The Phantom Paw and Other Tails

For the curious, my tattoo is on the back of my upper left arm. I had a mole biopsy there maybe seven years ago and it left a scar that bothered me, so I camouflaged it with the tattoo. (And my dermatologist even thought that was a fine way to deal with the scar!) Until last November, the tattoo was just the top half, which means “Good luck.” And yes, it was a bit difficult to photograph! It’s actually backwards (which amusingly didn’t occur to me until just now, or I could’ve corrected it!), because I ended up taking the picture in one of the plentiful mirrors around here.

Now, on to the Phantom Paw:

For all the Minnesota knitters who just took a collective gasp, trying to figure out how they missed the Yarn Harlot coming to town, don’t worry. Ana picked this up for me when the Yarn Harlot was in Pittsburgh a few weeks ago – thanks, Ana!!

Check out my new tape measure:


Yeah, that paw is definitely persistent, isn’t it?!I found some gluten-free beer while I was in Wisconsin! Of course, upon trying it, I discovered that beer tastes sort of weird if you haven’t had one for over ten years. Chaos doesn’t think too much of beer. When I tossed a bottle cap on the floor for Chaos to play with, he tried to bury it.
“I definitely don’t approve of beer. But that stuff with those nifty corks, that’s ok.”

This is what Chaos’ water looked like last night when I got home from work.

No, I agree, I don’t think that mouse is colorfast. Wouldn’t this have been a great March Project Spectrum picture?!

47 thoughts on “The Phantom Paw and Other Tails”

  1. I love the tape!!! I bought a Pinnochio one for Rock Star last year (he knits, too, but does not blog about it).

    I was thinking about getting that same water dish for Teak as a housewarming gift – great shot of the toy!

  2. Harley puts her toys in her water dish, too, although she hasn’t yet put purple mouse there. So far, she just puts plastic balls in the water. (But isn’t that a pretty shade of pink!)

  3. Ah ha I wondered if that was the answer 🙂 Love the tape measure. I must get myself a fancy one, I am still using a really cheap looking freebie that came with a needlework mag years ago – all blue plastic, tacky looking , yeah definitely need to get a classier one 🙂

  4. loving that tape measure!
    Chaos’s water dish reminds me of the pink gargle they used to have at the dentist at home.
    Poor mister mouse!

  5. SUCH a cute tape measure! I have a bit of a tape measure collection, myself, as I may have mentioned. Last weekend I went to Paper Patisserie in St. Paul and lost my breath when I saw a big goldfish bowl filled with tape measures. I’ve never seen one like yours, though.

    Chaos’ water is so funny!

  6. Dear Chaos – I like to put my green balls (with the bells) in my water bowl – just for safe keeping. Plus, Ben doesn’t like to drink around them, so I get to hog the water………

    Maybe you ought to get a substitute for that mouse-thingy. It can’t be good for you…..

    Just thinking of your health,
    Love, Bella, professional dachshund girl

  7. Love the little paws in every picture. And the mouse in the water dish is too funny! I wonder if it’s a black cat trick, since both my black cats do exactly the same thing!!!

  8. My friend Faith has a cat that puts her toys in the water dish so the other cat won’t play with them. I’m with you Chaos, I don’t like beer either!
    Oh, and that picture on my blog? The color was much darker than the picture shows. For awhile it looked like it was getting even darker! I was told I was very slowly turning into a Smurf.

  9. again, we live parallel lives. i’ve got the same tape measure.
    i’m sure chaos just thought his little friend was thirsty, is all.

  10. That tape measurer is too cute–where did you find it?

    And the mouse in the water–my cats did that A LOT when they were younger–must be some eccentric cat trait 😉

    Chaos and his photogenic paw could have a good career as a “paw model”. I can just see him advertising Science Diet and Cat Toys 😉

  11. Great picture of the pink water! I wonder if Chaos put the mouse in there on purpose or accidentally battet it in while playing.

    Oh, and no beer? For 10 years?? I love the taste of beer.

    Great tape measure!!

  12. I love that tape measure! but the tassel would last, oh, 57 seconds in this place. Picasso, anyone? Still, where’s the tape measure from?

    Ick! ICK! PTUI! Pink water!

  13. That water looks scary. The tape measure is cute! I love it when they do front and backs. I’ve got Beastly Knits by……somebody and there’s a cat chasing a mouse around the sweater.

  14. Are you sure the mouse was white to begin with? I think he was experimneting with Kool Aid dyeing. It’s all the rage now you know!!

  15. I love the tape measure — it is so artful and very kitty :o)

    those red mice go through (and get into) so much, don’t they? Very funny about Chaos and the bottle cap too!

  16. Chris- Hi I have an off topic? The great shawl you wore last weekend…I got the pattern but now wonder which size did you knit? Small, medium or Large?? Thanks

  17. Wonderful tape measure–I love the tail!

    And I see SRM is bathing in koolaid, perhaps? Or is Chaos part-racoon and washing his food and other important-to-him items?

    Or has Chaos joined Dye0rama?

  18. Carla – You should drop me an email! I never got yours… I cast on 58, so that must be the large. I don’t think mine ended up 36″ long because I ran out of yarn before then. It was fun to knit because of how the funky shape grew.

  19. Ah yes, mouse toy tea! Our kitties make it often 🙂

    And that is an *adorable* tape measure.

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