The land that linkity forgot

Congrats to jayhjay, who won Broken Memories (In the Shadow of the Wolf #2) by RJ Scott & Diane Adams! Broken Memories will be released by Silver Publishing on November 26.

Congrats to Brandi R, who won More Than Enough (More #2) by Shawn Lane! More Than Enough will be released by Amber Allure on November 27.



  • Alas, Anne McCaffrey died this week. My very first hardcover purchase was her book The White Dragon, which I still have. It cost… $8.95 and appears to be valued a bit above that now.


Think, Do, Learn, Make




Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Cop Out by KC Burn. ebook. Very good m/m romance about a straight cop who, after his partner on the force is killed in the line of duty, discovers that his partner was gay and had been in a long-term relationship. As he helps his dead partner’s boyfriend, he finds himself reevaluating his own sexuality…
Private Dicks by Katie Allen. ebook. reread. Well, um, it’s the second time I’ve reread this book this year and the fourth time I’ve read it in the past two years. Do I need to say more? 🙂
Hide Out (Private Dicks #2) by Katie Allen. ebook. reread. Third time I’ve reread this one, second time I’ve reread it this year. 🙂
The Second Door by TC Blue. ebook. Good holiday m/m romance about a guy who has a crush on his best friend and downstairs neighbor. He doesn’t want to chance their friendship, so he has to watch as his friend makes bad dating choices over and over…
Make a Right by Willa Okati. ebook. I’m pretty sure I cried for 2/3 of this book. I’m pretty sure I’ll have a crying hangover in the morning, too. The struggling couple in this m/m romance just got to me, over and over… and I can’t even tell you that it was anything other than a decent, angsty read, because I can’t step back far enough from the emotional impact it had on me. Your mileage will definitely vary. 🙂
It’s Not Shakespeare by Amy Lane. ebook. Sweet m/m romance about a community college professor who becomes involved with a younger mechanic introduced to him by one of his students.
This Rough Magic (A Shot in the Dark #1) by Josh Lanyon. ebook. Good m/m mystery set in the 1930s about a young man who fears that his sister’s thuggish boyfriend has stolen a valuable Shakespeare folio, so he hires a private investigator to find the folio. Sadly, this read too much like every other Josh Lanyon mystery.
The Closer You Get (The Distance Between Us #2) by LA Witt. ebook. Good m/m romance about an unrepentantly slutty bartender who befriends a virginal college student and helps him get rid of that pesky virginity, then panics when he realizes he’s developed feelings for his friend. I struggled a bit with this one because I had been frustrated by the previous book, The Distance Between Us.
The Name of the Game (Game #1) by Willa Okati. ebook. reread. Good m/m romance about a gay DJ who has a crush on his straight cop roommate. In an attempt to get rid of his psycho girlfriend, the cop decides to pretend to be gay and the DJ’s boyfriend and things get a bit complicated…
Starch Contrast (A Choose Your Own M/M Romance Story) by Deanna Wadsworth. free ebook short. Cute short story about a shy m/m romance author who goes to a gay romance conference in Idaho. (Sorry, you’re just going to have to read it to find out why there’s a potato on the cover…)
Altered Heart by Kate Steele. ebook. reread. Pretty good paranormal m/m romance about a werewolf enforcer who kills a psychotic alpha werewolf and rescues the young man/werewolf being kept as a pet by said psychotic alpha werewolf. It felt like the author was setting things up for a second book, but it doesn’t appear to exist.
Imperfect by Cassidy Ryan. ebook. Ok m/m romance about two cops who are partners at work and bed partners off duty. But one is prickly and erratic and just might explode… This had a lot of potential; however, the book wasn’t long enough for that potential to be realized, so it ended up feeling abrupt and not exactly believable.

“Why are you calling me a green-eyed monster?!” -Chaos

16 thoughts on “The land that linkity forgot”

  1. Oh good grief! I have to stop coming here on Fridays. That’s another book I’ve bought as a result of reading these posts. How can I resist getting a book that you’ve re-read so much?!

    It’s a good job someone bought me an ARe voucher for my birthday ;).

    BTW, the Kaie Allen book was reduced at ARe. There’s a $2.25 rebate if you buy the book. Nice!
    A recent post from Jenre..Happy Un-Thanksgiving!My Profile

  2. I made it a special point to watch Neil Gaiman on The Simpsons. Then on Monday night I led the discussion on American Gods at my book group. I had read AG years ago and remembered that I had not enjoyed it. What with all the hoopla about the book’s tenth anniversary this year and my enduring love of all things Gaiman, I decided to pick that book for my month so I could talk about it with others. It is That Kind of Book — needs to be talked about with others. Good grief, one could spend A WEEK discussing that book! I had pages and pages of notes, some taken while I read and most found on the innerwebz. I invited NG to come to book group (“We’re only 90 miles away and I can promise you homemade treats!”) but unsurprisingly he didn’t come.
    A recent post from kmkat..Dogsitting.My Profile

  3. Linkity! YAH!

    Oh good grief! I have to stop coming here on Fridays. That’s another book I’ve bought as a result of reading these posts. How can I resist getting a book that you’ve re-read so much?!

    What Jenre said *grin* You are so bad for my ARe Wish List… *snuggles*

    I love the Star Wars engagement photos!

    And I can’t wait to read Cop Out! And I’m thinking I should read Private Dicks…and then re-read Hide Out. After all, it has renovation all over it! *beams*
    A recent post from orannia..Need To ReadMy Profile

  4. After reading the news about Anne McCaffrey, I started on an immediate re-read of the Harper Hall trilogy. They were the first books I read by her, the ones that led me to discover one of the most influential authors of my childhood, along with Madeleine L’Engle. The world is the poorer without the both of them.

    I got to see Anne at a book-signing for Nerilka’s Story and get an autographed copy. It was one of the highlights of my early teens!

  5. Oh, I am sad to hear of Anne McCaffrey’s death – I had all the Dragonrider books in hardcover at one point, but ditched them during a move. (One good thing about homeownership, I move less.) Put the money chart into ReadLater. I am so confused from the holiday I forgot to look for Linkity on Friday.
    A recent post from Mary Lou..Recap Wrap Up Move onMy Profile

  6. The Money Chart: I can verify that a one-gallon jug of loose change comes to around $270, closer to $300 in my case.

    That’s a pretty nice looking lego tree.

    I might have to treat myself to the tiny knit kit.

    The twisted bridge is cool but makes me uncomfortable at the same time.

    I love gummis but 26 lbs is too much, even for me.

    Now I feel almost caught up on the Twilight saga. 😉
    A recent post from Sydney..RIP Zoe Ferret, 2002-2011My Profile

  7. That twisted bridge freaks me out. Just sayin.

    I think I NEED the pizza sleeping bag. Not want,

    Ok, Make A Right by Okati has me completely intrigued. Not that I want to cry but I’m definitely interested.
    A recent post from Tracy..What I Read Last WeekMy Profile

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