In which I join along in Random Wednesday

Random Wednesday is the brainchild of mamacate and has propagated far and wide. A simple yet brilliant idea for the oh-so-rough middle of the week when I, at least, am beginning to feel more than slightly scattered… “She jumped onto her horse and rode madly off in all directions.”

Plus, I’m simply quite fond of randomness. A long time ago, I had a Siamese kitten I named Random (after Random of Amber – when I was little, I so wanted to be a Prince of Amber… the Princesses were a sorry lot overall, but the Princes had it made. I suppose that’s true of a lot of stories, now that I think of it.). Anyway. He was sweet, but not very bright, so he became Ran-Dumb-Dumb.

Do you have any weird abilities? I do – I’m a Finder. Wondering where you left something? If I’ve been in your house longer than 15 minutes, I probably know. I used to live with a guy who really came to rely on this Finding ability (and in fact gave me the nickname). He said it took him many months after I had moved out to get over the urge to call me when he couldn’t find it. Tragically, this gift is only useful for other people. I can’t find my own stuff or SRM for Chaos… yes, he’s lost again… Hmph.

Maeve alerted me to this nifty pattern for black cat socks. Thanks, Maeve! Cricket, Chaos says “Mraow, baby.”

Speaking of socks, check out these biking sheep socks – ok, ok, they’re already knitted, but they are cool.

Sounds like another snowstorm is heading toward the Twin Cities – perhaps another 4 to 7 inches of snow on top of the 8+ inches we got Monday. Well, the upside is I’ve been mightily inspired to go get new tires after work. I’ve been meaning to do that for months… All this snow could be completely melted by the middle of next week as we return to our unseasonably mild winter. (Heh, we Minnesotans can and do talk about the weather at the slightest provocation.)

Yay! I’ve had fun reading other bloggers’ lists of 100 things about themselves. I’m way behind in bloglines today (darn work, being busy and all that), but so far I’ve really enjoyed lists from the Knit Wit, Peeve, and Jennifer. Looking forward to reading more!

“I’m too busy being cute and thinking of the winsome Cricket to come up with a pithy comment today.”

22 thoughts on “In which I join along in Random Wednesday”

  1. Maybe the finding only works for other people. Now can you tell me where I’ve put the cat brush, please?

    Chaos has another girl? He’s becoming as bad as Jasper! Or was he already bad?

  2. My special ability is finding too. Unfortunately I find dog turds. On the bottom of my shoe. LOL
    I’ll do a 100 things once I’m back. I started a year ago but stopped cos I couldn’t think of lots of things.
    And you may have noticed I am random….

  3. I’m flabbergasted Chris!

    raises a Vulcan eyebrow at you…. absolutely no kidding — I’ve always been called upon since about the age of ten, for my ‘finder’s sense.’ My fingers ‘tingle,’ almost like dowsing, when I am getting close. My mom has said it’s a talent that runs in our family, although she acts as if it’s some secret magic no one is going to believe in…

    Mine has three rules though, and they’ve always been true.

    1. I’ve had to have touched the object at some time, any time, in the past (which means it doesn’t work with strangers)

    2. The thing I’m looking for has to be inanimate, no living things.

    3. It cannot be purposefully hidden on someone else’s person.

    Really, are you kidding me? I wonder if a lot of people do this and we just don’t talk about it ;o)

    To get a tiny bit weirder, my other odd ability is I usually know when my Mom is upset, even though she lives in Minnesota 1000 miles away, and doesn’t have long distance. I can’t explain that one.

  4. Hello Chaos! You look so happy and contented!
    Thanks for mentioning me, Chris, and for linking Knit Whit and Peeve. Now I have new blogs to read!

  5. Aw, I just want to scratch Chaos’ head.

    Stay safe with all the snow. I know you love MN, but I don’t know how you do it!

  6. My roomate has the Gift of Finding as well…I call her The Finder of All Things. This is very good for me, because I am Looser of All Things…especially my keys. :o) Funny! I’ll have to tell her she has a Finder-Twin.

  7. It’s good that Cricket and Chaos can be pen-pals – when she sees another kitty in person, she goes CRAZY. Mountain-lion screams, hissing… she’s a bully.

    Of course, she’s also 8 pounds when wet, so she may be in for a big surprise if she ever meets another kitty besides my parents’ wussy-cat.

    In my next life, I’m coming back as a kitty with a nice, warm sunny spot. 🙂

  8. Oooohh – another thing in common. I’m a finder. I am however, also a loser of things which i can then find later. Does that make me Bi-polar or multiple personality? Hope the snow won’t keep our Sunday meet-up from hapopening cuz I’m very excited. Just wish 318 allowed cats so Tigger and Chaos could have a play date.

  9. You are a finder?? Great! Now I really have to claim the title of Loser. I am a Loser.(Holding L to my forehead.) People have said that about me for years but I didn’t think it was true. Now I’ll have to call them and tell them they were right! Where the hell did I put the phonebook??

  10. I too am often a finder. Usually for other people’s things too, and usually because I tend to notice mundane things while missing the wildly bizarre. Its a gift.

    Hooray for Chaos!

  11. Alright “Finder.” Where is my Soft Lips Chapstick? It’s been MIA for 4 days now. I’m thinking of tacking some posters up.

  12. I have a “Magic Findy Finger” (a la Fozzy Bear in Muppet Treasure Island). My best trick was finding a friend’s jeans which has slipped under her clawfoot tub while she’d been taking a bath many days beforehand.

    I also have a Parking Fairy which means I find car parks very easily. Ironically I only got a car and a license this past year!

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