Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 147th (What the Hell Is That on the Ceiling Guy)

Congrats to elaing8, who won Substitute Heart by Summer Michaels!

Congrats to Rita and Kathleen, who won Moonstruck (Lucky Moon #3) by Piper Vaughn and M.J. OÒ€ℒShea! Moonstruck will be released January 1 by Loose Id.

No post on Tuesday, January 1 – holiday! Happy New Year to all of you. πŸ™‚

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting What the Hell Is That on the Ceiling Guy (WTHITOTCG).


got together with

in the

to sing

, they thought they were all too well

to worry about its

… but it turned out to be

misplaced – they could not

when relying on

, who confessed, “

, the

you feel is the result of me

and completing the

. Now, hush, it’s time for

, and action!”

That was… dizzying. πŸ˜€

“Nooooooooooooooooooo more naughty boys, Mom! I mean it!!!!” -Mayhem

20 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 147th (What the Hell Is That on the Ceiling Guy)”

  1. Haha, clever! I see they tried to disguise him on the cover of Blood Sacrament. Makes me want to draw mustaches on a few, or scribble in some body hair, so they won’t be jealous of the one who got jazzed up a bit.
    Love your story line!

  2. Ha ha! I’ve never seen this guy before, at least as far as I know, in this pose he’s unrecognisable. That blood on his neck on ‘Blood Sacraments’ is sooo fake!

    Happy New Year and best wishes for 2013. :o)

  3. Well, shucks. I hate these One Pose Wonders. Whatever it is on that ceiling, I hope it splats right in his eye!

    Hope your New Year is happy, prosperous and filled with naughty cats.

  4. Someone exceeded the two naked headless gym bunny torso per bookcover minimum here. WTHITOTC took them over the edge on would have otherwise been a truly exceptional cover. Not.

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