Congrats to SusieQ, who won Woke Up in a Strange Place by Eric Arvin! Woke Up in a Strange Place is being released today by Dreamspinner Press.
Congrats to Marsha, who won The Tourist by Clare London! The Tourist will be released by Carina Press on Monday, February 28.
- Leave a question for Bronwyn Green at Jo Jo’s Book Corner by midnight, February 27, for your chance to win a print anthology or ebooks.
- Book Lovers Inc is giving away a copy of Something About You by Julie James. Answer Julie’s question or ask her a question by March 5 for your chance to win.
- New releases and more: (YA paranormal, UF/PNR, fantasy, scifi), All About Romance (audiobooks), Katiebabs (various sort of romance), Book Lovers Inc (romance/PNR/UF), and Literary Escapism (UF/PNR).
- Book linkity from Dear Author and ReadReactReview.
- If you haven’t read any m/m and are confused about where to start, check out the Smokinhotbooks beginner’s guide at Book Addict.
- Heidi Cullinan on asking for writing advice.
- Paperback Writer lists some signs that you be writing a “Literary McNovel”.
- Have you seen the new choose-your-own-adventure book on whether you can survive the zombie apocalypse?
- LoveRomancePassion has another article about cover models – WiHG has a real name! *gasp* *thud*
- Very cool video about books on a bookshelf. (I know, it sounds boring, but it’s not!)
- The Internet Archive announced a new cooperative ebook lending program.
- TeleRead basically tells the publishing industry to pull up its big kid underwear and stop whining.
Learn, Think, Make, Do
- Apparently, cell phones make our brains more active, but no one knows whether this is good or bad.
- Kristi has photography, crafting, and food linkity.
- The world’s smallest aquarium holds two teaspoons of water… but what sort of fish do you put in it?!
- Did you know that Simon’s Cat was inspired by Simon Tofield’s black cat Hugh?
- Control a video game by kissing! (Guess what I think the next generation of game control will be…)
- You can now get breast milk ice cream in London…
- Or make some chocolate-dipped beer marshmallows…
- I wonder how many car accidents have happened because people were gawking at this? (Thanks, CursingMama!)
- Ready to host a Wii swinger’s party?!
- Have you checked out Sleep Talkin’ Man yet? (Thanks, Bronwyn!)
Teh Cute
- Fox! White lion cubs! Baby rhino! Lion cub and meerkat! Ferret! Cheetah family! Tigers! Mr. Tiny Blinkertonz! Lion! Fennecs! Mini horse! Cat and kitten! Lion cubs! Kittens! Pandas!
Reading Update
Lessons in Power (Cambridge Fellows Mysteries, Book 4) by Charlie Cochrane. ebook. Very good historical m/m mystery/romance in which events conspire to bring up a dark event from Jonty’s past that continues to haunt him.
Lessons in Temptation (Cambridge Fellows Mysteries, Book 5) by Charlie Cochrane. ebook. Very good historical m/m mystery/romance, which finds Jonty and Orlando in Bath for academic pursuits, mostly. This one had me quite anxious (the temptation bit).
Putting Out Fires (Coda Book 5) by Marie Sexton. ebook short. Very good short m/m romance about Matt trying to figure out what he can do for Valentine’s in order to make Jared feel appreciated.
Promises (Coda, Book 1) by Marie Sexton. ebook. After reading Putting Out Fires, I really wanted to read more Matt and Jared, so I read Promises and The Promise again.
The Promise (Coda, Book 3.5) by Marie Sexton. free ebook short. Very good short m/m romance about Matt and Jared, after they’ve been together for about 18 months. Reread.
First Impressions by Josephine Myles. ebook short. Very good short m/m romance about an artist who becomes fascinated by the guy wearing a suit and crazy socks who he sits across from on the train every day.
Nowhere Ranch by Heidi Cullinan. ebook. Excellent kinky m/m romance about a guy who stays on the move since his family discovered he was gay and started praying for his soul. When he starts working at Nowhere Ranch, he certainly was not prepared for the interpersonal complications… but will he stay or will he go?
Long-Term by Angelia Sparrow & Naomi Brooks. ebook. Very good kinky m/m romance about a university president who takes in a sub whose top kicked him out with not much more than the clothes on his back.
Finding Sanctuary by D.C. Juris. ebook. Good kinky m/m romance about a guy who’s felt only half alive for a long time, even though he has all the trappings of success (nice house, lovely fiancee, good job). He’s slowly beginning to realize that what he actually needs are things that his father beat into him as being wrong.
Eros Rising by Ally Blue. ebook. Good m/m romance about a guy who’s staying in his not-so-good relationship out of complacency, until he becomes friends with a stripper…
Ten Percent by R.J. Scott. free ebook short. Good m/m snippet (covering maybe an hour) about a guy sitting at his desk, thinking about what being out at work would mean.
Another Little Secret (Sandpipers, Book 1.5) by Jade Archer. free ebook short. Sweet, steamy short m/m/m romance that takes place some months after Sandpipers’ Secrets, at Valentine’s.
Granite: A Rocky Start by G.H. Worth. ebook. So-so m/m romance about a police detective and an assistant district attorney who’ve had the hots for each other for months, but neither realized the other was gay.
“Look at how cute and snuggly I am! You’re jealous, I know.” -Mayhem
I love the post by Heidi. It smacks of a more elegant version of my speech for my high school graduation, though I was more focused on the “warning” style of advice pushed by parents and other authority figures.
A recent post from Seanna Lea..the LYS is dangerous
There’s a part of me that’s still quite surprised you’re reading those Charlie Cochrane books :).
I’m glad you’ve done a mini on Long Term. I’ve been considering whether to buy that or not. I think I will now.
A recent post from Jenre..Reviews and Bad Editing
I want the chariot!!!
I read Nowhere Ranch this week and loved it. Very kinky (my first fisting story!) but very good.
A recent post from Patti (Book Addict)..M-M Review- Nowhere Ranch by Heidi Cullinan
I’m going to ask Bronwyn Green if she knows what is the fastest land animal on earth, I know it’s the cheetah, but I just want to have a question.
So, now we have a contest between May and Chaos for cutest, cuddliest kitty? We should see side by side photos so we can make a decision.
A recent post from margene..Its About Time
Chris- Okay, if I have bad dreams tonight, that spider moose and black cat lips will be in it.
Is it Linkity Friday already?
A recent post from Lorraine..A Banner Day
The werewolf shoes – I thought they were going to be shoes FOR werewolves! (Not that werewolves couldn’t wear those)
Lots of oddness in today’s linkity! But I want to know if you’re sporting black cat lips today????

A recent post from janna..In the mail
I wonder if Hasbro will retrofit my old Easy Bake oven so my daughter can keep using it……
A recent post from Lynn..Moving on to the next project
Oral cancer? That sucks.

Interesting discussions going on in the m/m blog community this week.
Thanks for the link to that free Marie Sexton story, I hadn´t read that yet. It was really sweet!
A recent post from Janna ErotRomReader..Today Im at Pattis
That was some wild linkity today!
I think the tiny aquarium would be lovely for sea monkeys.
A recent post from Cheryl S…FO- Beatnik
Ha, ha! I was thinking about sea monkeys too in that tiny aquarium. The black cat lips were fascinating, and the crocheted cheeseburger dress just made me laugh and laugh! Plus, I love Sleep Talking Man!
A recent post from Val Kovalin..Review The Match Before Christmas by Eden Winters
Who knew I had a working cat treadmill?
Jack knew – but the rest of us have been scolding him for working out…bad pet owners.
I loved the fantasy map cos of Moomin trolls, wooho Finland
A recent post from blodeuedd..Review- Dragon Blues – Edie Ramer
You know, somebody had to dream up the idea to study the cancer causing effects of oral sex and then get funding for it and then…
So do you think the hubby would be upset if he came home to Fennec foxes along with the cats?
The fantasy map is beyond cool. I want to hang it in my office!
The black cat lipstick is bizarre…but compelling.
Also, I want to cuddle May. Think she’d let me?
Thanks for the giveaway mention. You rock!

A recent post from Bronwyn Green..Book Give Away and Interview!
WiHG is so not a Sam.
That Easy Bake Oven is the actual one I had as a kid except mine was turquoise. And my kid had one that looked like a microwave.
Love the Dark Side is Staying Alive T. I have to get that for Craig.
That black cat lipstick was cute. I’ve seen Pikachu. I’ll have to check out the others.
Why do you WANT to hang upside down on the subway? So you can get your face kicked in?
Sleep kitty. I rally liked Eros Rising, something about it tweeked my buttons. Except for Promises I haven’t read any of the others.
A recent post from Tam..Another week- almost gone
Apparently Princess Leia is into hairy dudes…er, ewoks. Poor Han. He can come home with me instead.
Sam? Doesn’t look like a Sam at all. Though I’m not sure what he looks like. So used to thinking of him as WiHG that I don’t think any normal name fits him.
A recent post from Ava March..Release Date News
After a long, stress-filled day your linkity post is just what the doctor ordered! Thanks!!!!!!!!
I’ve read a couple of those and have a couple more on my TBR. Looks like a good reading week for you. Have a fabulous weekend!

A recent post from Lily..The Mistletoe Experiment by Serena Yates
Lots of linkety! I yearned for an Easy Bake oven when I was a kid — ah, the power of 100 watts.
An optical shop on State St. in Madison always has a Barbie display. It changes seasonally, and it’s pretty creepy. Not sure who the target audience for that is…
More fun on a cold morning. I soooo want the spartacus trike.
A recent post from Mary Lou..Housing Rehab
I knew it; I was sure movies were getting worse and this proves it!
So it looks like I could eventually get good money for those 100 watt light bulbs I’ve had for years. (Just why did I buy them anyway?)
I thought the whale tissue holder was going to be a tissue holder so whales could blow their nose. LOL! But I like this tissue holder too!
Wait, am I missing something? Aren’t all candles fire hazards?
LOL at the cat treadmills!
A recent post from Sydney..And then it was spring
Black cat lipstick….
Thank you Chris! Oh, I so need to read Jenre’s thoughts on whether reviews should mention bad editing. (I usually mention editing issues, although what happens if a new edition, with the errors corrected, is released?)
Is Finding Sanctuary a me book do you think?
Very jealous May

A recent post from orannia..Pet Peeves
It has taken me until today to get all the way through the linkity! Yikes!
The hamburger dress is too much, I guess you wear that if you don’t actually eat hamburgers because if you did, well it wouldn’t exactly look very good.
And the shoes to hang upside down, now I coudl have used those in elementary school, I was always hanging upside down on the monkey bars.
Yes May you are very adorable, almost as adorable as Abner.
I want to snuggle with you, May!
Also: candles are a fire hazard. Huh. Who knew?
A recent post from Nicole..WiP Weds- 3-2-11