Linkity from the land of ice and snow

Congrats to Harper Bell, who won Tono (the sequel to Loving Edits) by Mickie B. Ashling! Tono is being released by Dreamspinner Press today.

Congrats to Samantha, who won Tears of Blood (Drone Vampires, Book 12) by Stephani Hecht! Tears of Blood will be released by eXtasy Books on January 15, 2011.

Congrats to Marie A, who won the Saddle Up ‘N Ride anthology by Em Woods (and friends)! Saddle Up ‘N Ride will be released by Total-E-Bound on January 17.




Think, Make, Learn, Do






Teh Cute

Reading Update
Death by Misfortune by A.M. Riley. ebook. Excellent m/m romantic suspense/mystery about the murder of a “psychic to the stars” and a prominent Hollywood producer, filled with lots of complex twists and turns. The story is told from two alternating points-of-view: Jeremy, a production assistant, and Bill, the closeted cop first introduced in Amor en Retrogrado.
His Client by Ava March. ebook. Very good kinky Regency m/m romance about a prostitute who’s had enough to retire for a while, but stays on at the brothel because he’s fallen in love with one of his clients – a client who’s been pining for his straight best friend since they were at university together.
Trusted Bond (Change of Heart, Book 2) by Mary Calmes. ebook. Very good paranormal m/m romance continuing the story of Jin and Logan about six months after Change of Heart ends, complete with attackers, kidnappers, and assassins! As Logan comments more than once, life with Jin is never dull or predictable.
Taking You Home (Boys of Summer, Book 2) by Cooper Davis. ebook. This sequel to Boys of Summer was a very good m/m romance that continues the story of Hunter and Max as they deal with Max’s family and Hunter works to adjust to the idea of himself as not straight.
Pulling Apart (Pulling Away, Book 2) by Shawn Lane. ebook short. Good short m/m romance continuing the story of Noah and Charlie as Charlie pulls away and Noah has no idea what’s wrong or how to help.
Things I’ll Never Say by M.J. O’Shea. ebook. Very sweet m/m romance about two guys who’ve been best friends for years. One’s had a crush on the other for ages, but is so sure it isn’t returned that he plans to go to college out of state to get some distance.
Euphorbia by Glyn Soitino. ebook. Very good short m/m romance about a gardener who was burned by love and doesn’t plan to get involved beyond one-night stands ever again.
Black Gold by Clancy Nacht & Thursday Euclid. ebook. Pretty good m/m romance about a glam rock superstar and the leader of a punk band. I would’ve rated this higher if there hadn’t been so damn much talking. These two talked and talked and TALKED. They had long, complicated, deep conversations during allegedly spectacular sex. Um. Yeah. *rolls eyes* Really, I just wanted everyone to shut up after a while. Love the cover, though! 🙂
Firm Touch by Christine d’Abo. ebook short. Steamy short m/m holiday romance about a couple whose lives have been so busy with work that they’ve been growing apart, even though it isn’t what either of them want. Will a drunken revelation that leads to a kinky surprise help bring them closer together or be the beginning of the end?
What He Wants by Eden Cole. free ebook short. Free so-so short m/m romance about two nominally straight best friends whose mutual female friend points out to each of them that they’re in love with each other.
Giving Chase (Seattle) by Jamie Hill. ebook short. Meh short m/m romance about a programmer who meets a gift store clerk and is instantly smitten. The whole thing felt forced and unrealistic.
Best Laid Plans by Cat Kane. ebook. Ok m/m romance about a disaster-prone wedding coordinator who gets involved with the groom of a wedding he’s planning. I might’ve liked this more had the whole reason behind the big misunderstanding plot made sense to me.
Rescuing the Librarian (New Horizons, Book 1) by Serena Yates. ebook. Ok m/m romance about a research librarian who agrees to help a porn star attempting to break into more mainstream acting get a better understanding of what a librarian’s job involves. Alas, I had some niggles about this one – the actor, from Scotland, must not have had any accent at all, since the librarian didn’t realize he was from Scotland. How likely is that? And what happened to the librarian’s assistant, who seemed as if he was going to be a critical player in the story, but vanished after a couple pages?
Naughty Nooners by Carol Lynne, Kaenar Langford, J.P. Bowie, Cian Fey, Jade Mason, & Dakota Rebel. ebook collection. Ok collection of m/m romance short stories about steamy lunch hour interludes and instalove.
Law and Ardor by Jack Greene. ebook short. Steamy short m/m romance about a cop who responds to a breaking-and-entering report and meets an adorable guy that he’d really like to get to know better. Small editing fail when counting fingers at one point…
Love Thy Neighbor by Jack Greene. ebook short. Steamy short m/m/m story about a guy who becomes fascinated by the two exhibitionist models who have an apartment across the courtyard from him.

“Why are  you taking my picture?!” -Chaos

37 thoughts on “Linkity from the land of ice and snow”

  1. I’m getting kittens this week! So excited!

    I must be slacking because I’ve only read one of your books this week – Naughty Nooners – I agree it was an OK read.

    I have the AM Riley on my TBR pile and I’m saving it for a special occasion.
    A recent post from Jenre..Love Thy Neighbor by Jack GreenMy Profile

  2. I love these brief blurbs about the books. It gives me exactly what I need to know about the book. 🙂 Knowing the premise is sometimes half the battle.

    Thanks, Chris.

  3. Patti: D’oh! I removed the link. Thanks for the heads up!

    Jenre: Kittens! Yay! Need photos. 🙂

    Mia: Glad you enjoy the reviewettes!

  4. I have to agree with Teddy’s three no-no’s.

    I’ve used Adobe Digital for epubs and it works fine.

    Great ISS quote. Made me go “woah”.

    That is quite the cat house. Snail guitar is weird.

    The sex toy link doesn’t work. Yes, I’m the one clicking on that link. LOL

    I could have used some footie pjs last night. My feet were FREEZING.

    Those warning labels make me think that some idiot did what they tell you not to and then tried to sue the company because really, who’d ever think up most of that stuff unless it already happened?

    “Sparkles is pregnant?” Ha! A classic line.

    Wow, I only read two of those, the Greene one (at BE today) and the Librarian which I had issues with too. Have I reviewed it yet? Maybe it’s in draft form. I have a few of those in my TBR. I’ve heard so many complaints about the yappy guys that I may move that much further down my list although as you said, gorgeous cover.
    A recent post from Tam..Nothing- nothing- nothing but a rainbow of cookiesMy Profile

  5. The article about libraries and ebooks — unknown, I think, to a lot of non-academics, is that there is a whole different type of ebooks purchased by academic libraries. These are read on your computer screen, not on an ebook reader. They also aren’t (usually) downloaded — you have to be online to read them. You can download chapters (again, usually), but not the entire book. Since most of our students wander around with their laptops and since the wireless network is pretty ubiquitous, this isn’t a huge problem. But it’s a way different scenario than what is going on at public libraries.
    A recent post from janna..Blogiversary and a Random DrawingMy Profile

  6. So many tabs open! I’m going to buy an ereader this weekend (I think!) (how many times have I said that) I’m going to have to learn how to side load all these books from elsewhere.

  7. Interesting post on the 3star review. For me 3 stars means I liked it. It didn’t blow me away, that’s a 5 but is also wasn’t terrible, that’s a 1. A 2 is an okay book while a 4 means I really liked it a lot.

    I agree with TeddyPig’s list.

    Interesting info on ISSN’s. I’d not heard of that before.

    I had never realized how many variations of cats there were. Kitty is a Tuxedo Cat without the optional White Tail Tip.

    Winter in the Netherlands was beautiful. Just how I like to see snow. On a screen. Which is why I live in Florida and hopefully we’ll continue to be snow free. I’m going on vacation in a couple of weeks to Georgia and N/S Carolina. Fingers crossed the snow is gone by then. 🙂

    I think Kitty would love that cat house. I’d be worried about airborne attacks when she felt like playing though.

    LOL on the Snail guitar.

    Eww, I can’t believe they still served the noodles.

    Gives new meaning to “Bless you”. Lucky guy!

    OMG, my favorites were the visor “do not drive with it in place” and the fire log “risk of fire”. 😀

    LOL on the footie pj’s. Emma absolutely loves them and if she can get away with it will wear them all day long.

    The zombie movie was good though the first one I did a few weeks back was better.

    I’ve got His Client on my wish list, liked Trusted Bond a lot, have Taking You Home on my TBR and Pulling Apart also on my wish list. I’m pretty sure I read Giving Chase a while back and it was okay for me, Best Laid Plans was also okay as well as Naughter Nooners. I enjoyed Love Thy Neighbor.

    Have a great weekend and thanks for the mention!
    A recent post from Lily..The Friday 56 and aww- so cute- so funny and so sexy!My Profile

  8. Love the snowplow hint! I have been plowed in so many times this winter I can hardly keep track. Oh-oh. I just looked out the window – I believe it is going to happen again.

  9. I’m going to safe some of this enormous amount of links for tomorrow. 🙂 I did very much enjoy the Dutch Winter film link though. And thanks for the link to the Goodreads collection of free stories, I would’ve missed that if you hadn’t mentioned it.

    Good to see you liked His Client so much, I just bought that.

    I’m off to bed now. Have a great weekend, Chris!
    A recent post from Janna ErotRomReader..Happy Gay Friday &amp A reading updateMy Profile

  10. Awwww – you put my naughty kitties on linkity! BTW, the tree is down now. There is much sadness in my house.

    I’m so getting that fang ice cube tray for a certain someone for her birthday! I love when linkity and my shopping needs collide. 😀

    Those little Fennac Foxes are adorable!!!

    And now, thanks to the linkity title, I now have Led Zeppelin stuck in my head.

    Thanks for posting the link to Jo Knowles blog – I thought it was really thought provoking. 🙂

    I love that picture of Chaos. 😀
    A recent post from Bronwyn Green..This is why my damn tree is still up!My Profile

  11. Excellent Linkity today!

    Katie is a blue ticked.

    I thought for sure it was going to be a guitar for snails.

    So we should all make sure to have a drink before we exercise?!
    A recent post from Sydney..Snow Day!My Profile

  12. the laundry captain is outside shoveling right now, should I go explain how to do it at the driveway? I think not. The warning labels were great. Once my mother burned my father by accidentally hitting the steam button while running the iron on his back. (She was ironing, he complained of a stiff shoulder…)
    A recent post from Mary Lou..The Mystery of Tea TowelsMy Profile

  13. Gotta love the libraries. Our town one might close. Honestly, I think it should: it has really limited hours and limited resources and we also support the county system – where I do all of my library bookity.

    It is kind of odd how I support libraries but see why this one should close.
    A recent post from trek..In which trek consMy Profile

  14. Now that my husband has given me an iPad for Christmas, I shall take the time to read all the ebookity posts. The iBook store is lame, but thankfully the Kindle app is free. I have to figure out the other formats. I can read pdfs no problem.

    Chaos, you love being a blog kitty! You can’t fool us with disgruntlement.
    A recent post from Brenda..Wisconsin Knitter turns 100 on 1-11-11My Profile

  15. It’s so nice to catch up on your linkity!

    OK, so the fingerless gloves totally have me thinking about the collection of knitted socks I have with holes in them. I’m thinking about trying to use a steek as a way to make the thumb hole. (The wheels are turning…)

    Think I might make them while sipping some of that hot cocoa! 😉

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