Please stay properly hydrated and nourished as you peruse linkity

Congrats to Helena, who won Fanning the Flames (The Match Before Christmas #2) by Eden Winters! Fanning the Flames will be released by Torquere Press on May 7.

Congrats to Lynn, who won Sharing Paul (Portals #3) by Jade Archer! Sharing Paul will be released May 9 by Total-E-Bound.




Do, Learn, Make, Think




Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Shifting Sands by Jet Mykles, Ally Blue, Willa Okati, JL Langley, Kimberly Gardner, & Brenda Bryce. ebook collection. Very good paranormal m/m collection about the cowboys of the Shifting Sands Ranch, who have been cursed to shift into animals from the Chinese zodiac each full moon. The stories were smoothly integrated, with the exception of one author who got carried away with the puns. Thanks to to Tam’s review for reminding me I had this one!
Some Kind of Magic by R. Cooper. ebook. Very good paranormal m/m romantic suspense about a werewolf detective who’s known for two years that the half-fairy consultant is his mate, yet hasn’t done anything about it because everyone knows that fairies don’t do anything for the long haul.
The Red Thread of Forever Love by Nicole Kimberling. ebook. Very good paranormal m/m romance about a Canadian folklorist traveling in Japan who has somehow attracted a very amorous spirit…
A Rose is a Rose by Jet Mykles. ebook. Very good m/m romance about a beautiful young man, just dumped by his sugar daddy, who becomes friends with the very sweet straight owner of his apartment complex. I got a little sniffly while I was reading this one.
Alphabet Soup by CB Conwy. ebook. Very good kinky m/m romance about a carpenter who keeps going to a BDSM club and hooking up with different Doms as he tries to get what he needs. He hasn’t been at all successful… and then he meets CK, who doesn’t behave like any of the other Doms. This story starts immediately after A Russian Bear and the free short Malaria, Cholera and Bubonic Plague takes place during this story.
Hotwired Heart (Tales from Rainbow Alley #1) by Jaime Samms. ebook short. Good short kinky m/m romance about a guy, trying to escape from his life as a gang member, who ends up in the Rainbow Alley part of town.
Finders, Keepers (Tales from Rainbow Alley, #2) by Jaime Samms. ebook. Good kinky m/m romance about a guy who’s inexperienced about bdsm and trusts the wrong Dom, who basically abuses him. This book would’ve worked better for me if it hadn’t been told in first-person, alternating between three different people. Also, stalker alert! 🙂
Fix This, Sir (Tales from Rainbow Alley, #3) by Jaime Samms. ebook. Very good kinky m/m romance about a guy who’s not doing so well recovering from a crippling injury on top of numerous other issues. I am so glad that this book was alternating third-person instead of the alternating first-person of the previous book! Made a huge difference for me. I was a little worried that this book suffered from Omniscient Dom Syndrome, but it turned out ok in the end.
A Helping Hand (Tennessee Cops #2) by Shayla Kersten. ebook. reread. This story of a closeted cop with a crush on his straight best friend was one of the earliest m/m romances I ever read, and I like to reread it periodically.
Mr. Plum by Sue Brown. ebook short. Sweet short m/m romance about two guys who always see each other at the same coffee shop and then in the train station before their morning commute. I love this cover.
Cup Check (Blue Line Hockey, #3) by Stephani Hecht. ebook short. Good short m/m romance about a deeply closet hockey player who’s terrified that coming out will ruin his chance of ever making it to the NHL.
Anything For You by Ethan Day. ebook. Good m/m romance about a deeply closeted ad exec who gets involved with a coming-out advocate. This generates some tension… Maybe it’s because they’re mostly (all?) written in first person, but Ethan Day’s books are starting to all feel the same to me.
Going the Distance (Driven to Distraction #2) by Anah Crow & Dianne Fox. ebook. Good short m/m romance following up with the professor and the mechanic who got together in Driven to Distraction as they sort out what they are to each other.
Sonoran Heat by Katrina Strauss. ebook. Good m/m romance about a guy in his 40s, recently single for the first time in nearly 20 years, who starts to date a much younger artist and student.
Wishing Star by Jambrea Jo Jones. ebook short. Cute short holiday m/m romance about a guy, sitting outside his stalled car in the middle of nowhere on Christmas Eve, who wishes on a star for true love and wakes to find himself miles away. This felt a bit rough due to some missing words and pronoun confusion.
Broken Rules (Broken #1) by Jade Buchanan. ebook. Good m/m romance about a guy who hasn’t been to his home town for ten years (ever since his parents kicked him out of the house when they discovered he was gay), but returns for his mom’s funeral and runs into his former best friend. I was frustrated by the sheer number of names introduced during the first third of the book. I’m not sure if that frustration was the reason I never fully connected with the characters or the story. Maybe.
Second Chance by Derek Adams. ebook short. Ok short m/m romance about a jogger and a cop who meet after the jogger chases down a burglar, then slowly get to know each other better.
Full Release by Marshall Thornton. ebook. Ok m/m mystery about an accountant who slowly realizes he’s being framed for a murder and tries to figure out who’s the actual killer. Unfortunately, he spent most of the book doing the most stupid thing he could in any given situation – TSTL characters frustrate me. A lot.

“If you loved me, you would feed me right now and forget this whole ‘It’s not time for dinner’ thing.” -Chaos

31 thoughts on “Please stay properly hydrated and nourished as you peruse linkity”

  1. I don’t mind cliffhangers if the series is complete and I can get my hands on the next volume immediately.

    Do you have any idea how angry I was when I heard (in person) Jim Butcher say that Ghost Story’s publication date was getting pushed back four months?!
    A recent post from trek..RaptureMy Profile

  2. I want an EliptiGO! OMGosh that would be so much fun. The anatomical fiber art is just disturbing, and who the f*ck thinks a sponge dress is a good idea? Now when you’re feeling bloated with water weight… you actually ARE retaining. Ugh.

  3. This is just a quickie comment 😀 I’m in a train with free wifi and I’m in HEAVEN!!! I don’t know if it is common in the US but here in the Netherlands it isn’t always available in trains and this is actuallymy first time coming across a wagon with wifi access <- did I spell that correctly?

    So what am I to do with free intenet? Enjoy your linkity post and chat up on twitter *goofy grin*
    A recent post from Leontine..2-1 Review- Joey W Hill – Ice Queen and The Mirror Of My SoulMy Profile

  4. I’ve made hard lemonade before. It was definitely easy enough to do in my (at the time) rinky dink condo. Doing it yourself will guarantee that it is gluten free.

    I’ll dig up the recipe I used, because I’d love to make it again for summer gatherings.
    A recent post from Seanna Lea..a confluence of eventsMy Profile

  5. Whoa, I may have nightmares about that huge beetle backpack (though it is kinda cool).

    I’m totally with you on cliffhangers — I think they’re manipulative on the author’s part.

    And I read War For The Oaks back when it was first published. Awesome book! I still think the love interest character (from his physical description) is based on the musician Prince from back when he was in the Minneapolis area.
    A recent post from Val Kovalin..Wildfire Newsletter Gay Romance RecommendationsMy Profile

  6. Maintained full hydration throughout, Chris. Thankyou for your timely reminder!

    I’ve never wondered how an astronaut pees but, of course, I just had to go look. So sad to have missed hairball day – won’t let it happen again, and that 3am picture ~shudders~
    A recent post from Juni..Come Up and See Me- Make Me SmileMy Profile

  7. I don’t know… the elliptical bike looks pretty dorky. Then again, I’m probably biased against newfangled conveyance machines in general b/c I see tourists on Segways downtown.

    alcoholic popsicles = genius

  8. I loved War for the Oaks — it took me back to my dissolute young adulthood when my friends and I would go skinny dipping at Hidden Beach at 2am. The city was ours, and it was magical.
    A recent post from kmkat..SwatchingMy Profile

  9. Love those corner book marks. So cute.

    I suppose if I put enough hot sauce on my food I’ll lose weight. Only because I am unable to consume the food due to my tongue burning off.

    Passed that Jolly Rancher vodka thing onto a friend who makes infused vodkas. Maybe he’ll try it and report back.

    Swiss Army scissors? That bug backpack is truly creepy.

    How does that model with the ape hand either keep from laughing or sneering as he walks down the runway? Must be why he gets paid the big bucks.

    I’m so jealous guys get to pee on the heat sensitive wall. Lets see some fine art boys.

    The only ones I read there are Shifting Sands, the Red Thread, Alphabet Soup and Mr. Plum. All good reads.
    A recent post from Tam..The best gift you can give me on my birthday My Profile

  10. Kassa’s post was completely en pointe. Well said!

    The risk w/cliffhangers for me, is that I when I discover one, I’ll wait until the subsequent books are released so I can move immediately to the next book; but, often my attention will wander while waiting for all those books to be released, and I never get back to the series. That’s what happened to me with the Fever series. The last two books are STILL on my ipod waiting to be listened to. I’ve moved on to other books.

    OMG, those kitty pants are SO cute!

    Hairball jewelry? Eeew.
    A recent post from Renee..May 2010 Book Releases- part 1My Profile

  11. Okay, I’ve had War for the Oaks on my bookshelf for years. This review just moved it to the number one spot.

    That backpack is utterly terrifying.

    I absolutely love that quote. I think I’m going to cross stitch it and hang it in my office.

    Shaking my head over the Matt Dean’s Neil Gaiman tantrum. Welcome to your last term in office, friend.

    LOL at the LoTR kitties.

    I HAVE to get that Star Wars craft book.

    And the kitty pants are adorable!!!
    A recent post from Bronwyn Green..Riding in Cars with Boys – Part TenMy Profile

  12. Thanks for the linkity love! That kerfluffle with Neil Gaiman was unreal- I’ve been following it on Twitter. The Dr.Who shoes needed to be Converse- the Keds don’t really do it for me.

  13. I love the monster bookmarks. So cute!! Kidlet makes her own bookmarks (and laminates them with tape). Maybe I’ll get inspired tomorrow and see if we can make monster bookmarks.

    I was very glad to see I don’t live in an Uh-Oh! area of the country, though it looks like I’m in a light yellow area. Um…. Ah well, it’s better than being in red.
    A recent post from Ava March..UpdatesMy Profile

  14. Cool! I’ve seen the space toilets but I’ve never seen a demo.

    Turns out my area is a dark yellow dot with red dots around it. That’s pretty much how it is in real life. Often the bad stuff goes around us.

    Those toddler kitty pants are oh so cute. The beetle backpack… not so much.

    A lobster bra?! Really?

  15. Nice reading week for you – I keep reading “Some kind of Magic” in bits and pieces… am liking it but hated the delay in getting the big picture on those fairies..

    I love the cover on that Jet Mykles book..


  16. *sigh* Once again, even hydrated, I failed to complete linkity. Seems I spent too much time at the homemade Snicker’s bar, and the make your own, green cat toys. 🙂

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