Congrats to Lea W, who won Impossible to Resist by Em Woods and Keeping House by Lee Brazil!
If you’ve heard anything on the news about tornadoes in Minneapolis, Minnesota, they were in the north part of the city. I’m in the southwest. Here it rained crazily, the tornado sirens went off just in case, and the kitties hid under the couch.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll see what Candy Cane Guy’s been up to recently. Keep an eye out for Shy Guy and Wind in Hair Guy!
Said Candy Cane Guy, “
to you! This year,
, tied with a
and sent
– really, that would it make it an absolutely
for me!” Meanwhile, the
was working
using that
, which
. Sure, he craved
, but he knew that beauty was in the
and that even when he was whipping up some
, he was
. The end. I think.
“If you haven’t noticed, Mom, I am indignant that you found more naughty boys!!” -Mayhem
Oh dear, oh dear. I was seriously distracted by the size of that box of chocolates he was holding in the first picture.
Your Misadventures guys want the weirdest things for Christmas. Seriously weird.
A recent post from Jordan Castillo Price..PsyCop Flash Fic contest
Hey I don’t blame the kitties for hiding under the couch.
I’m wondering if I should be using zombielicious special delivery.
That is *such* an indignant look, May.
P.S…let me know if you have any disappointed fundies at work who didn’t get Raptured;)
A recent post from Melanie..Ten Years Above Ground!!
Something about Candy Cane Guy’s hair makes me crazy – I prefer him headless (<–that sounds harsh!)
Poor May – just cover your eyes and pretend they're not there

A recent post from Patti (Book Addict)..Review- Love Drunk Cowboy by Carolyn Brown
Happy to hear that you’re safe!!
A recent post from Vicki..A perfect yarn storm
Chris- So, if he wants a Dillon sandwich, is Dillon the baloney?
I’m so confused.
A recent post from Lorraine..Out And About
Oh Candy Cane Guy, how I missed you. So glad you are back.
You should also know that in Eye of the Beholder there is no chick, it makes it look like an m/f but the only woman is a passing character who manages the art gallery. Why do they do that? Arrggghh.
A recent post from Tam..How a Dare Turns Into More
Perhaps a little wine with all of that Photo Shop cheese?
A recent post from trek..In which it is business as usual
Nah, I do not like him
A recent post from blodeuedd..Review- Green Rider – Kristen Britain
Methinks you doth protest too much Mayhem. I think you secretly LIKE the naughty boys!!!!
A recent post from Lynn..Saturday Sky
Are those all real books? Really! Wow, that sentence really flowed. Bravo! I must say my favorite has to be Zombielicious. Mayhem, don’t be jealous that your mommy spent time with this man. It wasn’t for selfish reasons. It was to spread the humor around!
Is that a photoshopped shirt or was that photographer deliberately concealing his best assets???
A recent post from Devon Rhodes..Released Today- Stranger in Black at AQP
Good spot on the Wild Highland Fling! I would never have pegged that as CCG :).
A recent post from Jenre..Fools Oath by Chris Quinton
Good idea, hiding under the couch. Scary weather.
Pretty boys.

A recent post from Carrie#K..Shouldnt It Rain Less in May
Whew! Quite a story this week.
Excellent portrait of May in profile. I think she looks very thoughtful and pensive.
A recent post from Brenda..Tour of the Bead Room
Candy Cane Guy is everywhere! It’s amazing how cover artists just keep using him, and using him…. And I love how the ‘t’ in Sexier When Wet just touches his freakishly round belly button.
Methinks Mayhem doth protest too much. I would not be at all surprised to find that May is in fact an Elected Official of the Republican Variety, someday soon to be discovered purring away whilst affecting a wide stance in the lap of a naughty boy.
If in doubt as to just how such a feat could be accomplished, send me the blondie from Touch Like Breathing and I will demonstrate. Repeatedly if need be.
Candy Cane Guy, Shy Guy and Wind in Hair Guy! A plethora *grin*
A Dillon Sandwich – I’ve obviously been watching too much Friday Night Lights, because I can’t stop giggling!
Oh May, but we love those naughty boys

A recent post from orannia..Trumpeting
Trying to figure out why I find it reassuring you can recognize Mr. Headless 8-pack in all his incarnations.
Glad to hear you only got the crazy rain.
*sigh* Candy Cane Guy sure does get around a lot, that little cover tramp.
why is it she never minds naughty kitty boys….
ROFLMAO!! All I want for Christmas is a Dillon Sandwich? LOLOLOLOL
OMG Chris – you are too funny!
*waving* at Candy Cane Guy!
I know Mayhem – you are very hard done by.
Another week – but at least it’s a short one here!
A recent post from Lea..Big Addicted To You Contest at Bethany Kanes Blog
I’m very impressed by your ability to work in not only Zombielicious, but also Fratatouille! I think you could have a real future in publishing. In fact, I’ve got this deadline hanging over my head…wannna finish my book?
A recent post from Bronwyn Green..OMG! Lookie What I Got in the Mail Today!
If I’m not mistaken, he’s also on a KA Mitchell cover… will have to research the book, but it’s the one previous to Collision Course.
But May, it’s the same naughty boy. Just more pictures of him…
A recent post from Nicole..WiP Weds 52511
Sexier when wet….
Thank you
What’s with the thing on the neck of the guy in Bound Together? It looks fugly!
A recent post from Seanna Lea..a life taken out of order