32 thoughts on “Hopes”

  1. Love the sign! It’s so true!

    Big day tomorrow…I am so excited, and it’s not even my country! I’ve been following this election pretty closely the last few months…it’s amazing to think that I am alive during such a historical time. History will be made tomorrow, no matter which way it’s sliced (although I do hope it’s sliced one way, rather than another…)

  2. Ain’t that the truth! It is that sentiment that made me decide to follow my principles and vote for the Independent candidate for Senate, even though I doubt he will win. I just can’t bring myself to vote for the Democrat just to keep the incumbent from returning to office. *sigh* Now all I have to do is hope that California votes to keep my recent marriage legal….

  3. Something tells me this election night is going to be one to go down in the history books. I’m going to have my popcorn and pepto bismo ready.

  4. I really hope people in CA take that to heart. I’d hate to have Prop 8 passed – and I’m a married, heterosexual. It doesn’t technically affect me but theoretically it affects all of us.

  5. I LOVE that. The Greens have been saying it at least since 2000. This year, although it won’t be a Green candidate that enters the White House, it will be a man in whom many — including me — have invested their hopes and rejected their fears. Great sign.

  6. Love the sign. I voted last week since we had the opportunity to do it early. Whew! Now I can sit back and watch John Stewart & Steven Colbert make fun of the whole thing some more. 🙂

  7. So glad to see that sign.

    Already voted, down here in Texas. Maybe it’ll help make us a little more…purple…ha.

    Thanks for the hope. Together, all of us will make a difference!

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