In which autumn progresses (and surprises no one)

See the wee kittens at itty bitty kitty committee battle a spider bigger than themselves! Go, kittens, go!

It was so dreary and rainy and chilly while I was writing this post… I clung (somewhat desperately) to the memory that only this past weekend it was warm and sunny as I checked autumn’s progress while walking around Lake of the Isles.

Ahh…. That’s more like it…

“I still can’t believe May offered me up to the giant spiders like that. That’s cold.” -Chaos

25 thoughts on “In which autumn progresses (and surprises no one)”

  1. I especially love that third picture.

    I know it’ll get here eventually, but I enjoyed fall so much over the weekend, it’s disappointing to have come back this far south.

  2. Love the reflections in the water. I was walking the other day and couldn’t resist shuffling through the fallen leaves on the sidewalk like a little kid. It was good.

  3. Deb clearly didn’t take your advice.
    Do you wear a pedometer when you’re out walking? I bet you get your 10,000 steps easily – I on the other hand take a week to get 10,000 steps.

    Great City pictures too!

  4. Y-y-y-you sh-sh-should’ve b-b-b-been at P-p-puck’s f-f-f-football g-g-game l-l-l-last n-n-n-night. S-s-s-still sh-sh-shivering.

  5. Little sisters are tough, Chaos.

    Fall! It’s really fall somewhere! Gorgeous photos, Chris.

    Those kittens! The valiant Spider Wars. (and thankfully the spiders were the Halloween variety and not the kind in my backyard.)

  6. The colors are so pretty — it seems mean that one day you’re admiring them in short sleeves, and the next, a parka. What is up with that??

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