Misadventures vacation, Week 6

Congrats to Joder, who won Stranded by Andrew Grey! Stranded is being released by Dreamspinner Press today.

The Misadventures vacation continues! Maybe next Monday…but mostly likely the following one. I’m at the point in unpacking where all of the boxes are empty, but heaps of stuff are strewn everywhere. Where did all this stuff come from?! Where is all of it going to go?!?!

Apologies to anyone who’s emailed me over the past few weeks – I’m really, really behind in my email. 🙁

At least the big front windows are a hit with the kitties. 🙂

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem

11 thoughts on “Misadventures vacation, Week 6”

  1. I love the windows and I see I’m not the only one! I feel for you about the moving. I’m packing my house to put it in the market. What a PITA it is! I’ve Freecycled a bunch of things and hoping to give away much more.
    And to think that when I moved to this house about three years ago I swore it would be my last. Parents are elder and living with sister and she needs me closer to them to help. I so hate Virginia though!!

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