Linkity limps along (and I’ve probably already used that title)

Congrats to Annie, who won If It Flies (Market Garden #3) by L.A. Witt and Aleksandr Voinov! If It Flies will be released by Riptide Publishing on March 11.

Work continues to be busy and mentally exhausting. Someday… someday this project will be deployed. Hopefully during my lifetime.




Do, Think, Make, Learn

  • Will we end up with gluten-free shampoo labels in the US? (I know the science on this gets weird, in that gluten molecules are too large to be absorbed through skin, but I also know that I get itchy if I accidentally buy shampoo/conditioner without looking at the label and it turns out to have gluten in it. YMMV.)




Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update

  • Hockey fics… and no one is surprised at all. 🙂

“Hmm. I wonder what this thing tastes like?” -Mayhem

23 thoughts on “Linkity limps along (and I’ve probably already used that title)”

  1. Thanks so much for sharing my Girl Scout Cookie “Knockoff” Recipe roundup! And I appreciate you sharing your own personal reaction to skin care products with gluten. One study actually showed that gf folks suffered consequences from skin care products despite the ongoing dismissal of the possibility from the medical community. Nothing should have more bearing on what we put in and on our bodies than our individual reactions so, again, thank you for sharing that with all. So much that’s wonderful to check out here today! Will start with the funnies … like the cat photos, which I’m sure I’ve seen, but still will appreciate. 😉

    Happy Friday!

  2. Eat and report, Mayhem.
    Sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether something is GF or not and I, therefore, end up paying the price an error in judgement.

  3. Charles Schulz was a true Renaissance man…there was an exhibition in San Jose about his Beethoven-themed Peanuts strips, and apparently he put in all these in-jokes that only a real music expert/Beethoven buff would know. (The snippets of notes they’d show above Schroeder’s head? Always a specific Beethoven work, and always chosen to tie in to the strip. And the one time he printed the music upside down? Also for a reason. Wow.)

    I found a couple of favorite links myself scoping through LJ’s Hockeypedia “News and Nifty Things” this week. This interview with NHL trainer Ben Prentiss has tidbits that are both informative (apparently going gluten-free has helped a lot of his clients) and fun (Tampa Bay’s Martin St. Louis was a gymnast?):

    And I’m truly ashamed of how in love I am with the following article, even before its jaw-dropping slashing of my two favorite NHL boys of all time (who are back on the same team now, by the way!) seals the deal:–nhl.html

  4. I like article about Dragonriders and other mainstream instances of same sex relationships in literature. YA novels are getting better about adding that element, which I think is important given how much teens and tweens are going through in figuring out their sexuality amidst all of the bullying.

    As for the gluten free labels, that to me makes a lot of sense. Even careful people are putting their hands on their face and around their mouths enough that there could be accidental transfer otherwise.
    A recent post from Seanna Lea..[10 Tuesday] thank goodness for MarchMy Profile

  5. Hope your work project is deployed successfully soon!
    Thanks for the linkity. I want to go find uranium, right after I eat a Dr. Seuss cake.

    May, computers do not taste good, but you might try licking the screen all over if you are trying to get Chris to put the computer away.
    A recent post from Brenda..Green Hat, Greens, and Spring FlowersMy Profile

  6. Wow, I did not know Charles Schulz was from Minnesota… I think I may have the guac and egg (with g/f toast though) for dinner. Sounds so.good.

    I’ve seen some g/f labeling for shampoo and other body products, and it really does make sense. I’ve not had a problem, however there are many people with varying degrees of sensitivities where this would be beneficial. However… mainstream companies are only now getting on the silicone/paraben free bandwagon, so our best bet is to keep supporting the smaller companies who make the effort to produce these g/f products.
    A recent post from Brigitte..Malcolm Is A PoetMy Profile

  7. The overly optimistic book titles are hilarious, and I soo want the job of oil pourer at the Turkish wrestling! 🙂

  8. I don’t find it odd at all that gluten shampoo makes you itch — seems like the molecules would not have to enter your body, just touch it. Test: tape a slice of bread to your arm and see how long until you break out.
    A recent post from kmkat..Look! I found some links!My Profile

  9. Thank you for the linkity!

    Hockey fics… and no one is surprised at all. 🙂

    Well…no…but then no one would probably be surprised by me reading Sterek this morning *grin*

    May – not good…not good at all!
    A recent post from orannia..The Bear EssentialsMy Profile

  10. Two of my favorite bookstores are in barns! Wonder if they have any of those overly optimistic titles. 😀

    LOVE the Seattle Police Department tweet! That was awesome! 😀

  11. I loved the Daily Show episode with Neil Degrasse Tyson! Great stuff.

    Pern was absolutely my first introduction to same sex couples – EVERYWHERE, not just in fiction. And it was handled so matter of factly that I’ve never had an issue with it, period.

    I heard about those LEGO on the highway. Amazing.

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