Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 80th (SOBJG returns for the 8th time)

Congrats to Midia, who won Static by L.A. Witt! Static was released over the weekend by Amber Allure.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll catch up a bit with Slouching Open Black Jacket Guy (SOBJG). He’s always so busy – this really is the eighth post featuring him! (And if today’s Misadventure seems a bit short, it’s because I limited it to a single pose.)


and he played it with


to get hot tips. This led

cre Vil to refer to him as

, then to claim he had a

because his

stole her

. Um…


25 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 80th (SOBJG returns for the 8th time)”

  1. Mayhem – You and me both! That was aweful. But, you have to admit, the story took quite a turn. I didn’t see that “coming” at all! Sorry, couldn’t resist. Don’t hate me.

  2. I’m so late in checking my favorite Monday post! I love that photo of Mayhem! And the caption is perfect. Both made me smile after a rather rough week. So I thank you both very much!!

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