Look! Over there! Kitty tummy! (aka I got nothin’ here)

Happy Solstice, belatedly! Spring can’t come soon enough – I’ve had enough of winter already. Friday night and Saturday it snowed. Sunday it was bitterly cold and windy. The kitties and I hung out. I finished a few last minute present details. The kitties napped. I read. The kitties napped. I knitted. The kitties napped. You get the picture. ๐Ÿ™‚

Here’s a little kitty nap action. Can’t you just feel the excitement?!

*zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……..* -Mayhem

32 thoughts on “Look! Over there! Kitty tummy! (aka I got nothin’ here)”

  1. Yup. That sounds about the same as it was here. Snow. Cold. Snow. Cold. Yikes! It was -17C here on Saturday. Longjohn and plug in your car weather.

    Kitty tummy! *pat pat pat*

  2. The way the wind whipped the snow around, is there any wonder that those of us living in the Midwestern Tundra choose to stay indoors? When it gets this cold, my kitties act like best buddies all snuggled up together.

  3. I’m ready for Spring too; this is getting crazy. We had snow Friday and Saturday and then again yesterday; not to mention the snow midweek and last week’s ice storm. Enough already!

  4. I have such bad cabin fever it’s not funny. Friday it snowed all day. Saturday it snowed all morning. Yesterday it snowed from noon to…well, it was still raging when I went to bed at 10. We have about two and a half feet, I’d say.

    And the best part? There’s more coming!

  5. It went from being spring-like here to being 20 degrees tonight.. the weather here in Georgia is apparently being decided by roulette. I stopped at the book store on the way to an xmas party and picked up books for me (!!) and munchkin, so we’ll be spending the day in front of the fireplace reading.

  6. Excitement is overrated. I spent yesterday finishing my dad’s gift and baking a whole lot of cookies. The “excitement” today is that it’s suddenly freezing cold here (16ร‚ยบF with a windchill of 6ร‚ยบ, possibly the first day below 20ร‚ยบ this year). And I was intending to run errands…

  7. Chris- I hate to tell you, but Spring won’t be here for another 3 months.

    I also regret to inform you that you live in Minnesota. I don’t hear any kitty complaints.

  8. You have been hammered so far this December. The entire upper Midwest has. I’m sorry. Stay warm, dry and safe. And, napping kitties are the norm this time of year, aren’t they? We have one that’s sleeping about 20 hours a day right now. She’s a thrill!

  9. My weekend echoes the kitty napping/knitting/reading theme as well. After spending an hour and a half (with frequent warmup breaks) extracting my car from a one-inch layer of ice just so I could drive two blocks to get a vital gallon of life-giving milk, I decided Christmas-Schmistmas–I’m staying home. Never mind the gifts remaining to be purchased. I’m done. I’m not moving from the couch until spring, save for the milk trips.

    If the mailman hadn’t delivered to my door today, I probably wouldn’t know until sometime in March after the thaw that your very generous caption prize had arrived! Thank you so much for the day-brightener, and pictures will be posted soon!

  10. We’ve had lots of rain instead of snow and widely fluctuating temperatures. It was in the 60s a couple of days ago. Last night it was 17. The kitty napping action continued here, no matter what the temperature.

  11. That sounds like the perfect day!

    Or should I say, purrfect?

    It always seems strange to me that winter doesn’t officially begin until the days start getting longer.

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