Look! Over there! And there! And there, too!

To donate to a good cause (to help defray a little girl’s medical expenses) and for the chance to win a very nice sock yarn prize package in doing so, go read about Pennies for Bella and donate before December 5.

Well, since the photos of the things that I want to blog about are all on my main laptop, which I’m backing up in one of the slowest backup processes ever, I’ll have to see what I can scrape up here…

Looking for non-gift card gift ideas? Or inexpensive electronic gifts you can make?

Obsidian Kitten has a great post of cool cat-themed items. Beware – I ended up buying a whack of holiday cards because of her post!

O noes!

Here’s an article with one writer’s thoughts on why lolcats resonate with so many of us.

Hmm. The Gap is selling argyle-patterned Electra cruiser bikes for the holidays. Might go nicely with your Starbucks cabled mug (I couldn’t find that mug in their online store, so have linked to a lovely example).

How megapixels are like cupcakes. Sort of.

What a cool bookcare… although I doubt how useful it actually is.

Check out Book View Cafe, which is an intriguing (and free) online publishing venture from such authors as Ursule K. Le Guin, Vonda N. McIntyre, Laura Anne Gilman, and more.

Take a peek into an authentic 19th-century vampire killing kit.

Reading Update
Mysteria by MaryJanice Davidson, Susan Grant, P.C. Cast, and Gena Showalter. This was a fun collection about the Colorado town of Mysteria (very near Denver), which “was ‘accidentally’ founded by a random act of demonic kindness.”
Edge of the Moon (Moon Series, Book 2), Moon Swept (Witching Moon and Crimson Moon, Moon Series Books 3-4), and New Moon (Moon Series, Book 6) by Rebecca York. I’m not reading these werewolf books in perfect order, which gets a little confusing, since the series is about various brothers and cousins.
Demon Bound (The Guardians, Book 7) by Meljean Brook. A solid read – you’ll enjoy it if you’ve enjoyed the rest of the series.
How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire, Vamps and the City, and Be Still My Vampire Heart (Love at Stake, Books 1-3) by Kerrelyn Sparks. How could I resist the cheesy titles?! If you like the light’n’fluffy tone of Erin McCarthy’s Vegas Vampires series, give this series a try.
Espresso Shot (Coffeehouse Mystery #7) by Cleo Coyle. This cozy mystery series is set in a lovely Greenwich Village coffeehouse. Not paranormal at all, yet still recommended. 😉

A puzzle – where do speed bumps go for the winter? (Please note that this was from mid-October – we no longer have any leaves!)

“Quick! I just saw those speedbumps headed thataway! Hee hee.” -Chaos

31 thoughts on “Look! Over there! And there! And there, too!”

  1. 😉 How long did you wait for Chaos to do that?

    Considering all the vampire books you read, do you have a vampire killing kit? I would sleep with a cross under my pillow!

  2. Well *clearly* Chris.. the speed bumps migrate to warmer climates during the winter! I’m sure the whole state of Florida is one gigantic tank trap right now – buh-bump, buh-bump, buh-bump!!
    If that vampire kit thing intrigues you, I’ve got some great ones from a guy on the Steampunk forum who does vampire, werewolf hunter, etc “kits” with his own props, slides, jars, etc. They’re awesome.

  3. Cute Chaos! Hmmm, the bike is mighty cute although not too practical in my neck of the woods (lots of big hills)! Lol, been 20 years since i worked for the gap…wonder if the employees get a good discount! Cute cabled mug, not been seen anywhere near our starbucks…may have to look today while walking to work. Vampires….we are getting swarmed by vampire lovers out this way, especially with the movie twilight coming out. Someone actually started doing tours of the hot spots from the film and book, crazy!

  4. I love it when cats curl up in to little balls like that gravity LOLcat. Chewy doesn’t do that – maybe there’s too much hair for him to manage – but my old cats did.

    I also love it when cats tuck their tails under their bodies. So cute. SO CUTE.

  5. Hoop and I saw tons of speedbump signs in Cozumel. But we didn’t know how to read Spanish, so I thought (based on the diagram) that there were boobs ahead. Boy was Hoop disappointed.

  6. Eh – they wait for their chance and in the Spring they turn into potholes.

    So – question – I’m pretty sure you’ve read the Twilight series. What did you think?

  7. I’ve not seen that cabled mug here – will have to check out the three Starbucks in town now!

    Maybe the speedbump bits are filled with compacted snow 🙂

  8. Hmm, I’ve never seen appearing and disappearing speed bumps before. Slow speed bumps, maybe, but never non-permanent ones. And thanks for all the links. Some great ideas there.

  9. I’ve seen one of those vampire-killing kits in person, in a small museum not near where I live. It’s very cool looking–though not something I’d want to drop $15k on. Well, maybe if I were filthy stinking rich…

  10. I had no idea that speed bumps migrate! I’d imagine that by this time of year, Arizona’s just filthy with them.

    (I can only imagine that they were the metal removable type of speed bumps, and that they put them away in the winter so they don’t screw up the snowplows. But still…that’s weird!)

  11. Those speedbumps move to the suburbs to the bottom of my driveway – just after Jon has plowed. Then the other guy comes and plows the road.

  12. Did Chaos pose for the black hole kitty pic? I thought of him immediately when I saw it.

    Speed bumps? Au contraire. Out here they are “Traffic Calming”. (Not very). There’s even a sign announcing their presence.

    Mouse is right. They go to Florida.

    A mystery without a vampire? Is like a bridge without water!

  13. I do like Cleo Coyle’s books as well. I believe the book before that was Decaffeinated Corpse and I just bought it, along with Espresso Shot last two weekends ago. Can’t wait to read them!

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