Linkity has eyes like limpid pools

Congrats to Morgana, who won Academic Pursuits by Lou Harper!

Congrats to Demetra, who won The Swimming Swan (Cob Brothers #2) by Stephani Hecht and Amber Kell!




Think, Do, Make, Learn




Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Cinder (A CinderFella Story) by Marie Sexton. ebook. Excellent fairy tale m/m romance based on Cinderella. It was cute and sweet and left a smile on my face.
The Rebuilding Year by Kaje Harper. ebook. arc. Excellent m/m romantic suspense about a firefighter who was seriously injured in a fire a year ago and is now going to med school. When he falls down some stairs on campus, the head groundskeeper comes to his rescue and they slowly become friends. What made this book so amazing was how it felt organic to me – the story slowly built and grew and developed… and that worked really, really well. Recommended. Comes out March 6 – and look for a contest here the week before. πŸ™‚
Beyond Moonlight (Lucky Moon 1.5) by Piper Vaughn & MJ O’Shea. free ebook collection. Excellent collection of three short stories that take place after Moonlight Becomes You, but before the forthcoming The Luckiest. The first one tied up a loose end from Moonlight, and the second two bridge into The Luckiest.
Fall into the Sun by Val Kovalin. ebook. Very good m/m romance about two guys who were best friends and then lovers when they were growing up, until one of them broke the other’s heart. It’s 20 years later – is this a second chance? Or will fear and family split them apart again?
Shattered Glass by Dani Alexander. ebook. Very good m/m romantic suspense about a guy with a fiancee and a trust fund who works as a police detective and uses humor to keep people at an emotional distance. But for some reason his defenses start to break down when he sees a beautiful young man working at a diner… wearing bunny slippers. This is one wild ride of a book! In fact, I hid in the bathroom at work to finish reading because I couldn’t wait until evening to see how things turned out. Definitely looking forward to reading the author’s next book.
First Impressions (2nd ed) by Josephine Myles. ebook short. Very good short m/m romance about an artist who becomes fascinated by the guy wearing a suit and crazy socks who he sits across from on the train every day.
Like the Taste of Summer by Kaje Harper. free ebook short. Very good short m/m romance that flashes back to how a long-term couple got together.
Tougher To Love by Diana DeRicci. ebook. Good m/m romance about a deeply closeted motorcycle mechanic who unexpectedly becomes the guardian of his teenage niece…. and fascinated by the cop who brought her back into his life.
Why Isn’t Becky Twitchell Dead? (Tom & Scott #2) by Mark Richard Zubro. Good gay mystery in which high school teacher Tom is asked to help out a student accused of murdering his girlfriend. I really enjoy the dynamic between Tom and his partner Scott.
The Only Good Priest (Tom & Scott #3) by Mark Richard Zubro. Good gay mystery about Tom and Scott getting involved in the investigation of the suspicious death of a priest who ministered to the gay community. This one was kind of all over the place…
Chicago by Shae Connor. ebook short. Good short m/m romance about a guy who finally realizes that his older, mostly long-distance boyfriend is a jerk and dumps him. And then he meets an absolute sweetheart of a guy…
Under One Roof by Diana DeRicci. ebook short. Good short m/m romance about a writer who rents out part of his house to a cop newly moved to the area. Neither is aware the other is gay as they mutually lust after each other.
Fire Balls by Tara Lain. ebook. Good m/m romance about a flamboyant artist with a crush on a hunky firefighter – a hunky firefighter who, though gay, stays away from flamboyant guys, even if he finds them attractive.
Packing Heat by Kele Moon. ebook. Steamy m/m romance about a firefighter who thinks his straight cop roommate is going to want to move after their drunken makeout session…

“So itchy!” -Chaos

20 thoughts on “Linkity has eyes like limpid pools”

  1. I take full responsibility for my Pintrest addiction -but it is a great way to keep a lot of information all organized without filling my house with paper.

    I have the Kuerig but a filter basket so I can use my own beans – LOVE IT! Also love treating myself to a K-Cup here & there –Chai Latte is 1 of my favorites and is a lot cheaper than a coffee shop.
    A recent post from cursingmama..What To Do With Rotten Walnut TreesMy Profile

  2. You always give me such a great Dr Who/sci-fi fix that starts my weekend off right. The Ferris/car commercial is a hoot and so spot-on. Thanks too for some new book ideas as I was eying a few of those.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    A recent post from Joder..Feature & Follow Friday….My Profile

  3. Teacup bookcase! How awesome πŸ™‚

    I’m not sure I’d like a bacon milkshake though… but I think Red Velvet Bark might be nice…

    The Dr Who Tube map is so clever!!
    A recent post from mrspao..Team SamMy Profile

  4. Really? Does everything have to come with ads?

    You mean women are using Pinterest? Before you know it, they will be using the rest of the internet too. πŸ˜‰

    Oh video on cleaning camera lens was very helpful.

    Hmm… 50% of my ferrets are overweight. It’s not due to treats though, just eating too much.

    That paper castle is amazing.

    Actually the duct tape roses look kind of nice. I was surprised.

    Beef jerky underwear?! I don’t think so.

    I used to have a cat that would sleep on my head.

    LOL, I had no idea baby egrets has such fuzzy heads.
    A recent post from Sydney..RIP Zoe Ferret, 2002-2011My Profile

  5. I LOVE Gaiman’s reaction to winning the award SO much. It makes me giggle every time I watch it. πŸ˜€

    My kids loved the MLP parody – not as much as they love ponies, of course, but you know…

    I could totally play the Firefly drinking game *and* I’m super excited because of reading that post, I now know that Firefly graphic novels exist. *toddles off to amazon to order*
    A recent post from Bronwyn Green..Helpful Kittehs Are HelpfulMy Profile

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