Linkity’s a little sparse this week – it was pretty quiet online, plus I’ve felt rather vegetative.
- New releases and more: Fiction Vixen (romances) and AAR (best romance audiobooks of 2012)
- Book and publishing news from Dear Author.
- Sign a petition to appoint John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats to be the US Poet Laureate. (via Largehearted Boy)
- If you’re a mystery fan, I hope you’re familiar with Stop, You’re Killing Me! It’s a fabulous resource for finding new things to read or just figuring out the order of books in a series.
- Make yourself a TARDIS bookcase. (via The Mary Sue)
- According to Pew Internet, the number of Americans reading ebooks is increasing and tablet ownership surpassed ereader ownership in 2012.
- Some ways in which ereaders are better than tablets. I’d add reading outside to the list as well.
Think, Do, Make, Learn
Cool or Wha…?
- Hobbit feet socks. (via The Mary Sue)
- Chaos?!?!?
Teh Cute
- Opossum and babies! Kittens! Kitten! Baby lions! Sugar glider! Cheetah and babies! Baby okapi! Kitten!
Reading Update
Hockey fics, FTW!
Blood on the Ice by AM Riley. ebook short. reread. Very good short paranormal m/m romance about a hockey player who gets bitten by a vampire.
How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You by Matthew Inman. Pretty good collection of The Oatmeal’s cat-themed comics. I knew someone would get me this for Christmas… it was my brother.
(Or, per the gift tag, his cat Riley, who happens to be Chaos’ mom…)
“Feedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedme!” -Chaos
Yeah let’s not get the hobbit socks
A recent post from blodeuedd..Review: Ashes of Honor – Seanan McGuire
Chaos, you are such a pain in the er um….you’re a one note wonder!
A recent post from margene..And it Was a Merry One!
I loved the talk with Adam Savage. Very cool.
A recent post from Seanna Lea..Do you want to buy a duck?
Lots of interesting links once again. The celiac study is interesting.
A recent post from Kristi aka FiberFool..10 on Tuesday – Favorite Holiday Albums
Tardis bookcase
A recent post from mrspao..2012 Knits
Linkity – YAH! Thank you! I’ve forwarded the Tardis Bookshelf on to a friend who I think might like it
And thank you for adding the link to the M/M Romance Challenge…although should that not be 2013? *grin*
Hm. Wondering if I should change the button to something different from last year’s…
A recent post from orannia..The 2013 M/M Romance Challenge
The TARDIS bookshelf is AWESOME!!!! I sssssooooo want one! You always find the best DW stuff and I thank you for that! Have a wonderful weekend!!!!
A recent post from Joder..Review for The First Real Thing by Cat Grant
D’oh – thanks for the head’s up, orannia. Fixed!
Also, new button! New button! New button!
OOoh. That NASA book is very sexy. *stares*
Definitely keep Chaos away from Santa.
A recent post from Cheryl S…Utah Sky Scarf 2012
Poor starving kitty!
And I love that ring box.

A recent post from Nicole..Christmas Surprises!