Signs of the city

Welcome to everyone who managed to find us after our move yesterday – thanks for the kind words about our new home! Please be patient while I get familiar with WordPress – there will be lots of tweaking for a while.

I was wandering around my neighborhood recently and I noticed a lot of Project Spectrumesque signs.

Ok, this sign isn’t blue… but it’s the iconic emblem of Uptown, Minneapolis (and look at how blue the sky is!) – the Uptown Theater. However, the Lagoon Cinema just down the street does have a blue sign:


The YWCA used to have blue awnings, which would’ve been perfect for PS June, right?! Nope. They recently changed the color (after PS April, alas):

Uptown has many cafes.

I live in the Lowry Hill East neighborhood, which is also known as “The Wedge” due to its pie slice shape.

“Check out the new digs! I’m glad I didn’t have to carry of the heavy stuff when we moved.”

29 thoughts on “Signs of the city”

  1. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. I love seeing what other blogers live near and see in their neighborhoods. I love that Uptown sign, very cool. 🙂

    Love the new home, by the way!

  2. Looking good! 🙂 I have updated you on my sidebar but stupid blog-city takes forever to update that stuff for some reason…

    What does Chaos think of the move? 😉

  3. *testing* I could see the entire blog today, weird! But a relief…. I love your pictures! And please, Chaos! Hard labor? Hard labor is walking to the food dish, right?

  4. Wahoo, nice new blog digs. : ) Thank you very much for your recent post about reading & knitting. I already “naturally” read and knit at the same time because I use captioned TV. My problem alwas has been how to keep my books open for reading when they’re mostly busy with sticks and yarn. I finally saw your pictures of the much renowned ReadUpon; that looks perfect, such a shame they aren’t around now. I’ll check out the others you linked. : )

  5. Oh I love the new site. WordPress, huh. I have just about had it with blogger as well. Yesterday, I could only upload one photo. So annoying.

  6. I like the new place! Good to see that Chaos is settling in, too. 😉

    I think the Y is just trying to thwart Project Spectrum participants.

  7. success!

    sweet new digs yo.

    hope you and chaos is happy at ya new home man!
    loveing this project spectrum thing in the outdoors… wish i had jumped on the bandwagon much sooner.
    is it too late????

  8. Hanging out in Uptown was always a great pastime in the 1980s, sounds like it still is. I still think it’s one of the hippest neighborhoods ever.

    Happy new blog digs, thanks for the heads up on how to find the comment function!

  9. I love whatching the new place evolve! Welcome to WP! I think you’ll like it a lot once you get the hang of it.

    I think a couple of your signs looked familiar. BTW, have any decently priced hotel recommendations for near the Hennepin Theater District? I had a bad experience choosing a hotel sight unseen on the Internet at Christmas…

  10. Nice new frame here :o) Come on, Chaos didn’t even have to carry his own mouse collection, did he?

    Pretty sign pics, and what cool wiki links Uptown has! Thanks!

  11. Phew – couldn’t find the comment spot and thought you had turned it off just for me. Must just be the colors. Love the new site. As always, we depend on you to forge the new frontiers and learn the new stuff so we don’t have to do the hard stuff. Such a self sacrificer you are!

  12. Nice template, very clean looking… although it took me a bit to figure out how to comment (okay, still tired, must fire up brain. caffeine?)

    Did you know I used to work at the Uptown? Back in the heyday of Rocky Horror, before the renovation. In those days the ticket desk was right out in the lobby, no glass partition between me and the madding crowd. One time that rowdy crowd actually *pushed the doors into the lobby*… right off the hinges. It tells you something about my Awesomely Stern Gaze of Doom (I was born to be a Mom), that even that crowd immediately and sheepishly lined up in single file to get their tickets…

    I loved living in Uptown. I love the Uptown Theater. And the sign *does* rock!

  13. Welcome to the WordPress world. That is what I use, but it looks like you have it under control with cool templates etc. Hope SRM and TRT made the move OK or Chaos will be a grumpy boy.


  14. Wow you guys have a lot of neat signs there in that crazy and wild city. My favorite Minnesota story, on our honeymoon my husband and I went to the Apple Valley Zoo. While they we road the monorail. This little kid in our car, about 3, kept shouting at the top of his lungs “Mini Soda” now we weren’t sure if he was just a little bit thirsty or indeed did mean to be yelling about the State he was in, namely Minnesota.

  15. Thanks for posting re: how to leave comments!! We have an Uptown shopping center too. Looks like the same vintage. It has an Uptown Theater. Also is the location of one of our LYSs. I’ll see if I can share some pics with you.

  16. The Minneapple has some awesome random artwork. I hope I get a chance to visit someday (in summer of course :o) ) Welcome to your new digs. I’m going to change my link.
    Hope you are doing well!

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