No Misadventure on Monday because it’s a holiday in the US! Hope everyone has a great weekend.
- The project from hell deployed Wednesday. Been a while since I was in the office for 15 hours. Let’s hope it’s a while before I have to do that again.
- Let’s hope that I start to sleep a little better now. Fours of sleep/night is not cutting it. *yawn* So, so, so tired.
- Linkity’s going to be briefish because of that!
- Still don’t feel like I’ll ever catch up…
- Blodeuedd’s giving away a copy of Jack Abosolute by CCÂ Humphreys. Closes June 2, US only.
- Bookwyrm Knits is celebrating her birthday hobbit style – by giving away a knitting and an ebook prize. Comment by midnight PDT on June 10.
- New releases and more: Fiction Vixen (UF/romance)
- Book and publishing news from Dear Author.
- Amazon’s going to publish authorized fanfic through its new “Kindle Worlds” program. Thoughts on this from John Scalzi and a reaction to his post.
Do, Think, Learn, Make
- Cat donuts. (via CRAFT)
- Asparagus pizza. (via The Kitchn)
- Chicken pesto sandwich. (via The Kitchn)
- Thai coleslaw. (via The Kitchn)
Gluten Free
Cool or Wha…?
- Eww!
- Darn replicas. (Hover your cursor for additional text.)
Teh Cute
- Kitten! (Thanks, Jeanne!) Egret and punk rock babies! Black cat! Buffalo! Swan and cygnet! Kitten! Kittens! Kitten! Baby tiger! Kittens! Kittens! Kittens! Baby Asian golden cats! Kittens! Baby clouded leopards! Kittens!
Reading Update
- Do you really need to ask?!
“My dastardly plot is about to come to fruition…” -Chaos
You? Carry out ANYTHING, Chaos? You’ll sleep right through any plan.
A recent post from margene..Weekend (Knitting) Plans
Hope you get a nice restful weekend. Off to look at one more Google REader replacement, thanks.
sorry chris- no caps today as i have a kitten in my arms and he wants luvvins
i’m tired too- have a good weekend
A recent post from lorraine..Ten On Tuesday- 10 Things You Would Bring On A Picnic
Glad to hear your project got deployed – here’s to getting some rest!
A recent post from Cheryl S…CommaFeed
You made it! Put your feet up now with a good book and a purring kitty on your lap.
Long days with no sleep are the worst!
Lots of nice linkety you evil temptress! I was a little worried about those cats and the printers.
A recent post from Carrie#K..Did you know bees are responsible for coffee?
I loved the text about reviews, she got it
A recent post from blodeuedd..Review: The Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette – Carolly Erickson
Loved the Lego-Voledemort smack-down! And the box guide was so cute

A recent post from Ava March..Updates on WIPs, and Ramblings on Research and the Historical M-M Market
Cinnamon Roll pancakes…ooh yum. Ooh, the calories.
Thanks for the link!
I must make those cat donuts. OMG, so cute.
And that’s not just a book tree, but a WINE AND BOOK TREE. Even better!
A recent post from Nicole..Ten on Tuesday ~ Long Weekend
I really want to go to the Ice Hotel when I am rich and famous (or at least rich). Not likely to happen, but it is super cool.
I also find the thing about KindleWorlds pretty interesting. I have no interest in giving Amazon any more information than I can reasonably get away with. I feel bad enough needing to use them in order to pay for things I am kickstarting.
A recent post from Seanna Lea..[10 Tuesday] the joys of a long weekend