Congrats to Alder, who won Little Stalker (College Fun & Gays #4) by Erica Pike!
Congrats to Joanne B, who won Soups and Diners by Alex Whitehall!
Congrats to laurie, who won the Winter Warmers anthology!
Congrats to Paula, who won The Prince of Galerir (The Galerir Saga #1) by Anna Lee!
No Misadventure on Monday and no post on Tuesday as I take a little break. Happy holidays!
- Shawn Lane’s giving away an ebook copy of one of her backlist books to five commenters. Closes 5 pm PST, December 21.
- Joyfully Jay’s giving away an ebook copy of Countdown to Santa by K-Lee Klein. Closes 11:59 pm EST, December 21.
- Blodeuedd’s having a dual contest – you can enter to win a copy of Seal at Heart by Anne Elizabeth or one of two autographed copies of Anne Elizabeth’s graphic novel, The Power Play. Closes December 30. US & Canada.
- Sloan Parker’s giving away an ebook copy of her forthcoming How to Save a Life and a $25 gift certificate to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or ARe. Contest closes 11:59 pm EST, January 1, and up to six winners will be selected, based on the number of comments.
- New releases and more: Fiction Vixen (various types of romance)
- Book and publishing news from Dear Author.
- Reading options for people with vision impairments. (Thanks, kmkat!)
Think, Make, Do, Learn
- Maybe conventional hairball treatments for cats are all wrong. (Thanks, Jeanne!)
- Science discovers that money can buy happiness… if you spend it wisely.
- After much ado, Instagram reverts back to its original Terms of Service for the advertising section. If you’d like to get rid of your Instagram account anyway, here’s how to back up your pictures and delete your account.
- The Matrix is one of the films being added to the National Film Registry this year. (That makes me feel old…)
- TARDIS needle gauge. (via knittyBlog)
Cool or Wha…?
- I took this photo in a shop in my neighborhood – click to embiggen:
- 21 British people problems. (Thanks, Jenre!)
- Gandalf’s little dwarf problem… (Heh.) (via The Mary Sue)
Teh Cute
- Klipspringer! ZooBorns’ top 25 posts! Hedgies! Baby panda! Dolphin and baby! Baby pandas! Black kitten! Baby jaguars! Baby otter! Lion and baby! Daisy! More Daisy! Baby panda! Naughty kitties in a Christmas tree!
Reading Update
Hockey fics, FTW!
“I was totally here first!!” -Mayhem
“Whatever.” -Chaos
Hey Chris. Have a great Christmas – hope the boys behave themselves! I always check three places in my 10 quiet mins before breakfast/school runs kick in (or today, cleaning the living room!) and yours in one, so thanks for all your hard work over the year. Enjoy!
So have your kitties kissed and made up? They look uneasily cosy in the pic :).
Loved the lego links today!
A recent post from Jenre..Review: Room at the Edge by Jane Davitt and Alexa Snow
Those cats look well settled for the holidays

A recent post from Clare London..Pithy, but true …
Happy Holidays
I don’t have time to read the linkities until after Christmas tho
Those cats looks cosy and adorable, are they friends again?
The British People problems – Yep, spot on.
I tend to be slightly embarrassed when I post something on my blog, in case I’m disturbing someone
Have a great Christmas!
Chaos and May look cute together hopefully they are getting along. Wishing you and them happy holidays
Lots of interesting Linkity today – but pssst – the hairball link isn’t working.
Yay! for the new to me Simon’s Cat.
Wishing you and the kitties big naps this holiday.
Hairball link fixed – thanks!
Chaos, do you know it’s the time of sharing and giving?
I wonder if the candy canes are GF?
A recent post from margene..Hubby and His Hanukkah Hat
Chris- I liked the British People Problems-
I also would buy the bacon candy canes, just for the tin.
And the kitties do look angelic.
A recent post from Lorraine..Ten On Tuesday-Pictures!!!
I’m thinking this whole bacon thing has gone a bit far… Bacon candy canes? *sigh* Love the book fort graphic. Thanks for the diversions this morning!
A recent post from Kristi aka FiberFool..10 on Tuesday – Favorite Holiday Albums
Totally wanting the Harkness bathrobe
A recent post from blodeuedd..Review: Grave Dance – Kalayna Price
Being English , I can greatly sympathise with the persons having British problems
I think the lego purse has potential. If the pegs were on the bottom and they had small zippers on top, then they could be used as storage for things that always fall into the bottom of a purse.
A recent post from Seanna Lea..the most wonderful time
Looks like the kitties are getting along better (?)
I definitely will not plan on seeing The Hobbit in anything but 2D.
A recent post from Cheryl S…Tenaceous
Thanks again for all the great links! Entered some contests I didn’t know about and squealed over the Doctor Who stuff (since I’m an obsessed fan). Have a wonderful Christmas to you and the kitties!!!!!
A recent post from Joder..Book Tour for Vigilante of Shadows by Miranda Stork (Guest Post & GIVEAWAY)
Aw, it’s so nice to see those two hanging out together! How cute are those baby jaguars?!!
Oh man, those g/f bars sound so good…mmm, lemon bars. Love me some lemon bars!
A recent post from Brigitte..Malcolm Is A Poet
awww~ snuggly kitties!
Have a good holiday!
I love the picture of the babies as well as all those lovely books in the background.
Nice to see the kitties getting along again (and hopefully you’re all healed up, too). And about that bacon candy? Don’t. Ugh. I tried the bacon jelly beans and I shudder now every time I so much as see the tin they came in. Ew.
Merry Christmas Chris.
Happy holidays Chris
And thanks for another great linkity.
Kidlet would be all over those bacon candy canes. Bacon + candy = her fav foods.
Hope you have a great holiday!
A recent post from Ava..The Next Big Thing blog hop – All In With the Duke
My first linkity in ages! *happy dancing*
Happy Holidays!
A recent post from orannia..The Good Fight (Andrew Grey)
I’m totally up for trying bacon candy canes
I’m going to make some bacon jam over Christmas (seriously!) Sadly, the penguins contain cream cheese so I won’t be able to make them for pao.
Those British-isms were hilarious! I liked the last minute presents ever such a lot. The map coasters on that site were a great idea.
A recent post from mrspao..Christmas Stan
Merry Christmas, Chris, May and Chaos (look at them being so peaceful ;))
A recent post from Janna..Merry Christmas!
My kitties both follow me into the bathroom, every time!
And yay for kitties hanging out together! Along the same line, I witnessed Harley licking Allie’s ears a couple days ago, which I had never seen happen before…
Merry Christmas to you and Chaos and May!
(And this is weird – I’m posting right after another Janna….)
A recent post from janna..Where the heck have I been?
Yay friendly kitties!
Also: no bacon candy for me, thank you.
A recent post from Nicole..Christmas Surprises!