Sometimes I absolutely cannot come up with a clever title for linkity… this would be one of those times

Congrats to Tam, who won Possession (Devlin Island, Book 1) by S. W. Vaughn!

Congrats to Natasha, who won Opposites Distract by Stephani Hecht! Opposites Distract was released yesterday by All Romance Ebooks as part of its Perfect Strangers series.

Congrats to Otter, who won How the Other Half Lives by Clare London! How the Other Half Lives will be released by Amber Allure on February 6.

Congrats to Carmel, who won Chocolate Dreams by Em Woods!  Chocolate Dreams will be released by Total-E-Bound on February 7.




Do, Think, Make, Learn





Teh Cute

Reading Update
Rubbing Vignettes: The Wrong Way and the Right Way by Wren Boudreau. free ebook short. Cute short m/m Valentine’s romance split into two scenes as Greg tries to figure out how to celebrate his first Valentine’s with Finn, and then as they celebrate. I really hope that the first scene was the set up for a sequel to Back to Normal, featuring a couple of guys who rub each other the wrong way…
One Night Stand by Cassandra Gold. ebook short. Very good short m/m romance about a guy whose friends drag him to a club to help him get back out there after a few years. He seems to have a real connection to the guy he brings home… until the guy freaks out about having stayed over night and leaves. (This short story was originally part of the Friction anthology.)
Love Ahead: Expect Delays by Astrid Amara. ebook. Very good m/m romance about two guys driving a 1989 Geo from Seattle to drop off in Boulder, hoping to get there for part of Hanukkah, until the drive turns into the roadtrip from hell.
Half Pass by Astrid Amara. ebook. Good m/m romance about a horse phobic guy who inherits his aunt’s boarding stable and moves back to the small town in which he grow up so he can get the stable ready to sell. Unfortunately, it felt like all the details about the horses and their training and care overshadowed the actual story.
Handcuffs & Spreader Bars (Rawlings Men, Book 5) by Kim Dare. ebook. Very good kinky m/m romance about a dom (and police officer) who’s had his eye on one of the newer constables for a while, but has only just learned that the constable equates submission with being taken advantage of due to a prior bad experience.
MIA Case Files 1: Wolfsbane by K.C. Burn. ebook. Very good paranormal m/m romance about a closeted agent who works in a secret government agency (MIA) that investigates dangerous paranormal activities. While he and his partner are trying to figure out what’s going on in the small town of Rothburg, he meets and becomes fascinated by a gorgeous young man working at a coffee shop.
MIA Case Files 2: Blood Relations by K.C. Burn. ebook. Ok paranormal m/m romance about another MIA agent who gets involved with a young man who seems too good to be true. I didn’t enjoy the second book in this series nearly as much as I did the first – it was just too predictable.
Del Fantasma: Duck Fart by Jade Buchanan. ebook. Good paranormal m/m romance about an innocent Siamese cat shifter who just tracked down the best friend he’s had a crush on for years, only to discover that his friend is now mated to someone else. He thinks his heart is broken – so why is he leaving with that duck shifter and that human?!
High Flow (EMS Heat, Book 7) by Stephani Hecht. ebook. Good m/m romance about a medic who was gay bashed and now can’t let anyone get close or touch him. But maybe the handsome doctor in the ER will be patient enough to past his defenses…
True Hollywood by James Buchanan. ebook short. Good short m/m romance about two stuntmen who haven’t seen each other since their breakup years before until they run in to each other at their former mentor’s wake.
Second Helpings (Table for Two, Book 2) by Scarlet Blackwell. ebook short. Ok short m/m romance continuing the story of Luc, the arrogant French chef, and Daniel, the closeted British food critic, as Daniel’s obnoxious mother (who doesn’t know he’s gay) arrives for a visit and ratchets up the tension.
Beach Reading (Book 1) by Mark Abramson. ebook. Ok m/m mystery about a waiter in the Castro who spends a lot of time wandering around stoned and picking up guys. I did enjoy being able to picture the various locations mentioned. I didn’t enjoy the rambling brain dumps from everyone in the story.
A Bid for Love by T.D. McKinney & Terry Wylis. ebook. Ok m/m romance about an FBI agent who participates in a charity auction and is “purchased” by an anonymous bidder he assumes to be a woman. Ah, the surprise that awaits him when he and the bidder meet up in Italy. Sadly, the language was too flowery and overwrought for my tastes.
Knight or Daye by Jude Mason. ebook short. Ok short kinky m/m/m romance about a guy who infiltrates a human slavery ring, hoping that he can reconnect with and rescue the lover he drove away.
Howl by Lacey-Anne Frye. ebook. Ok m/m paranormal romance about a couple who stays at an isolated B&B in the middle of the woods. The proprietor tells them not to go outside after dark… Why don’t people ever listen??
What You See by C.J. Black. ebook short. So-so short m/m encounter between a waiter and an older man who always sits in his section at the restaurant.

“I’m hiding in my Plastic Tub of Invisibility. You can’t see me.” -Mayhem

31 thoughts on “Sometimes I absolutely cannot come up with a clever title for linkity… this would be one of those times”

  1. I immediately gravitated to the opt out link for the yellow pages. Somewhere under the last umpety loads of snow is the last copy of the yellow pages we received. We never even brought it in!

    Also, I have the vibram shoes for running. While I do not love them as much as I love my regular running shoes (and I won’t run a second half marathon in them, because they were on the list of things that didn’t work for a full 13.1 miles), they are great for occasional workouts to give muscles in your feet and legs that are coddled by normal running shoes a bit of a workout on their own. The gorilla feet look doesn’t bother me, but my toes did get cold when I tried to run in them shortly after I bought them (we were just entering late fall at the time).
    A recent post from Seanna Lea..Take any heart! Take mine!My Profile

  2. Those lines you’ll never hear were funny.

    Those snow pictures are pretty amazing, and frightening.

    Those pretzels were so cute, and so much work.

    The little tiny storm troppers was sad.

    OMG, a cheese cave. I want cheese.

    Cute kitty hat. Can’t wait to see a pic of you wearing it. 🙂

    Wearable planter, awkward. Anatomy dress, weird. Cake shoes and toe boots, stupid.

    I read some of those books this week. First three agree, I have the second KC Burn as I enjoyed the first. We’ll have to see what I think of the second. Of course James Buchanan is always a good choice and I did adore Drake so loved Duck Fart. Looking forward to Stephani’s.
    A recent post from Tam..Paranormal ThursdayMy Profile

  3. Congratulations to Tam!

    Hey, thank you for mentioning the posts and contests at Book Lovers Chris. Much appreciated.

    I’m going to have to come back late tonight after work and check out all the great links – great stuff as always.

    LOL Mayhem!

    TGIF and enjoy you weekend Chris!

  4. Thank you, thank you for the Yellow Pages opt-out. I live in a condo building and the directories are left outside on the landing to die a slow death.

    Where do you find this stuff. “Huh” is right.

    Happy (and warm) weekend to you and the kitties.
    A recent post from Karen B…Gone- baby GoneMy Profile

  5. “Just eat less”. What a surprise.

    I am sad that there are not yet any good 7″ tablets. It seems like a very useful size. For tablet PCs, of course.

    I remember someone saying just recently that they wanted a heated chair… now who was that…
    A recent post from Cheryl S…Happy Snails to YouMy Profile

  6. Really the Amazon tribe, the skeptic in me questions its authenticity but the realist in me really wants it to be true as that is cool.

    I have to get those cufflinks.

    I’m very upset with you today Chris for not posting a kitty picture.

  7. I think a black kitten on a horse is probably the most frightening of the Horsemen.. just ask any black cat/kitten staffperson. Also.. I sat & stared at those Vibram boots for about 5 minutes trying to figure out whether they were the most awesome or ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. My husband (who cannot stand “toe socks”) would just DIE if he saw those.
    A recent post from Mouse..QOTW- Follow your Own PathMy Profile

  8. So much great linkety! I’m enamored of the Beowulf socks.

    I hope that those camp chairs with the butt warmers are being marketed toward the ice fishing crowd.

  9. Congrats, Tam!!!

    LOL I loved the Reading a Book video so much. I posted it on FB and shared it with my whole family. 😀

    Thanks for the links to Patti and Kim’s blogs.

    Pretty interesting use for soda can tabs.

    I sent the link to the gluten-free breads and Valentine’s Day to my sister, thanks!

    Loved those garden pictures!

    That’s a lot of cheese!!

    Uncontacted after all this time? Amazing… I watch a couple of other videos there with my grandson. He loved the HDR video of a chapel made to look like a video game and the hardcore metal lego video.

    Eek, thiose five finger boots/shoes are ugly/weird/strange!

    Double eek and yuk for the anatomy dresses!

    LOL on the laptop Kama Sutra. I had no idea that’s what I was really doing. 🙂

    I’ve read a few of those (and pretty much agree with your thoughts) and have a few more on my TBR/TBB.

    Thanks for the mention and have a great weekend.
    A recent post from Lily..Better late than never this weeks new releasesMy Profile

  10. Great linkity – as usual. Loved some of that humor – funny stuff.

    *jotting down book names furiously*

    And where’s Mayhem? That tub of invisibility sure works well.
    A recent post from Tracy..Saturday SongMy Profile

  11. Woah! I’ve been checking out blogs from fellow GoodReads friends and when I came across yours I had to blink twice. My fist thought was “huh”?

    But this is so cool! And so handy!! The animals are just too cute! 🙂

  12. Who knew Kraft even took cheese seriously enough to have a cheese cave?!

    Toes or fingers in gloves, socks or shoes are not good for keeping warm. I don’t think I’ll be buying toe boots any time soon.

    Yeah, I’m waiting to see you in the Kitty Hat.

    Good links!
    A recent post from Sydney..Between Snow StormsMy Profile

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