Congrats to Leni, who won Sebastian’s Wolves by Valentina Heart!
Congrats to Susan C, who won The Duty of a Beta (Pack Discipline #3) by Kim Dare! The Duty of a Beta will be released by Total-E-Bound on March 7.
- Carolyn Crane’s giving two lucky commenters the chance to win one of the freshly released UF/PNR books from her post. Contest closes early on March 5.
- Jase and Juni are celebrating World Book Day by giving away a $10 ARe voucher. To enter, answer their question in the comments by 7 pm EST, March 5. Post and site are very NSFW. You have been warned!
- Devon Rhodes is giving away both her four-book Seasoned Women series and a copy of the fourth book, Spring Training. Comment by noon EST, March 7, and let her know which prize you’re entering for.
- Comment on one of Eric Arvin’s One Good Thing posts from March 1 through March 7 and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a signed copy of his book Woke Up in a Strange Place. (US only)
- Sweet Vernal Zephyr’s giving away a copy of Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Comment through March 10 for your chance to win. (And make sure you read the small print!)
- New releases: Elisa (GLBT) and Book Lovers Inc (UF/PNR/romance).
- Random House instituted agency pricing.
- European Commission inspectors raided publishers’ office as part of their investigation into alleged price fixing (via TeleRead).
- Book news and linkity from Dear Author and ReadReactReview.
- ReadReactReview looks at how life was different in 1972, when the first modern romance was published.
- If you haven’t read American Gods by Neil Gaiman or Bellwether by Connie Willis, what are you waiting for?! Both are on my keepers shelf.
- A book bed! (This is SFW; rest of site is NSFW.)
- If you enjoyed Shayla Kersten’s m/m romance, Icing on the Cake, but wanted more, you can have more – pick up the sequel, Acquired Taste, for free.
- HarperCollins announced that they’re going to limit library ebook checkouts to 26 times before libraries have to buy another copy/license of the ebook. Two librarians use paper books to demonstrate how silly that limitation is.
Learn, Do, Think, Make
- I had no idea that Android, Apple, and Blackberry were virtually tied in the US smartphone market.
- Although more women than men have high school and college degrees, women earn 75% of what men do. *sigh*
- A very thought-provoking post about “bullying and the trickle-down effect of cruelty” (via Kris’n’Good Books).
- Need some cold weather comfort? One of these ten hot chocolate recipes might do the trick.
- Goodnight, Dune (via Wyrdsmiths).
- You know you need a rubber ducky in your tea.
- Dr. Seuss-inspired crafts (since his birthday was March 2).
- Bake your own rainbow layer cake! (And please invite me over if you make it gluten-free.)
- Speaking of rainbows, I finished this subdued rainbow toddler jacket last weekend (project details on Ravelry, if you’re interested):
- Tampon chandelier… (Thanks(??), Tam!)
- Or maybe your dog wouldn’t be chewing things if you paid a farmer to let your dog herd sheep or cows.
- How much do you have in common with your internet friends? (This is SFW; rest of site is NSFW.)
Teh Cute
- Baby polar bear! Wolves! Lions! Red pandas! Baby puma! Arctic fox! Fresh buns! Tiger! Hedgehog! Baby tiger and wolf! Red fox! Baby ferret! Baby lion! Koalas! Cat and rat! Javelinas! Baby wolf and baby fox! Baby panda! Lions!
Reading Update
GhosTV (PsyCop, Book 6) by Jordan Castillo Price. ebook Excellent m/m paranormal romantic suspense in which Vic and Jacob head to California to find their friend Lisa, who’s vanished without a trace. Definitely looking forward to the next book! (I read this book twice this week: I read it as soon as I bought it, then I reread all the other PsyCop books and read it again.)
Among the Living (PsyCop, Book 1) by Jordan Castillo Price. ebook. reread. Excellent m/m paranormal romantic suspense about a PsyCop, who can see ghosts even though he really would prefer not to. After I read GhosTV, I needed more Vic and Jacob.
Thaw (PsyCop, Book 1.1) by Jordan Castillo Price. free ebook short. reread. Sweet short m/m romance about Vic and Jacob going ice skating.
Criss Cross (PsyCop, Book 2) by Jordan Castillo Price. ebook. reread. Very good m/m paranormal romantic suspense that takes place a few weeks after Among the Living. Jacob’s staying with Vic while looking for a new condo, and Vic has a creepily eager-to-please new partner at work.
Striking Sparks (PsyCop, Book 2.1) by Jordan Castillo Price. ebook short. reread. Steamy short m/m encounter about a guy who’s too late to get his palm read by the fortune teller in Crash’s building and runs into Crash instead…
Many Happy Returns (PsyCop, Book 2.2) by Jordan Castillo Price. ebook short. reread. Steamy m/m short about Crash attempting to exchange a shirt at SaverPlus.
Mind Reader (PsyCop, Book 2.3) by Jordan Castillo Price. free ebook short. reread. Good m/m short about Vic and Crash wandering around a museum.
Body and Soul (PsyCop, Book 3) by Jordan Castillo Price. ebook. reread. Very good m/m paranormal romantic suspense in which Vic gets another new partner at work and Jacob continues hunting for an unhaunted place to live.
Stroke of Midnight (PsyCop, Book 3.1) by Jordan Castillo Price. free ebook short. reread. Very good short m/m romance, told from Jacob’s point of view, about him going to a New Year’s party alone because Vic got called into work.
Secrets (PsyCop, Book 4) by Jordan Castillo Price. ebook. Very good paranormal m/m romantic suspense in which Vic and Jacob’s living situation changes dramatically and Vic stumbles upon an epic conspiracy.
Camp Hell (PsyCop, Book 5) by Jordan Castillo Price. ebook. Excellent m/m paranormal romantic suspense in which Vic experiences some personal growth (beyond his paranoia, even!), and both Vic and Jacob have unexpected professional growth.
A Change of Scenery by J.M. Cartwright. ebook. Good m/m romance about a construction project manager who’s frustrated by his job in Chicago, so he takes a job in a small West Virginia town.
*hee hee* “No one will notice I’m sticking my tongue out at them, because I look so noble and dignified!” -Chaos
As I was scrolling down, I saw the rainbow jacket and suddenly thought ‘You knit?!’
Loving the linkity and thanks for the mention!
A recent post from mrspao..Book 18- The Case of the Missing Books by Ian Sansom
That library print vs ebook video was good – this whole 26 check out thing drives me nuts!
The whale story is so sad
Homemade cadbury eggs? They’re my fave Easter candy
Great sweater – I’m impressed!
A recent post from Patti (Book Addict)..Review- Eve of Samhain by Lisa Sanchez
Nope, we can see it Chaos.
OH NO!!! Black kitties baaaddddddd…
A recent post from Brigitte..Things Are Starting to Look Normal Again
I can’t get past the rubber ducky in my tea or spiders in the gas tank!
Regal kitties can do anything they want.
A recent post from margene..Knitting Awn-Wee
You’re on a JCP kick! You kind of make me want to go there too… re-read the series. I still haven’t gotten GhosTV but I must, must, must this instant.
Thanks for the include!
I have both American Gods and Bellwether, but I haven’t been able to finish American Gods yet (it was gritty in a way that left me unsympathetic to the characters). I love Bellweather though. I have a lot of Connie Willis in my library!
A recent post from Seanna Lea..the evolution of a UFO
Oh, Chris, that jacket is beautiful! Did you knit it for a gay parent or parents? (‘Cause that would’ve been very cool indeed.)
A recent post from K. Z. Snow..Abercrombie Zombie and other juicy tidbits
Chris- Am I the only person on the planet who dislikes those Easter cream eggs? They make me nauseous.
Which is more than anyone needs to know- have a great weekend.
A recent post from Lorraine..A Banner Day
Great links today! Especially the LOL ones! Clown shoes? WTF?
Gluten-free Rice Krispies? But still not vegetarian, I’d imagine.
Oh, and I saw something bright on the post, but it seared my eyes.
I took a picture of my 23-year-old son modeling the sweater I so laboriously created for him and did not notice until I posted the pics to Ravelry that HE was sticking his tongue out. It must be a Boy Thing.
A recent post from Marji..random thoughts
Re: your ebook reading: One of these things is not like the others… (now I will have that song in my head all day)
Great post today! Cute little cardigan — so colorful.
Yum! Love those Cadbury eggs — I don’t think it’s good for me to try making them, though. I also LOVE that radiator lolcat. Kylie was in love with the radiator at our old place, and would wrap herself around it and jam herself underneath it as far as possible.
Wow, it’s a JCP special feature! I’m so pleased you enjoyed GhosTV that much!
Your knit jacket is lovely! I really like the brightness of the colors.
As for the linkity, I had to stop with Goodnight Dune because it couldn’t possibly get more awesome than that!
A recent post from Val Kovalin..Wildfire Newsletter Gay Romance Recommendations
Lol, Goodnight Dune

A recent post from blodeuedd..Review- Staying at Daisys – Jill Mansell
I just watched that video with the librarians… lotta tongue-in-cheek going on there. LOL.
Love the story about the spider in the car. Too funny. Although freaky if your anti-spider and drive a mazda.
Lovely little sweater, bright and cheery.
Maybe you should put it on Chaos so he wont’ feel so dignified anymore.
you can not begin to imagine just how enthralled I am by Mrs. Pao’s star wars cats…
Silly Chaos I noticed your tongue last time!
Also, my Mazda (not a Mazda6) has a recall too. Hopefully not because of spiders.
A recent post from Nicole..Contset- contest- contest!
Cute sweater! I wish I could do that.
Poor whale. I can relate.
A recent post from Eyre..Personality Based on Eating Corn
Wow – lots of great links this week!
LOVE the tampon chandelier – that is hilarious! And the how awesome are your internet friends. So funny.
Looks like you had an excellent week spent with JCP. Good for you. I love her Psycop series and am anxious to read GhostTV. Glad to hear it’s as good as expected.
A recent post from Tracy..Review- The Vampire Voss by Colleen Gleason
Such a cute sweater! It is very happy-colored.
A toy taser that emits a shock: what a good idea. Just what every child needs. I’m sure it will bring about peace and joy. *bangs head on desk*
You sneaky devil, Chaos!
Have a great weekend, Chris!
A recent post from Brenda..A FO for keeping warm- Garnets
Awwww, Chaos – you’re so sweet.
The whale story is heartbreaking.
I know I said it before, but the sweater is absolutely adorable!!!
I LOVE the book bed! That’s SO cool!!!
A recent post from Bronwyn Green..A conversation of sorts
Poor Alice!! How sad to be so totally alone like that.
Loved the sweater!
Great links as always… thanks.
I bought GhosTV the other day. Now just have to get to it.
Have a great weekend.

A recent post from Lily..The Mistletoe Experiment by Serena Yates
HarperCollins’ rental proposal just sucks dirt.
A recent post from trek..Price drop
It’s good to get back to reading your linkity. (A true sign that life is –somewhat– returning to normal.)
Love the librarian illustration of the HC madness.
A recent post from Renee..Update- Surgery and Books
Fantastic links this week – as usual! Love the jacket. So makes me want to knit and then I just don’t do anymore about it, sadly.
Yay for knitting! And thanks for the links about the ridiculous Harper-Collins policy. Doesn’t really affect my library but we all have to stand together against such inanity. Publishers in general don’t care much for libraries in general (we are stealing customers, obviously).
A recent post from janna..FO! FO!
The Windows upgrade video was a cool walk through history.
Wait, aren’t bananas individually wrapped already??
Awww, poor whale.
I think I need a tea cup sized rubber ducky.
Cute jacket!
A recent post from Sydney..And then it was spring
Ohhh, linkity!
That is one subdued jacket
I can’t imagine the work that went into it – WOW!
A recent post from orannia..Avatar
OK, as usual, all your links make me happy, but the Goodnight, Dune?? Priceless!
And the toddler jacket is sweet!
A recent post from Lorette..Big Pink!
Still laughing at first comment.
A recent post from Mary Lou..Housing Rehab
Ah yes, the big-6 publishers and their e-book policies. *sigh* A wonderful collection, I can’t wait to dig into them a little deeper. Especially the hot chocolate link

A recent post from Kristi aka FiberFool..Wordless Wednesday- Chai Edition