Congrats to Dianna, who won Winter Warmers by Josephine Myles, JL Merrow, Clare London, Chrissy Munder, and Lou Harper!
When I started the Misadventures back on December 3, 2009, I had no idea it would evolve into a long-running series of quirky, incoherent little stories strung together from book titles. Thanks to all of you for reading and commenting! A special thanks to those of you who’ve sent me covers, too. I’m honored to be part of you never looking at book covers the same way again.
For this, the 100th edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography, I thought we should go back to the very beginning, to the cover that started it and gave Candy Cane Guy his name.
Because he was
just couldn’t seem to stop himself from
, especially when he was
, wandering the
and trying to avoid
as he looked for things that needed to be
while a not-quite-
(maybe a
?) kept playing in the back of his mind. Obviously he hadn’t done enough
in his misspent youth, when he worked as a
, then abruptly left behind his
and went
, traveling
to stay
‘s notice.
*blink blink blink*
“I can’t believe there are so many naughty boys! Surely you must be almost out of them by now, Mom?!” -Mayhem
Bad news, May: I have plenty of naughty boys stocked up!
Don’t look so sad May, one day she’ll find a naughty kitty for you to drool over

My, my, happy 100 anniversary
100?!?!?!? Wow. Congratulations. Ah, CCG, je t’adore.
Glad to see he’s avoiding those bored housewives. They’re dangerous.
A recent post from Tam..To practical for my own good?
Wow, happy 100th edition! Candy Cane Guy always has a special place in heart.
May, there is a never ending supply of naughty boys.
A recent post from Sydney..RIP Zoe Ferret, 2002-2011
Candy Cane guy looks like he’s 15…if we’re lucky. Mayhem, you’re getting to be a party pooper.
A recent post from margene..Garden Master
May, let’s hope we never run out of naughty boys!
First off, OMG that hair in Back Roads! Second, WTF that Grab Bag cover! Seriously, my 10 yo could have photoshopped a more professional looking cover.
And lastly, Chris I am always impressed by your skillful ability to recognize a guy from only a torso. It is truly a gift!
A recent post from jayhjay..Author Interview and Giveaway: Rhi Etzweiler
She’s recycling them, May!
A recent post from trek..In which Pipey delivers
Umm . . . I’m pretty sure I’ll have to transcribe this story and ponder it for a while.
Crab bag? lol
Quite the collection to celebrate your centennial… um, Misadventures’ centennial. I would never presume to comment on anyone’s age. Ahem.
Not when there’s so much else to comment on – witness the covers above.
*sly smirk*
Did the cover artist add hair down there on the Babycakes cover? He’s just so smooth in his classic candy cane guy photo, and he’s only showing a couple more inches of skin with the towel on. Yet those inches are not smooth.
A recent post from Ava March..Home for the Holidays
Poor devil with such a crappy job! I mean, wandering the blood-stained ivy halls trying to fix stuff while getting menaced by bored housewives? (Big Congrats on 100th issue!)
A recent post from Val Kovalin..I have gorgeous new cover art
Whoa, it’s been that long? They’re certainly still entertaining…despite May’s disapproval.

A recent post from naomi..shades of blue
Happy (and purty) 100th! Thanks for 100 cuties and 1000s of laughs. 1 more and you’ll be tied with Louis L’Amour, famous author of 101 western novels, all of which, surprisingly enough, were not named Cowboy Boots and Untamed Hearts. Oh yeah, whilst we are discussing photoshopping, that apron is a pretty dud job.
Ava: Nope, the not smoothness is directly from the stock photos of him in his towel.
wow! how nostalgic!
*giggles* Congrats on the centenary – keep ’em coming! ;P
HAPPY MISADVENTURES!!! You make Mondays tolerable!!!

A recent post from Bronwyn Green..Riding in Cars with Boys – Part Sixteen
Were Bull Rider and Under the Law part of a series?
Happy Centennial Misadventure!I wish you (and us) many, many more!
Candy Cane guy is appropriate for the season!

A recent post from mrspao..Book 78: The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender
Congrats!! Many, many hundreds more
Wow. The Grab Bag cover shows a stunning lack of effort even for the low end book covers.
Also, what did they do to his hair in Back Roads? It is frightening!
A recent post from Seanna Lea..4 days