
Ummm, since I’m working on two secret projects right now, I have even less knitting than usual to blog about – the most exciting thing being that I had to move one project onto the 47″ long cable. And setting up my new laptop has absorbed much of my attention since Saturday. Oh, didn’t I mention the new laptop? 😉 It’s the computer on the left below. (Pay no attention to that stubby, crooked black tail on the far left.) Ohmigosh, is it ever fast. Now, if I could just get all the applications I need to play nice with this 64-bit machine… and get my music library cleaned up. What a mess!

“Hey! Whose tail are you callin’ stubby and crooked?!” -Chaos

“That would be your tail, big kitty. Mine is very long and lovely. Hey, could you help me out of this kitty yoga pose? I am so stuck.” -Mayhem

26 thoughts on “Distractions”

  1. Oooh – new laptops are lovely! I’ve been looking at those eeePCs but I think I’ll just stick with my Mac for the moment since it’s been upgraded 🙂

  2. Pictures of new laptops are almost as gorgeous as those of kitties hehehe.

    Cheers Eva
    PS: what are those ‘weird’ handle like things under your laptops?

  3. you got a 64-bit now, huh? when we upgraded my PC a few months back, that’s what I got. drives me nuts when something won’t work with it (or drivers haven’t been updated for it. yes HP, I’m looking at you)

  4. I’m hoping to eventually be able to get a laptop – I love to use my husband’s laptop because of the crisp screen. I am also wondering about the handles on your laptops.. is that some sort of extra? Its very handy! That photo of May made me smile.. she’s very cute.

    1. The “handles” are actually from my laptop stands. I swear by laptop stands – they keep the computer cool (since heat is the #1 laptop killer) and protect your lap from the laptop’s heat. The one under the smaller Toshiba is a Kensington stand; the one under my new Toshiba is a Targus lap desk.

  5. Getting apps to play nicely with each other is an ongoing process at my house. Thank god the hubby knows how. I’d be so stuck, kinda like the yoga posture there….

  6. It does take so much time to do all that switching around. I have a corrupt file in my desktop at home and just keep working around it, rather than fixing it, in order to avoid more work. Makes no sense at all…

  7. The idea of moving stuff from the old computer to the new scares me…hope everything goes smoothly for you so you can really enjoy it. I think May is trying to distract you with cuteness. 🙂

  8. The old Upwards Sideways Tail Paw Pose, eh?

    New laptop! Sweet. 47″ circular? I’m guessing either a blanket or a sweater for the Jolly Green Giant.

  9. I just love me some new technology, although cleaning up files is not my favorite thing to do. Maybe chaos and May can handle that while you are at work. I’ve put Abner and Django to task on my old computer, but they keep saying they don’t have enough time after monitoring the goings on of the neighborhood.

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