The tale of the extremely tempting stitch marker

Every once in a while, I take a series of pictures that don’t really require captions. You’ll have to let me know if I was right about these… The backstory – I recently purchased a skein of sock yarn from Mouse when she had a stash sale. I received the package Monday and was delighted to discover that Mouse had included one of the lovely stitchmarkers that she sells at Mousie Masala. Obviously, I wasn’t as delighted as Chaos and May!

Please note that no stitchmarker (or yarn) was harmed during this photoshoot. The photoshoot began on the floor and was moved to the coffee table in the (obviously vain) hope that it would go more smoothly. Not that you can tell, but the stitchmarker is in every picture but the last.

28 thoughts on “The tale of the extremely tempting stitch marker”

  1. Hee hee! My one complaint is I can’t get a good enough idea of what the stitch marker actually LOOKS like… Silly cute kitty paws in the way and all.

  2. What pretty yarn, and what naughty kitties! I like the gentle paw sneaking its way to the stitch marker, like it’s an accident when it actually paws the marker.

  3. it’s a story board – and so cute!
    love that little stitch marker – wonder if you’ll ever see it again or if it will end up under the frig (grin)

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