Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 89th (Welcome Back, WiHG!)

Congrats to Cayce, who won Love is in the Title (Love #1) and Love is in the Hallways (Love #2) by RJ Scott!

Congrats to D, who won Galen and the Forest Lord by Eden Winters! Galen and the Forest Lord was released by Torquere Press on Saturday, September 10.

Random: I now have a tumblr. It’s mostly going to be quotes, songs, and images that catch my eye. Sorry, nekkid menz peeps, I think it’s going to be pretty safe for work – probably not even a random ab! πŸ™‚

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! IÒ€ℒm sure we all remember Wind-in-Hair Guy (WiHG), right? (Thanks to Ava March, who found the cover with the wings!)



, it was

when they were introduced to


. Alas, they knew all too well that the Pharaoh (and

) would never relinquish his concubine before he hit

, not even if they took

and hired

to achieve a

and end the PharaohÒ€ℒs



Well. That certainly wasn’t a very cheerful tale, was it?

“So. Disappointed. Since you didn’t have naughty boys last Monday, Mom, I thought you’d seen the error of your ways!” -Mayhem

28 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 89th (Welcome Back, WiHG!)”

  1. I have both Pharaoh’s concubine and Noblemen and the Spy and never realized it was the same guy. He looks so different without the flowing locks. Now I am wondering if they were photoshopped off for that cover…
    A recent post from jayhjay..Coming Up This WeekMy Profile

  2. Lovely to see WiHG back! And hmmmm, I think I’m developing a preference for him with less wind and more sunglasses.

  3. It’s WiHG through time – gladiator WiHG, medieval times WiHG, regency/victorian WiHG, contemporary WiHG, sci-fi WiHG…. Never realized he was so versatle.

    And WiHG had wings *g*

  4. Nutter Hero and the Ravaged Fairy – I think they’re meant for each other on name alone. πŸ™‚ Any tale that ends in flames of arousal can’t be all bad. I don’t know, WiHG starts growing on you after a while.

  5. Since I have started reading Stumbling Over Chaos I find myself looking at book listings in a whole new way. In fact, I recently found myself looking for examples of WiHG. There are so many to choose from! This was not a happy tale but alas they all can’t be happy! Mayhem – Forgive your mother this one trespass. This actaully takes a lot of work and creativity. If she wasn’t doing this she might be trying to dress you up for the pictures or something! Would you really want to be the Nutter Hero?

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