Linkity’s pleased that by the end of next week, we should actually have leaves on the trees in Minneapolis

Congrats to GmaMungo, who won The Fight for Identity (The Good Fight #3) by Andrew Grey for donating an ebook copy of his forthcoming m/m romance! The Fight for Identity is being released today by Dreamspinner Press.

Congrats to Suze, who won Better Than Sex (Kinky Quickies #1) by Kim Dare!  Better Than Sex will be released on May 12 by Amber Allure.


  • We might deploy the work project from hell next week! I’m not going to hold my breath, but this is as close as we’ve gotten.
  • Jeanne and I actually saw the Sock Monkey Dress long before it hit the Failblog. In fact, here’s my post about it from 2006, complete with a picture of Jeanne. (And with pictures of Mayhem as a five-month old kitten!)




Learn, Do, Think, Make


Gluten Free




Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update

  • Too stressed to read more than a couple hockey fics! 🙁

“I need to destroy something.” -Chaos

14 thoughts on “Linkity’s pleased that by the end of next week, we should actually have leaves on the trees in Minneapolis”

  1. Hoping all goes well with your work project next week.

    So many great links every week, don’t know where you find so many of them. Thanks for all of the time that you spend on these postings and for sharing them.

    Chaos was so named for a reason 😉

  2. Ouch! I have a kid entering college in the Fall. I don’t think I needed to know that there is a good chance that he may be there for six years. He better be out in 4 as I then have to pay for his younger bro.
    A recent post from Marina..Go Eagles!My Profile

  3. Finally caught up on the links 🙂

    Have to say about your additional comment:

    Maybe all authors of popular series that need to end (I’m looking at you, Janet Evanovich!) should do the last book as a Choose Your Own Adventure…

    Isn’t that the one where Stephanie either finally gets killed (probably with a cake if there is any justice in the world) and Ranger and Morelli finally get together ?? 🙂

    Have a good weekend!
    A recent post from Kate..Little things……..a round up post….My Profile

  4. Sorry to hear the work project from hell is living up to its name… *hugs* If it helps, all I’m reading is FCR…

    I had to click on your link about the sock puppet dress…as May as a kitten is too cute to pass up 🙂
    A recent post from orannia..My Little SecretMy Profile

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