That week when linkity didn’t have a title

Congrats to Pam B, who won One Small Thing by Piper Vaughn and M.J. O’Shea! One Small Thing is being released today by Dreamspinner Press.

Congrats to Helena and Maggie, who won Gambling Men: The Novel by Amy Lane! Gambling Men will be released by Dreamspinner Press on May 7.

Congrats to Tracy F and Beth C, who won Acrobat by Mary Calmes! Acrobat will be released by Dreamspinner Press on May 7.

Congrats to Yvette, who won Rogues (Brook Street #3) by Ava March! Rogues will be released by Carina Press on May 7.




Think, Do, Make, Learn




Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
King Perry by Edmond Manning. ebook. Excellent gay fiction about taking chances, forgiving, and finding the self you lost along the way. I started reading feeling a bit resistant, because, well, it sounded kinda hokey to me from the blurb. Oh, how very wrong I was – and how very glad that I read this story. While it has romantic moments and is filled with love, it is not a romance per se, so you need to let go of your expectations about how the story will end. But rest assured that this is not like some of the other stories I’ve read in Dreamspinner’s BitterSweet line, which left me heartsick or upset about even having read the book. Highly recommended.
Out in the Field by Kate McMurray. ebook. Excellent m/m romance about a closeted baseball player nearing the end of his career who’s uncomfortably attracted to the new rookie star on the team… an attraction that turns out to be mutual.
Good Bones by Kim Fielding. ebook. Very good paranormal m/m romance about an architect who hides his unwilling werewolfism from everyone except his brother and sister-in-law. Eventually he moves to the woods, figuring it will be safer than hoping he’s able to lock himself up in time every month… but he didn’t factor in his sexy next door neighbor.
Thank My Lucky Scars by Tia Fielding. ebook short. Sweet short m/m romance about an injured bike messenger who starts to follow his favorite porn star on Twitter… and then they actually get to meet.
Manhandled by SA Reid & Rosemary O’Malley. ebook. Steamy short m/m romance about a cop who meets a young doctor in a most unusual way, giving a whole new meaning to “closeted”. Be aware that there’s dubious consent in this one.
Mind Magic by Poppy Dennison. ebook. Good paranormal m/m romance about a mage who violates the rules of his people to save some werewolf cubs being imprisoned and slowly killed by a demon. Doing so changes his life more than he could ever have imagined… I suspect there’s a sequel planned, so I won’t complain about the things left open at the end of the story. However, I did have some niggles as I read, as there were several points where things were just too convenient or inconsistent with previously provided information.
Don’t Judge a Book… by Scarlet Blackwell. ebook short. Good m/m romance about a library assistant who’s quite put out over having to deal with an unfortunately attractive guy doing community service work at the library.
Amuse Bouche (Russell Quant #1) by Anthony Bidulka. Ok gay mystery about a PI who’s hired by a jilted groom to find his missing boyfriend. Pretty sure this is the only book I’ve read that was set in Saskatoon.
Chasing Shadows by Jez Morrow. ebook. Ok paranormal m/m romance that could’ve been a five-star read if it hadn’t jumped all over the place – to the point that I’m not convinced there’s not part of a chapter missing.
Loving Arms by Marie Medina. ebook short. Meh short m/m romance about two guys who are after the same evil woman, but turn to each other instead. Choppy, repetitive writing and all tell, no show made this a painful read.

“Hmph. That bird wouldn’t be so sassy if it was on this side of the window!” -Mayhem

15 thoughts on “That week when linkity didn’t have a title”

  1. I loved the black cat auditions! It’s the 1960’s clothes and hair that I found most fascinating.

    I’ve sent the Game of Thrones in Lego link to may sister, she’s a massive fan of the series and I think she’ll get a kick out of that opening sequence :).
    A recent post from Jenre..Swapping GenresMy Profile

  2. I don’t normally use a tea bag holder but Teatanic might change my mind. My two years of Latin did not prepare me for an ATM. I can, however, still recite a paragraph about the life of Julius Caesar…great at parties.
    A recent post from Mary Lou..Launch PartyMy Profile

  3. Linkity! Hmmm…must start back slowly…. GOT in Lego! OMG! Brilliant!

    And I have Good Bones on my ARe Wish List 🙂

    May – you look like a portrat of a cat thinker 🙂 Although IMHO cats are always thinking 🙂
    A recent post from orannia..To The Moon And BackMy Profile

  4. What a coincidence that we both mentioned the same news, lol. Normally I get this kind of news from your linkities but not this time. Btw I still haven’t caught up on my sleep…

    I look forward to reading Out in the Field. And I can’t help but find the cover of the Scarlet Blackwell book cute. 🙂
    A recent post from Janna..Happy Gay Friday & 5 Reasons to Stay in BedMy Profile

  5. Awesome linkity. I think I’m going to have to try out making some vanilla extract. Love the Kindle book covers – wish I’d seen those before I got my slightly dull but functional black one.

    I wonder if you can get one of those Mason jar coffee cup converters in the UK – what a brilliant idea. I’m sure we have those jars here.

    It is fascinating to see the world in a drop of water!!
    A recent post from mrspao..Wordless Wednesday : A Wet Walk in the WoodsMy Profile

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