Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 136th (Welcome back, Too Smooth Guy!)

Congrats to Laura, who won the Hearts of England anthology by RJ Scott, Meredith Russell, Chris Quinton, Lisa Worrall, Sue Brown, & SA Meade! Hearts of England was released by Silver Publishing on September 15.

Congrats to Brandi, who won Holding On by Em Woods! Holding On is being released today by Total-E-Bound.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with the always busy Too Smooth Guy.



to fulfill his

was shattered by


, and

as he was suddenly


. No longer one of the

, he tried to ignore the

as he prepared for

under the

, hoping that he’d find a

with his


Oh oh. That almost made sense…

“I stick my tongue out at you, naughty boys!! You are so… naughty!!” -Mayhem

12 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 136th (Welcome back, Too Smooth Guy!)”

  1. I wonder if Too Smooth Guy does a twice a week wax and buff. Do you think he would share his regimen? I would love for my legs to be that smooth!

  2. I frequently RANT. RANT RANT! about the over waxed body-builder types on m/m and other covers. Somebody need to put a stop to it! I love how we can see a collection of “Too Smooth Guy” and his consistently awful covers. BAD! BAD BAD!

    There are scores of young graphic design graduates who would love some work. There are many attractive models, who wear shirts and don’t wax so hard, who are willing to pose for book covers,

    I am willing to do free art direction and consulting, should anyone ask. Rant, etc.

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