From Somewhere in New Mexico

Some stray thoughts from my vacation so far…

  • Post title shamelessly stolen from “Somewhere in New Mexico” by Jill Sobule.
  • I attended the second year of GayRomLit.
  • Meeting people I’ve clicked with online always amazes me with how comfortable and not strange it feels.
  • Why doesn’t it work like that for online dating?!
  • Reconnecting with MsM (Tina) was very cool – it’s probably best that she doesn’t live near me because we’d get into a lot of trouble.
  • Likewise with Clare London.
  • Oh, the stories we could tell… but won’t. 🙂
  • Cole gives fabulous hugs.
  • Val Kovalin is awesomesauce.
  • So is Mr Val.
  • Especially since he didn’t seem to hold a grudge when tipsy Val and tipsy me were singing (badly) all the earwormy songs I could think of as Mr Val drove us back to their house one night.
  • Oh, come on, you know you know all the words to “Brother Love’s Travelling Salvation Show”.
  • Val and I bring out the smart in each other, so we have the best discussions.
  • If you’re gluten-free and travelling in northern New Mexico, you absolutely must go to Paisano’s for pizza, pasta, dessert, and beer.
  • I had a lot of doubts about the venue for GayRomLit, but it turned out to be a really good location.
  • The deli in the casino makes a great green chile cheese burger on a hard taco shell.
  • Tequila (via margaritas) now seems to trigger migraines, even when consumed in moderate amounts.
  • Flourless chocolate cake with a hint of chile is very tasty.
  • I think I went all fangirly over Marshall Thornton.
  • Fortunately he was very gracious about that.
  • I miss my kitties.
  • I’m bummed that I never got a chance to talk to Eric Arvin for more than a couple of minutes.
  • Heidi Cullinan totally has my gluten-free back covered.
  • James Buchanan and Ally Blue make delightful lunch companions.
  • It’s dangerous to shop with Ally.
  • And definitely don’t ask her about the armpit rash from her crutches…
  • The Halloween cabaret show put on by the New Mexico Gay Men’s Chorus (My Big Undead Gay Wedding) was completely wonderful.
  • Edmond Manning and I are far too good at cracking each other up.
  • Since he lives in Minneapolis, we very well could get into a lot of trouble. 🙂
  • Having a rental car with an auxiliary jack for my mp3 player makes me very happy.
  • Having my tablet decide it doesn’t want to accept a charge any more makes me very sad.
  • I’m glad I dragged Kuroi Neko along.
  • Still addictively reading hockey fics.
  • Back to vacationing!

30 thoughts on “From Somewhere in New Mexico”

  1. Val and Mr. Val thought you were awesome, too! 😀 You and I had some of the best conversations. And just look at all the amazing details you remembered from the GRL! (This post is going to help me organize my post.) Glad you’re still having a great vacation! 😀

  2. It was fun! Is that last picture Edmond? I heard he traumatized clown-phobic people one evening. I’m sorry I missed it 🙂

  3. I’m glad you’re having fun but am totally jealous that you’re at GRLIT, It sounds like you’ve run into some amazing authors (as I knew they would be) and gaining some memorable experiences. Now just don’t forget to bring home some goodies for your kitties so they forgive you for being gone. A little bribery goes a long way!
    A recent post from Joder..Review for Tempt Me by Olivia CunningMy Profile

  4. Sounds like a great time! I find tequila and migraines depends for me a lot on the brand, which is actually scarier than it just being the tequila. Hope the rest of your vacation lives up to the beginning!
    A recent post from Brenda..Projects, Part 1My Profile

  5. I would be skeptical about that venue, too. Glad it is working out. A green chile cheeseburger sounds yummy, as does the flourless chocolate cake w/ chile. Next time I am in Albuquerque, it’s Paisano’s all the way.

    I weep for your margarita experience.
    A recent post from kmkat..Ten on Tuesday: candy!My Profile

  6. Hey, be glad I didn’t SHOW you the armpit rash! LOL.

    I had a fabulous time lunching and shopping with you. And I owe you a drink for being my sherpa <3

    Sorry about the migraine. Ugh. I feel your pain.

  7. Great post 😀

    Edmond Manning had an hilarious post a few months ago about going in disguise to get his driving (or do you say driver’s) license photo taken, so goodness knows what the two of you might get up to!!!

  8. This is what happens when I comment before reading ALL of your posts. Ah well, I am only smart like part of the time;) BTW I am proposed on a project in the MN area in January. We shall see if it happens.

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