2008 in Review: Knitting

Many, many thanks to everyone who left a comment for Delurking Day! It was great fun to hear from those of you I “know” as well as those of you new to me.

It won’t surprise anyone to discover that my knitting accomplishments were fewer than my reading accomplishments, for a total of 44.5 projects. 🙂

14 pairs of socks
1.5 afghans (since Jeanne and I each knit half of the afghan for my neighbor, Carol)
1 pair mittens
1 large and 1 small notebook cover
1 string bag (need to make straps shorter, alas)
1 dodecahedron
1 java jacket
approximately 24 bibs

What I really need to do? Pull out my shaped cardi and finish weaving in the ends! However, Jeanne can atest to the fact that there are a shocking number of ends, due to Mayhem’s snickity-snick teeth (bad kitty) and to knitting with seconds. I should also finish my scrunchable scarf, which may or may not be nearly done – it’s been on extended hiatus while I decide whether to start a new ball of yarn or simply finish it.

“I know what my favorite project of the year was.” -Chaos

“It was that spiffy cat bed Mom made just for me!” -Chaos

“But I haven’t seen it for a long time… I wonder where it is?” -Chaos

33 thoughts on “2008 in Review: Knitting”

  1. There appear to be no pictures on your blog of the shaped cardi or the scrunchable scarf. Apparently the kitties are not sufficiently interested in those to pose with them?

  2. You gave away Chaos’s bed! Poor Chaos!

    You got a lot knit! I think due to Mayhem’s naughtiness concerning her teeth and yarn, she should be sole bib model for SoC in 2009.

  3. Weaving in ends? Come on – you can do that while you’re listening to music – or reading if you’ve now mastered the “reading while knitting” pattern!

  4. Wow- I have one project finished for 2009 – a martini dish cloth – I have a long way to go to hit 44! My cats would prefer a quilt but maybe happy with a nice, knitted blanket as well. If they would ever stay off my lap long enough for me to work on either but I must admit I heart the cat love!

  5. Chaos does look quite splendid on that blanket. Maybe you’ll knit him one for Christmas next year.

    Don’t forget the kazillion adorable cat pictures you took! Not to mention the fabulous neighborhood snaps.

  6. Are you sure you don’t need to get busy and knit Chaos a blanket? 😉

    You’re ahead of me in knitting too. I’m not sure what last year, but it didn’t seem to involve much knitting or reading. I think I just started a bunch of knitting projects that I never finished.

  7. Well I didn’t read any blogs on delurking day… so I’ll say Hi! here instead. I LOVE that blanket. Love love love it. Want one bigger for me… Looks like a great way to get rid of a skein of this and a skein of that.

    Here’s a knitting “goal” for me… though not necessarily for any particular year. More it’s an idea of something I want to create, and the medium changes over time. Originally it was in clay, then I thought (now that I’m away from clay and with fiber) felted, and now I’m thinking lace, then armored somehow (fiberglass?)… A dinoflagellate, seen in the bottom center of Haeckel’s drawing (gooogle dinophyceae, you want the wikipedia page). Cool thing, eh? Don’t you see it as an iron pot in a yurt?

  8. Even though I know what would happen, I just want to pick him up and bury my nose in his shiny, shiny fur.
    Sorry, Chaos.

  9. what a great list, I refused to do one this year.

    Now, tell the truth are you keepingn warm! -6 with -26 windchill today for your area. The funny thing is Fairbanks, AK had a high of 34, yes that is 34 above 0.

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