Beat Your Winter Blues Blog Tour: Favorite Winter Movie

Welcome to the April 4th stop on the Beat Your Winter Blues Blog Tour! Make sure you leave a comment for your chance to win the tour’s grand prize: a $200USD gift certificate to the e-tailer of your choice.

Don’t forget to check out Ethan Stone’s Subject 13, Clare London’s Ambush, JL Merrow’s Camwolf, or SA Meade’s Orion Rising

Coming Soon: Andrew Grey’s Legal Tender

Favorite Winter Movie

Kate McMurray
When I was thinking about all of my favorite movies, I realized almost all of them take place during the summer and/or in California (and, glancing over my DVD shelf, it looks like a lot of them are teen movies from the 90s, hmm). One of my favorite movies, though, may not count as a winter-themed movie per se, but it takes place during a time of year when it’s certainly cold enough to wear coats and scarves. It’s the musical Once, which came out a few years ago. If you’ve never seen it – stop what you’re doing and go rent it! Okay, I’ll tell you about it: it’s the story of a guy who busks on the streets of Dublin and a girl who is down on her luck; they meet and literally make beautiful music together. The music is amazing – one of the best movie soundtracks ever, if you’re into folksy acoustic music, which is kind of my sweet spot – and the story is heartbreaking, and the whole thing is beautiful. I heartily recommend it.

Heidi Cullinan
My favorite winter movie is Mystery, Alaska. It stars Russell Crowe before he was RUSSELL CROWE and is about this local hockey team that ends up playing a game against a pro team. It’s so small town and quirky and so full of winter that I watch it in the summer whenever it’s too hot to think.

Lara Brukz
My favorite winter movie let me think…Die Hard. No it’s not a porn movie could make a great title though. I’m talking about the one with Bruce Willis. Yes it’s a winter time movie – they were celebrating Christmas. You remember: “Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho.” John McLane a super-hero-cop who fears nothing (except heights), takes on the villains, armed with one handgun and plenty of balls. I still remember sitting in the theater with my mom and Bruce Willis busting out that window swinging down on a fire hose and smearing that blood all down the window. Hell yeah!! Not only is it a thrill-a-minute ride, but it has one of the best villains who hums “Ode to Joy”, dialogue that crackles with wit, and a lot of very impressive pyrotechnics. Just pop me some popcorn baby and serve me up some Die Hard! “Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!”

Josephine Myles
It’s hard to choose an absolute favourite – I adore It’s a Wonderful Life and look forward to watching it every year around Christmas time. James Stewart is one of my all time favourite movie stars and the film always brings a tear to my eye. My other favourite would have to be Groundhog Day – I watched that film back in 1993 when it first came out and have adored it ever since. Yes, Andie MacDowell is pretty irritating, but Bill Murray steals every scene away from her anyway, so I don’t mind. Not only is the plot concept genius, but the film is by turns hysterically funny, life-affirming and moving. I also love the way my enjoyment of the film has grown with each rewatching – there is always something new to notice going on in the background. I want my own Groundhog Day experience, so I can learn how to play honky tonk piano like Bill does! I’ve just realised I’ve chosen two films where the main characters attempt suicide. Hmmm… they’re still uplifting, though!

Andrew Grey
My favorite winter movie has to be the classic White Christmas. I watch it every year and I’m always fascinated by how beautiful the women are and by the incredible dancing. Of course it’s a movie, so everything is faked, but the music is wonderful and I always seem to immediately get into the spirit of the season after watching Bing Crosby trying to woo Rosemary Clooney.


Kate McMurray: Is there anything better than snuggling under a blanket with a book, a cup of tea, and the cat? I love to bake, too, so my kitchen sees a lot of action in the winter. (You gotta have cookies and pie to go with that cup of hot tea!) I also relieve stress by knitting, so it’s nice when the cold weather rolls in and I can finally wear all the handknit sweaters and scarves I’ve accumulated over the years. Plus, my winter wardrobe is pretty cute if I do say so myself.

Heidi Cullinan: Well, I’m an outlier because I love winter, but maybe that’s because I love our survival techniques so well. Winter at our house means watching a lot of TV with my husband and daughter, snuggling in chairs under blankets with cats draped all over me, and snuggling under the down comforter. That said, the bane of my existence in winter is cold toes. My solution? Two layers of socks, the top one fuzzy, and thick house slippers one size too large to accommodate the socks.

Lara Brukz: Another lover of winter, no blues here. Summer in the south keeps me inside more than winter does. When it actually gets cold enough I have my husband go chop up fire wood. I demand that we need extra wood just so I can watch his muscles flex as he is cutting. So getting busy in front of a nice blazing fire in the fireplace is an excellent way of beating my winter blues.

Andrew Grey: In order to break up the winter months, Dominic and I host a number of small dinner parties with friends. We both have a tendency to try to hibernate through the snow and cold, so hosting these small parties forces us to spruce up the house, get out the good china, and fill our home with some winter warmth and cheer. It’s also an excuse for Dominic to try new concoctions on people other than me.


Sixteen authors are here to do their best to make your winter brighter in January, February, March, and April. (Unless you’re south of the equator, and then we’ll just be jealous of your summer.) Every Wednesday will be a new stop on the tour (see schedule below). Be sure to leave a comment at each stop for up to sixteen chances at the grand prize: a $200 USD gift certificate to the e-retailer of your choice. Also keep an eye out for links to individual authors’ sites on their release dates for a chance to win some free books.

January 11: How We Beat the Winter Blues (hosted by Coffee & Porn in the Morning)

January 18: Favorite Wintertime Activities (hosted by Josephine Myles)

January 25: Join us for a January getaway (hosted by Andrew Grey)

February 1: Winter in My Backyard (hosted by Lou Harper)

February 8: “If I could get away right now, I’d go to…” (hosted by Ellis Carrington)

February 15: Valentine’s Day (hosted by J.L. Merrow)

February 22: Authors by the Fireside (hosted by Kate McMurray)

February 29: Join us for a February getaway (hosted by Z.A. Maxfield)

March 7: Things to Do in a Blizzard (hosted by S.A. Meade)

March 14: St. Patrick’s Day (hosted by Clare London)

March 21: Spring Break (hosted by Blaine Arden)

March 28: Join us for a March Getaway (hosted by Tales from the Writing Cave)

April 4: Favorite Winter Movies (hosted byStumbling Over Chaos)

April 11: Signs of Spring (hosted by J.P. Barnaby)

April 18: Join us for an April Getaway (hosted by Marie Sexton)

April 25: Farewell (hosted by Joyfully Jay)

April 30: Grand Prize Announcement (hosted by Heidi Cullinan)


“What makes you think I’m slee… zzzzzzz…” -Mayhem

Congrats to arzu, who won A Hole in God’s Pocket by KZ Snow! A Hole in God’s Pocket is being released by Dreamspinner Press today.

Congrats to Judi P, who won Daybreak for a Stolen Child (Stolen Child #4) by Anna Mayle! Daybreak for a Stolen Child  is being released today by Resplendence Publishing.

60 thoughts on “Beat Your Winter Blues Blog Tour: Favorite Winter Movie”

  1. The Day After Tomorrow! It’s got tons of winter! And freezing helicopters and Jake Gyllenhaal. What’s not to love! (plus, a lot of it is in a library, even though they burn the books 🙁 AND there’s a ship that sails into Manhattan!!! How awesome is that?)

    hankts AT internode DOT on DOT net
    A recent post from Kaetrin..Rainshadow Road by Lisa Kleypas, narrated by Tanya EbyMy Profile

  2. Heh. My idea of a winter film is a lot like my idea of a holiday movie. Rent is my favorite winter movie (though I do also like Cool Runnings about the Jamaican Bobsled Team).

    But considering I believe that Sweeney Todd is a great Thanksgiving movie, because it is about food my taste is probably suspect.
    A recent post from Seanna Lea..and a month went byMy Profile

  3. Can’t say I have a favorite winter themed movie, but ones I like are Love Actually and White Christmas.

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