Linkity and a larch walk into a bar…

Congrats to Melinda, who won Owner of My Heart (Mending the Rift #2) by Valentina Heart! Owner of My Heart (Mending the Rift #2) will be released by Silver Publishing on July 14.




Think, Do, Learn, Make





Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Simple Justice (Benjamin Justice #1) by John Morgan Wilson. Very good gay mystery set in the mid-90s about a former newspaper reporter who’s been working the occasional freelance job to make ends meet since it came out he’d fabricated the story for which he won a Pulitzer. When his former editor tracks him down about working on a story, he doesn’t want to… but he slowly gets sucked in.
Revision of Justice (Benjamin Justice #2) by John Morgan Wilson. Very good gay mystery in which Ben gets pulled into researching a Hollywood story that turns out to be very convoluted, but gives him the chance to face some of his own demons… or flee again.
Justice at Risk (Benjamin Justice #3) by John Morgan Wilson. Very good, but very dark, gay mystery in which Ben meets two very different but compelling men, gets some work putting together a documentary on risky sex, and is drawn into investigating yet another convoluted and dangerous situation. This was dark enough that I need to take a bit of a break from the series…
Every Minute (Max & Skyler #3) by Acer Adamson. ebook short. Very good short m/m romance that manages to cover both Max and Skyler meeting, plus meeting each other’s parents.
One Day at a Time by Dawn Douglas. ebook short. Very good short m/m romance about a DEA agent on assignment to a small town police force who decides to help a cop depressed about having had to kill a teen gang member.
Making Camp by Clare London. free ebook short. Cute short m/m romance about two guys who work together and are attracted to each other, but don’t do anything about it until the Country Mouse asks the City Mouse to go camping with him.
Healer (The Institute #1) by Cassandra Gold. ebook. reread. Very good m/m paranormal romance about a doctor who can heal people with his mind. Bad guys who want to capture him and use his power for their own ends are closing in on him when a purportedly good guy offers him a way out.
Touch (The Institute #2) by Cassandra Gold. ebook. Good paranormal m/m romance about a member of the Delphic Institute who gets captured by a rival organization. When escaping, he takes a hostage and everything starts to change.
Phoenix Rising by Theo Fenraven. ebook. arc. Good m/m paranormal romance about an NYC cop and his partner who are investigating a series of mysterious deaths. When the evidence leads them toward a charismatic singer, things start to get really weird…
Au Bon Pain by Lee Patton. ebook short. Poignant short story about a guy who has the chance to reconnect with his first love – the first love who dumped him and vanished.
The Good Life by Diana DeRicci. ebook. Cute m/m romance about a guy who suddenly finds himself a single parent with a baby daughter when he’d just planned to be the sperm donor. When his best friend offers them a place to live and help with the baby, things get a bit complicated. This had some very oddly phrased bits that seemed to need more editorial attention.
Roadside Assistance by Heidi Champa. ebook short. Pretty good short m/m romance about a week in the life of two friends who carpool together…
Laurel Heights by Lisa Worrall. ebook. Ok m/m romantic suspense two closeted cops who have to go undercover as a gay couple in a small, exclusive gay community in order catch a killer. The plot was implausible, the writing was over-the-top at times, and the epilogue changed it from neatly tied up into a cliffhanger.

“This is my new kitty bed, not a shopping bag! Silly Mom.” -Mayhem

14 thoughts on “Linkity and a larch walk into a bar…”

  1. LOVE the quotes from fathers about having daughters – absolutely wonderful!

    And the Yarnworthy flow chart cracked me up. I need one of those for cross stitching! 😉

    As for the Starbucks inside a funeral home, I can’t imagine that the typical smell of a funeral home would coexist well with the scent of lattes. *Ick*
    A recent post from Bronwyn Green..Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity JigMy Profile

  2. Oy. It takes me more than 20 minutes just to get through all the linkity every week. I guess I need a timer.

    I’m very glad to have the info on the Dinosaur sex. It’s been keeping me up at night wondering how they did it.
    A recent post from Cheryl S…FO: Stripe StudyMy Profile

  3. Great to see your review of John Morgan Wilson’s Benjamin Justice mysteries. I serially inhaled those books when I found them.

  4. *peeks head out and waves*

    Saw the “sedentary study” and while yay LSU!! I know I am the target audience thanks to my glamourous desk job 🙁

    The calibre article is interesting – those highlights are distracting sometimes.

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