Congrats to Verena, who won Teacher Plus Two (In the Eyes #2) by Valentina Heart!
- Jenre’s giving away three ebooks by Aleksandr Voinov: Scorpion, Counterpunch, and a choice from Aleks’ backlist. Comment on one or both of the contest posts for your chance to win.
- Joyfully Jay is also giving away ebook copies of LA Witt’s The Distance Between Us and its forthcoming sequel, The Closer You Get. Contest closes 11:59 pm EST, November 11.
- Blodeuedd’s giving away two copies of Embrace the Highland Warrior by Anita Clenney. Closes November 7. US & Canada.
- CursingMama’s giving away three Shutterfly codes, each good for 25 cards. Comment before November 11 to enter.
- Devon Rhodes is giving away a GRL swag bag that includes a signed copy of the Gaymes anthology, a Devon travel mug and t-shirt, and more. Answer the questions by midnight PST, November 14, for your chance to win. US & Canada only, but everyone who enters will receive a very cool GRL Devon magnet and an autographed postcard.
- RJ Scott’s celebrating her new website/blog with a contest with seven different prizes, such as $20 credit at Silver Publishing, signed paperbacks, and ebooks of freshly released and forthcoming books. Contest closes midnight GMT, November 20.
- New releases and more: Elisa Rolle (GLBT), AAR (romance audiobooks), (PNR), and Book Lovers Inc (a bit of everything).
- LoveRomancePassion has the third part of “Who’s on the Cover”, their feature on cover models. (Fabio flashback, anyone?)
- Gizmodo’s eight things to help you with NaNoWriMo. Lifehacker on the benefits of writing regularly.
- xkcd on homeopathic books. (hover your mouse cursor over the comic for additional text)
- If you purchased When I Fall (An Uncommon Whore #2) by Belinda McBride before November 1, your copy may have a major continuity error in it.
- Rarely Dusty Books After Party: Damon Suede
Learn, Do, Make, Think
- If you use Firefox or Chrome and are frustrated by Google removing the original sharing options from Google Reader, there are some plugins that can help.
- Tips from Gizmodo on how to not exceed your smartphone’s data cap.
- Four hundred LGB New Yorkers were asked how their lives would be different if homophobia did not exist. (Thanks, Stephani!)
Halloweenity for Next Year
- Creepy spider cakes. (via CRAFT)
- Baked spaghetti squash and meatballs… you could even make it with vegetarian “meatballs”. (via The Kitchn)
- Candy bar caramel corn. (via The Kitchn)
- Caramel corn bars. (via The Kitchn)
- Chocolate frog jelly shots… (via CRAFT)
- Knit and felt oven mitts. (via CRAFT)
- Knit fox ears (could easily be kitty ears!). (via CRAFT)
- Kristi the Fiber Fool has tutorials for right cabling and left cabling without a cable needle.
- Margaret Atwood’s a knitter, and her knitted great auk is going to be part of an exhibit on lost avian species. (via KnittyBlog)
- Aw, what sweet kitties, taking care of that kitten! (Thanks, Seanna!)
- Have you seen Amanda Palmer, Moby, Stephin Merritt (of the Magnetic Fields), and Neil Gaiman perform “Science Fiction / Double Feature” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Delightful!
- Do you have the Doctor Who Encyclopedia app for your iPad yet? (via The Mary Sue)
- A mug that will help you serve the perfect cup of coffee or tea – and has gift potential!
Cool or Wha…?
- Eeep! I’d keep an eye on kids, pets, short friends… (Thanks, Jase!)
- The Kitten Covers… classic album covers redone with kittens. Of course. (via The Mary Sue)
- With friends like that… (make sure you hover your mouse pointer over the comic for extra text)
- Well, crap. Now I feel old. (make sure you hover your mouse pointer over the comic for extra text)
Teh Cute
- Kittens! Lion and cub! My all-time favorite picture of a tiger and cub! Big cats carrying cubs! Mama tiger and babies! Baby leopard! Ostriches and babies! Baby skunk! Elephant and baby! Cheetahs eating pumpkins! Baby harp seal!
Reading Update
The German by Lee Thomas. ebook. Very good historical gay suspense/horror set in small-town Texas during WWII, when the brutal murder of two boys has emotions running high against the Germans in town. Be prepared for a very disturbing read.
Nexus (Warder #5) by Mary Calmes. ebook. Good paranormal m/m romance about lawyer and warder Marcus going to Kentucky with his hearth, Joe, to visit Joe’s family, never expecting to run into demons while there. While I did enjoy this, at times I felt simultaneously as if I was missing part of the story, yet was being rushed through the story.
I Dare You by Tam Ames. free ebook short. Cute free short Halloween-themed m/m romance about a college student whose roommate dares him to go to a Halloween party and make a move on a guy he likes.
More Than Anything (More #1) by Shawn Lane. ebook short. Sweet short m/m romance about a college freshmen who thinks the hunky football player hitting on him is just doing it to make fun of him. I want to read more about these two!
Hot Ticket (Serving Love) by KA Mitchell. ebook. reread. Good m/m romance about two very different guys who meet while doing court-ordered community service. *waves at Slave Boy*
Foxe Hunt (Skyler Foxe Mysteries #2) by Haley Walsh. ebook. Good m/m romantic suspense about high school English teacher Skyler who gets involved in another murder investigation while trying to decide if he actually has a boyfriend or not. It wasn’t until I hit the cliffhanger ending that I remembered I wasn’t going to read this one until the next book came out. D’oh! Also, Skyler is starting to reach new levels of TSTL and I spent a fair amount of time wanting to shake him.
Crankset (Chainbreaker #2) by Kate Roman. ebook short. Good short m/m sequel to Chainbreaker, which unfortunately lacks the charm of the original. In this one, our San Francisco bike messenger and his Gulf War veteran boyfriend become frustrated about living behind a curtain in the corner of someone’s living room.
Night Terrors (Night Wardens #1) by Stephani Hecht. ebook. Pretty good m/m paranormal romance about a guy who has to leave college in order to fulfill his destiny as a Warder and protect humanity from a paranormal threat. This one needed a bit more polish and development to really shine.
For the Bite of It (Vampire in Exile) by Viki Lyn &Vina Grey. ebook. Meh paranormal m/m romance about an exiled vampire stripped of his powers and baking cupcakes in Tempe, Arizona, where he comes under suspicion of murder. Did the suspicious cop have to be so appealing and so deeply closeted? Although this is kind of choppy and sloppily edited (“scoured” instead of “scowled”?!), it was heading for three stars until it abruptly stopped, at the point of a critical conversation, feeling very unresolved. If this is supposed to be the first part of a serial, there’s sure not anything about it on Liquid Silver’s page for the book. And if there had been – I wouldn’t have purchased it.
“Hmm. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” -Chaos
Linkity! YAH!Ohhh, must go enter Jenre’s contests as I’ve been dying to read one of Aleksandr Voinov’s books!
And I really like the sound of More Than Anything, and since certain persons have been suggesting that I read some Shawn Lane I think I’ll start with this…as soon as it appears on ARe
Chaos – that’s my favourite….umm…saying

A recent post from orannia..Books 2011: September Update
You read a historical?*faints*
Tam’s story is super-duper!
A recent post from Jenre..Author Interview: Aleksandr Voinov Part 2
I sent that welsh house link to somebody yesterday… told her it should be her new house!
no woodchucks ’round heah… the doggies keep them at bay
A recent post from lisa..more mushroom dyeing madness
I’ve been to Bayonne, New Jersey. There are no vineyards. Wine Product? EEUW.
A recent post from Mary Lou..Happy to be Home
I don’t know about woodchucks, but I do know I’ve missed you, Chaos!!
A recent post from margene..Glove Me
Thanks for the links to my contests! And I love the Tardis phone cover! So funny!
A recent post from jayhjay..Review: Seducing Stephen by Bonnie Dee and Summer Devon
How to suck the enjoyment out of an iconic movie…
A recent post from trek..WMBP – now with more circles
Chris- Pumpkin oatmeal- now that sounds yummy.
A recent post from Lorraine..Macchina Sveglia
Chaos is speaking in tongue-twisters now!?
And ewww that octopus shirt/blouse/whatever-the-hell-that-is.
The pizza-sized Whopper in that picture looks so…clean and neat. Well, don’t they always look like that in pictures?
Like orrania, I’m really interested with More Than Anything now! I shall patiently wait for it to appear over at Amazon.
The sharing features are still available in the new Google Reader, but you have to go to the settings to add them. I know I never used them, so it didn’t bother me to see them gone, but the functionality is there to be added if you need it.
Also, the Anne Rice / Stephanie Meyers thing is hilarious. I love vampire stories and really dislike Twilight, but the arguments they create are such a wonderful waste of time!
A recent post from Seanna Lea..a quick dinner
Love the Hobbit house. And the Evil Dead (but I think I liked the Exorcist even better!)
I have a weird hankering for that garden hose cover.
A recent post from Cheryl S…Only Continental Knitters Need Apply
I am so upset over the loss of my “share” function in google reader…
Thanks for mentioning my contest!
A recent post from cursingmama..Wisdom & Lessons From Others
You find some really odd “or wha?” stuff. Just sayin’.
I don’t think Ms. Rice should trash talk, personally. I’m not a huge fan of Ms. Meyer either, but really. Professional courtesy there. Or at least professional shutting-the–up.
Also: a Tardis case? I think I know what my next knitted project will be.
A recent post from Nicole..Back in Favor
Lol, princess vader
And what is this linkity you speak of?

A recent post from blodeuedd..Interview and Contest: Joanne Kennedy – Tall, Dark and Cowboy
Eeeks! Those Cute links are awesome! That baby elephant has fuzz, aww. And how much do I love the Momma Cats carrying their babies around??!
Mmmmm…g/f pumpkin bars. I’m noticing that traditional g/f ingredients are now being stacked in the shelves of conventional grocery stores, making life so much easier for making things from scratch.
Making mittens now!
A recent post from Brigitte..Presenting…
didn’t know Chaos was a philosopher!
*raises hand* Uh, actually I was surprised. But I’ve been having particular trouble this week keeping track of which day I’m on.
Looks like more great links, I’ll have to come back when I’m a bit more awake.
Princess Darth Vader is the very best!

I want to move into that Hobbit house in Wales.
And the slavery footprint survey is more than a little disconcerting and depressing.
A recent post from Bronwyn Green..Know any traveling gypsy horse traders?
Closer to the age of Principal Vernon? NOOOOO!!!
*ahem* not that I remember when The Breakfast Club first came out. Or that it was a very generous present to get the VHS tape for my birthday.
*wanders off muttering* Now where’d I put my glasses again? And why won’t those darn kids get off the lawn?
If I had read linkity before now, I would’t have gone ‘really??’ about two hours ago when hubby told me daylight savings time was going into effect tonight.
I got a chuckle out of the free ranging erections, though I’ll admit I have a fondness for them

A recent post from Ava March..Two Down, One to Go!
lol, for the Devo album cover kittehs!!
And, thanks for DST change alert.
That Condit Dam video was amazing.
Hmmm… wine velveeta.
I guess I need to check my peanut butter supply.
Love the kids’ costumes!
Cool video of the Condit Dam.
LOL! No words for the duck penis research.
The cheetahs look pretty possessive of their pumpkins.
When you figure it out, let us know Chaos.
A recent post from Sydney..RIP Zoe Ferret, 2002-2011
“It’s cheap table wine diluted with water, sugar, juice concentrate and desperation.”
I sincerely hope that last ingredient appears on the label: some people are allergic.
And once again, I have shot an entire evening with linkity.
A recent post from PD Singer..A Prep Work-based free read!
I wonder if I should have bought more mini peanut butter cups!! I have a strange desire for peanut butter now
A recent post from mrspao..Making Monday : Underground Tiara
thanks for shoutout!
A recent post from penny..moving up