Secrets of the universe revealed!

Well, ok, not so much secrets of the universe (because everyone knows that answer is 42) as my secret project. Marina was correct – I was making socks. More specifically, birthday socks for my SIL, who was gifted with them Saturday night. She loves her some handknit socks, so she will have an eternal supply. So sayeth I and it will be good.

*blink blink*

Ok, moving right along… These were, roughly, the Thuja socks from knitty, except I did them toe-up and switched to 3×1 rib at the top to maintain the pattern throughout the sock. The yarn was Opal Handpaint and I definitely have enough left for another pair (for someone with much smaller feet than myself). This was stash yarn, purchased a year or so ago.

Fortunately, they’re more evenly matched than they appear in this picture!
“Don’t you rush me. These socks won’t get the Chaotic Seal of Approvaltm if you rush me!”

26 thoughts on “Secrets of the universe revealed!”

  1. I have one pair of hand knitted socks and I love them more than any other socks ever. Luckily they have held out longer than any other pair as well. And now that we are moving south, I will be sad to only wear them a few times a year.

  2. Hey, these socks turned out so lovely – and I do love the Opal yarn that you chose for it! Opal is such an amazing sock yarn, if it’d just be a bit less expensive over here 🙁 But the end result is certainly worth it, no?

  3. ;o) Good thing you SIL knows about the Chaos Seal of Approval (the SIL with Riley and Diablo, who survived Chaos’ kittenhood? ;o)

    Really nice red color too!

    What is with the communication systems in this area reacently? ;o) Something chewed through a fiberoptic cable somewhere between Paris and Huntingdon — our workplace just got their phones back up late last night.

  4. Your socks are gorgeous!! I love the colorway you used- very rich and beautiful. Your SIL is a lucky girl! 😉 Fantastic work… take care, Chris! 🙂

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