned to play from someone who learned how to really play. It’s serious business, not just a lawn game, in places like Indonesia. When I took it in college, the only girl who could beat me was from India. But (geek that I am) I like the Scrabble game, too.

    Cool spoon.

    I’m hoping warm weather is on its way here; 60 degrees right now! (I’ll send a few warm thoughts your way if you want.)

  4. I forgot about the thundersnow! I saw two flashes of lightning on my way home last night — they’re so awesomely bright when reflecting not only the snow on the ground, but also all the flakes in the air. All told, I think we had 5-6″ — it sure blew around a lot overnight.

  5. So, now I have a new pet peeve! (heh – Deb’s singing the Hokie Pokie – I like it!) Anyway, pet peeve? I click over to Amazon to check out the Psy-Changeling series and they have books 2 and up on Kindle, but not book 1!!!!! Grrrr. I ordered it used for $2.

  6. I love that cute black kitten with the blue eyes!

    Wow – you really get “weather” out there. We’re into spring now and I’ve stopped wearing as many layers.

  7. I hope your snow melts soon. Snirt is not a pretty part of winter in a big city.

    Chaos looks very comfy. I wish I could take a nap today.
    Have a great weekend!

  8. I’ve always loved Claes Oldenburg’s art. Have I ever bragged that I met him and got his autograph way back when? If not -> I am bragging about it now! We had a hailstorm on Wednesday. Not nice. Spring, where are ya?

  9. Snowmageddon. I decided to visit a friend in SW Mpls yesterday, thinking that the snow wouldn’t be too bad. It took me an HOUR to get home. If only I’d known…

  10. We’re just having lots and lots of rain. If it was snow, we’d be up to our eyeballs in it. It was in the 60s here today but by tomorrow night we have a chance of snow showers.

    The Spoonbridge is one of my favorites.

  11. Can you climb on the Spoonbridge? (“bridge” suggesting you could go from one end to the other…)

    I love that the cherry is removable…but Ibet it looks a little odd without it and all covered with snow. More like a spoonful of sugar?

  12. 4 inches in a little over an hour – that’s amazing. I have never heard ‘thundersnow, but I bet it could be cool (if you were safely inside your house watching).
    I cannot get into reading e-books. If I look at a computer screen of any sort for very long, my eyes hurt. But I can read a book old fashioned printed book anytime, anywhere, anyday.

  13. We had thundersnow here today, too. It’s been snowing heavily since 11 this morning. Big, WET flakes. Looks like about 6″ in the birdbath, and 4″ on the lawn. The roads are very slushy, so we are hoping they won’t be icy in the morning.

  14. Bummer about the snow. We haven’t gotten too much here (yay for not being on the east coast right now!).

    I think I’d prefer badminton, actually. But I’m weird that way.

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