Linkity for the April Fools (feel free to interpret that however you’d like)

Congrats to Kimberly, who won Three Alarm Fire (EMS Heat #8) by Stephani Hecht! Three Alarm Fire is being released today by eXtasy Books.

Congrats to Kero, who won Precious Possession by Clare London!

Congrats to Lily, who won Resisting the Temptation by Valentina Heart!

Congrats to Dana A, who won Taste by Mickie B. Ashling! Taste will be released by Dreamspinner Press on April 4.


  • Knitnzu’s having her annual Snow Melt Contest! Hurry and get your guesses in by 6 pm EDT today, April 1, for your chance to win yarn, a needle case, or a $25 donation to your favorite human rights, child advocacy, or animal welfare organization.



Think, Do, Make, Learn

  • So back when I was in grad school and would clean my apartment instead of writing a paper, it was because I knew the clutter was reducing my mental focus! (Um, right. I was procrastinating.)




Cool or Wha…?



  • I hope my kitties remember the hungry part before they start such a project

Teh Cute

Reading Update
Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Book 9) by J.R. Ward. Well. It was better than Phury’s book, covered a lot of ground at breakneck speed, didn’t have any boring chapters focused on the lessers, and ended most unexpectedly.
Shades of Gray by Brooke McKinley. ebook. Excellent m/m romantic suspense about an FBI agent who’s spent his whole life looking at things in black and white and blocking out what he doesn’t want to see or acknowledge. Things get infinitely more complicated for him when he has to keep an ex-con alive to testify against a drug kingpin.
Concubine by Jill Knowles. ebook. Very good kinky m/m fantasy romance about a prince who suddenly and most unexpectedly finds himself as a demon warlord’s concubine.
Out There in the Night (Out There, Book 1) by Laura Baumbach. ebook. Very steamy paranormal m/m romance about a doctor working in Alaska for six months who’s rescued by a very mysterious and compelling man after being seriously injured.
Horizons by Mickie B. Ashling. ebook. reread. Very good m/m romance about a deeply closeted college football player with a homophobic family who finds himself falling (despite himself) for the very out ER doctor who cares for his broken arm. That bizarre cover does such a disservice to this book!
Accidentally His by Shawn Lane. ebook. Good m/m romance about two guys who sort of meet after a bus accident during their commute.
Breaking Point by Chris Quinton. ebook short. Good short m/m romance about a guy who’s supposed to meet his ex to accompany him to a book auction but gets upset and a bit vengeful when his ex doesn’t show.
Clue Game (Breaking Point, Book 2) by Chris Quinton. ebook short. Good short m/m romance about two guys who’d really rather spend the day in bed together, but get up to help an annoying friend with her scavenger hunt clues.
Breaking Logan’s Laws (Quinn Security, Book 4) by Cameron Dane. ebook. Steamy m/m romantic suspense about Quinn Security’s newest employee, Logan, who lives by a series of rules designed to keep his heart safe. The sex and romance are completely overdone and unrealistic in the usual Cameron Dane way.
Christmas at Reynolds Hall (With or Without, Book 4.1) by J.L. Langley. free ebook short. Good short paranormal m/m romance about Matt’s first Christmas dinner away from his family in New Mexico.
Attack of the Killer Dust Bunnies (With or Without, Book 4.2) by J.L. Langley. free ebook short. Cute short paranormal m/m romance about Aubrey, Matt, and Matt’s young twin brothers.
In the Light of Day by Sasha Devlin. ebook. Good m/m romantic suspense about a straight cop who’s been struggling with his feelings for the guy he went undercover with to break up some sort of porn film ring. I kept thinking there had to be a previous book about their undercover stint, but this is the author’s first book.
Mane Attraction by Sarah Masters. ebook. Ok paranormal m/m romance about a London man who see a lion change into a man on his fire escape. Little does he know that things are going to get stranger after that… This was obviously the first book in a new series (things were left really open-ended), but I can’t say that I have any interest in reading future books.
Undercover Sins by Hayley B. James. ebook. Trainwreck. This m/m romantic suspense about an undercover cop working as a rentboy in order to get close to one of the honchos in a human trafficking ring was extremely convoluted. The plot had as many holes as loops, no one behaved consistently or believably, and I never came to care what happened to the main characters. Be warned that there’s noncon and a complete absence of lube.

“What are you doing, Mom? I hope you’re not trying to sneak that tiara onto my head!” -Mayhem

33 thoughts on “Linkity for the April Fools (feel free to interpret that however you’d like)”

  1. Ooh, holding a contest where the prize goes to charity is a great idea! I’ll have to consider that one.

    Poor May. I don’t think she wants the tiara if it’s not between her teeth.
    A recent post from Nicole..No WIP TodayMy Profile

  2. TMobile has a feature on family plans where you can turn your kids phone “off” to all but certain numbers – solved our midnight texting problem very easily. of course the AT&T merger will screw that up; but I’ll switch carriers before I become an AT&T customer ever again. (there is a rant in there…)

  3. I was sharing some of these links with a friend via IM and she said, “What? Do you have “nerd” as a google alert or something?

    If I could wear heels, I’d make a pair of those lego shoes. We have so many legos around here, I could go into business…

    I think I need to track down a can of that Romulan Ale for the hubby.
    A recent post from Bronwyn Green..The things I do for researchMy Profile

  4. OMG, I saw that ‘how not to respond to lukewarm reviews’ explode and I just trailed off when the ‘eff you’ comment dropped. The quality of debate was already poor but went from downhill after that 🙁

    Oh, I need to tell you that the geeky cakes are awesome, I haz geeky cake envy right now 😉

    Wow, Shades Of Grey sound very good! I must check it out!
    A recent post from Leontine..Leontines 411 on MarchMy Profile

  5. So many hilarious links today: the conversation Neil Gaiman had with his neighbor, m/m fans and fake book covers, but that response to a lukewarm review takes the prize. It was funny and appalling at the same time.

    I don’t know how to decipher your opinion on Lover Unleashed (haven’t read it yet, so I’m curious). Shades of Gray is such a fabulous book.

  6. I loved the coyote picture, altho’ it’s funny and sad at the same time I think.

    Interesting review of JR Ward’s latest. Phury’s book is what put me off the series for a couple years. I’m caught up, but now I don’t know if I want to continue!

    I liked the With/Without shorts!
    A recent post from wren..Underwear!My Profile

  7. Wow, I’d missed that author meltdown thing. I’m thinking if you want some good publicity for your blog it’s the best thing that can happen to you, lol!

    Aw, Undercover Sins. Trainwreck, huh? That’s bad.

    FUAutocorrect is one of my favorite sites. Always good for some chuckles. Unfortunately my iPhone never makes my messages that funny, but that’s probably because I mostly text in Dutch.

    I did enjoy Breaking Logan’s Laws, but yeah, very long sex scenes which were a bit over the top. Still, a good read.
    A recent post from Janna..Swiftly Dusted- Mini-review of Accidentally His by Shawn LaneMy Profile

  8. This morning my gang had Nutella Panini’s with Eggo waffles and sprinkled them with powdered sugar.

  9. Clearly my city needs to hire a few Japenese highway workers. The street I take to the EDJ now resembles a war zone, and that’s after the asphalt truck has been by to ‘repair’ the potholes.

    The tuxedo peeps are SO cute!!
    A recent post from Ava March..News and a SqueeMy Profile

  10. Great linkities!!
    I loved the around the world video.
    The romance covers were fun.
    Interesting purse, stilettos and dress.

    Looks like you had a great reading week.
    The only one I’ve read is Concubine although I’ve got a few of the others on my TBR.

    Thanks for the mention and the win!!!! 🙂
    A recent post from Lily..Available now in M-M landMy Profile

  11. I totally missed this post on Friday. No idea how that happened.

    I really must get that Concubine book. This is the second good review I’ve seen now :).
    A recent post from Jenre..Holiday!My Profile

  12. May, you’d look fabulous with a tiara! Come on, you are the queen of the house, aren’t you?

    Chris, you have at least two Tardis related links. Hmm, might be a bit nerdy. 😉

    That author, wow, I’ll never be tempted to buy one of her books.

    I love my Golden Books, but I don’t want to wear them. 🙂
    A recent post from Eyre..Cookies &amp Plot BunniesMy Profile

  13. Cool photos os the library!

    I have many ways to procrastinate, including cleaning, decluttering, and perfectionism.

    Oh I like the hula hoop rug. I wonder if I still have a hula hoop in the garage.

    Oh oh tuxedo peeps and mojito floats.

    LOL at the animal butt wine stoppers.

    Love the airline safety video.
    A recent post from Sydney..Random Wrap-up of WinterMy Profile

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