Can’t linkity for long, packing

Don’t forget to enter the contest for Peepshow by Clare London! Contest closes 7 pm CDT, Tuesday, July 9.

Congrats to Annie, Nicki, and choccygrl, who won Forever Promised (Promises #4) by Amy Lane! Forever Promised is being released today by Dreamspinner Press.


  • Linkity’s going to be brief both today and next Friday, due to my purchasing a new condo today and needing to pack and move. 🙂
  • I’m sure I’m going to fall even more behind on answering emails and reading blogs…
  • This purchase (and needing to sell my old condo) mean I am not going to GRL in Atlanta this year. 🙁

  • If you’re wondering why this hasn’t been cleaned up yet, the city has to deal with it because it’s a boulevard tree, but since it’s on a deadend street, I’m sure it’s very low on the priority list. Some other pictures.




Think, Do, Learn, Make


Gluten Free


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update

  • Reading? What’s that?

“I really don’t like the sound of this ‘other condo’ business…” -Mayhem

17 thoughts on “Can’t linkity for long, packing”

  1. Good luck moving, I just sold my flat and moved into a rented one, only paying half the money now AND I got the money from the sale to put into, uh, something 😉

  2. Ooo, a new condo, congrats!! Whereabouts? I am guessing it is still in the same general area (why would you want to move anywhere else?). I look forward to seeing your new digs on the blog.
    A recent post from kmkat..Grrr, Typepad.My Profile

  3. Congrats on your new condo and best wishes on many years of happy ownership! Those were wow photos of the storm damage left behind. Mayhem looks spooked about the move but some nice comfy boxes to lie in later should make the place seem like home soon.

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