Worn to a little nub from a crazy week, I still attempt linkity!

Congrats to Courtney, who won Breathe by Sloan Parker!

Congrats to Marie, who won Mistletoe and Submission by Kim Dare!  Mistletoe and Submission will be released by Total-E-Bound on December 6.

Congrats to Brenna and LadyM, who won His for the Holidays by LB Gregg, Harper Fox, ZA Maxfield, and Josh Lanyon. His for the Holidays will be released by Carina Press on Monday, December 6.



  • Author newsletters: Kim Dare (news, free story, and a contest) and Heidi Cullinan (I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but I’m sure it’s filled with awesomesauce).


  • Have you been to Brief Encounters yet? It’s a new blog from Tam and Jenre, devoted entirely to reviews of short m/m stories. Congrats, you two! Were you concocting this in San Francisco?!

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Teh Cute

Reading Update
Unspeakable Words by Sarah Madison. ebook. Excellent paranormal m/m romantic suspense about a very precise San Francisco-based FBI agent who’s been shuffled around a lot because he’s not easy to deal with. He gets assigned a temporary partner from Quantico because of a new lead in an old case. When his temporary partner ends up sleeping on his couch, his orderly world is disrupted and things start to get interesting. I’m definitely hoping for more books about these two!!
Beyond Reckless by Ava March. ebook short. Very good steamy short m/m Regency romance about two men who enjoy the thrill of nearly being discovered…
Idaho Battlegrounds by Sarah Black. ebook. Very good m/m romance about a small-town Idaho sheriff who’s also a lieutenant in a National Guard unit that’s been in Afghanistan for the past four years. He’s now up for reelection against the corrupt interim sheriff, while at the same time getting to know a local dairy farmer who has a few secrets of his own…

Pretty Ugly (Petit Morts #6) by Jordan Castillo Price. ebook short. Very good short paranormal m/m story about a photographer who describes himself as “plug ugly”. He’s shooting an event when he encounters the elusive chocolatier Chance, who gives him a very special chocolate…
Sort of Stranger than Fiction (Petit Morts #7) by Josh Lanyon. ebook short. Very good short paranormal m/m romance about a small-town bookstore owner who’s quite intrigued by the scarred guy who owns a nearby dojo.
One Less Stiff at the Funeral (Petit Morts #8) by Sean Kennedy. ebook short. Very good short m/m paranormal story about a guy who helps family members plan services for their freshly deceased relatives.
Critic’s Choice (Petit Morts #9) by Josh Lanyon. ebook short. Very good short m/m paranormal m/m romance about a film critic who gets the chance to work on a dream project and does so, even though he’ll be working with his cheating ex-boyfriend.
Wishink Well (Petit Morts #10) by Jordan Castillo Price. ebook short. Excellent short paranormal m/m romance about a man in a hospice, dying of COPD, who runs into the mysterious and alluring Chance stocking vending machines. This Petit Mort has sharper edge than the others.. and we find out a tiny bit more about Chance.
In a Wolf’s Eyes by Cassandra Gold. ebook short. Good short paranormal m/m romance about a guy who gets lost in the woods and found by a strangely intelligent wolf…
Copper Country Gold by Taylor Lochland. ebook. Good short paranormal m/m romance about a bobcat shifter in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula who’s been limiting himself to one-night stands because there aren’t any other gay shifters in the area and he knows his clan leader will never accept an outsider.
WHAT by Missy Welsh. free ebook short. Good free short paranormal m/m romance about a tattoo artist who has a crush on his straight boss.
Dinner and a Movie by Beth Wylde. ebook short. Steamy short m/m encounter about a couple out for dinner and a very unusual movie…
Strings Attached by Nick Nolan. ebook. Good but uneven m/m romance about a high school senior who discovers, after his alcoholic mother ends up in treatment, that his dead father’s family is wealthy. His transition to a life of privilege while he tries to figure out who he is and what he wants does not go smoothly. The author’s afterward reveals numerous references to the story of Pinocchio, only a few of which I caught. I’d suggest including a forward with an abbreviated version of that story to help the reader…
Double Bound (Strings Attached, Book 2) by Nick Nolan. ebook. Ok m/m romantic suspense that was all over the place. This book focused on the butler/bodyguard from the previous book. Unfortunately, especially the closer to the end of this book I got, it felt like the heir (the main character from the previous book) was back to being Pinocchio, with others deciding things for him.
The Christmas Wreath (Tales from the Bell End Cafe, Book 1) by Fabian Black. ebook short. So-so short m/m holiday romance about a young man who fancies himself in love with the older man who saved his life. I think this is the first installment in a serial story… and those drive me nuts. I’d rather read an entire story, not wait for it to be eked out.
The Perfect Tree (The Forbidden Room, Book 3) by J.P. Barnaby. ebook short. Steamy short kinky holiday m/m romance, after which reading you’ll not look at Christmas decorations the same again!
Twinkle, Twinkle by Josephine Myles. ebook short. DSP Advent Calendar. Good short holiday m/m romance about a doctor who, when treating an electrician shocked while checking the wiring for Christmas lights, realizes that the hunky electrician was the fat kid everyone beat up in school.
Biting the Christmas Biscuit (Broken, Book 1.2) by Dawn Kimberly Johnson. ebook short. So-so short holiday m/m romance in which the couple from Broken go to spend the holidays with one’s dead boyfriend’s family. The ending on this was odd – it just sort of stopped.
Storm on the Mountain (Mountain #7) by P.D. Singer. ebook short. Very good short m/m romance continuing the story of Mark and Allan, this time with a Valentine’s Day blizzard.
On Call: Crossroads (On Call #3) by P.D. Singer. ebook short. Doctors Without Borders Charity Sip Blitz. Very good short m/m romance continuing the story of veterinarian Dante and doctor Keith, as Keith tries to come to grips with losing a patient.
Housesitting by M. Durango. ebook short. Doctors Without Borders Charity Sip Blitz. Good short m/m romance about a guy who’s housesitting for his uncle for the summer, next door to the now-resident who was his teenaged crush.
Little Fishes by Syd McGynley. ebook short. Doctors Without Borders Charity Sip Blitz. Ok short kinky m/m romance about a master taking his slave to meet his family, who aren’t aware of the nature of their relationship.
How Did I Lose My Passport – And Find My Love by JM Cartwright. ebook short. Doctors Without Borders Charity Sip Blitz. So-so short m/m romance about an absent-minded medical researcher who misplaces his passport while traveling and is surprised when his nemesis, the hospital’s COO, turns up to get things sorted out.

“That was tasty. I’m glad Mom left those crackers near the edge of the counter while she was getting something out of the fridge!” -Chaos

43 thoughts on “Worn to a little nub from a crazy week, I still attempt linkity!”

  1. Thanks for the shout out Chris! No it was all dreamed up after SF, but very much based on the number of people at Yaoicon who told me how much they missed my blog :).

    Actually, given the amount of shorts you’ve read this week, I think we need to recruit you as a guest reviewer!

    I have the Sarah Madison book in my TBR pile but it may be while before I get to it. Looks good though :).
    A recent post from Jenre..The Perfect Tree by JP BarnabyMy Profile

  2. LOL, the cover of “Mistletoe Madness” cracks me up! The look on the face of the guy sitting down – whoa! Look what I’m getting for Christmas!!

    That bit about humans walking in circles – so fascinating! I never knew, but I’m not surprised.

    Want.Baby.Cheetah. Don’t care if he one day chases me down. Baby.Cheetah.
    A recent post from Brigitte..Its The Little ThingsMy Profile

  3. Personally, I find this quote from the bad quotes freaking brilliant. I want to know more.

    “Before you know it, you’re naked and handcuffed to the headboard of some guy named Dirk with a ruler tattooed on his penis.”

    Thanks for the shout-out and no, Jen came up with that one on her own after she got home. 🙂

    It wasn’t that they were “predicting” porn would show up more than 50% of the time, it was that they were HOPING it would show up more than 50%.

    I want fear in a can.

    Love the thread art. No like squid shoes.

    Starship Meaterprise. I’d eat it.

    Loved the gift card blurb.

    I shouldn’t read Squirrel!Neo at work. Laughing out loud is not good.

    Yay, glad I’m not the only one who really liked Unspeakable Words. I was starting to get paranoid since so many people had issues with it. LOL I’ll definitely be on the look-out for more. Otherwise except for the Taylor Lockland one and the Charity sips I haven’t read any of those. I haven’t even kept up with my Daily Doses. Ack! I sense and over-Dose coming on. LOL

    Have a great weekend.
    A recent post from Tam..And today on the internet- a new blog is bornMy Profile

  4. Love the cyclist gifts! Too bad I already got #2 son the merino wool hoodie he asked for, but the Chipotle gift card is the perfect stocking stuffer for him. The wannabe writer video is hilarious! I have a draft post with the crows vs. kitteh video; shall I still post it? Is there anyone who DOESN’T read your blog?

    Sorry gotta go, need to gift-wrap the cat…
    A recent post from kmkat..WinterMy Profile

  5. Thanks so much for the link to our blog! We love to get such positive feedback. And, well, *cough* if you’re looking for even further distraction, you should click through my name to our covers site, too. 😉

    Tam, that quote has been extremely popular. One of the things I love best about our blog is that we promote and sell books, even while poking (all in good) fun at them. If you decide to purchase a book, don’t forget that you support Uncle Walter by clicking through from our site!

    Okay, is that enough self-promotion for now??? LOL Seriously, though, I tip my hat in acknowledgment! 🙂
    A recent post from The Wife..This is your last chance After this- there is no turning backMy Profile

  6. the stonehenge thing, totally cool. I love the squid shoes, those are awesome! The high heel hiking, not so much. I can barely stand up on flat shoes when hiking. And I think I need the typewriter waffle maker.
    A recent post from Rebekah..Arts and Crafts WeekendMy Profile

  7. Of course I would be all over those purple sneakers if they had a dark sole instead of a white one! I also cracked up over naked santa & showed my son the wrapped cat… I wonder if captin jack would let me do that to him???

  8. Another great set of links, thanks!

    Among my favorites were the Hand Sanitizers and the Chipotle card. Funny!

    LOL, I can’t believe I forgot to finish and post the new books. I started it Wednesday after work but lost track of it in the prep for Jules’ surgery. Just finished and posted it now.

    As for the books, I’ve not read any of these but do have a couple on my TBR. Have a great weekend!
    A recent post from Lily..Cold Winters by AKM MilesMy Profile

  9. The Stonehenge article is way cool and the kids and I are totally going to make Deathstar ornaments for the tree – I think they’ll go nicely with the pirate, faery, and Winnie-the-Pooh ornaments. 😀 And I LOVED Milk’s speech. Thanks for more awesome linkity goodness!

  10. Oh, FlippyCat was so patient with the Christmas wrapping. He lived a good 16 years.

    I really, really want “Fear in a Can.” Looks like it’s a brick and mortar only. I have friends who would love their zombie line as well. Yes, I have weird friends 🙂
    A recent post from Karen B…Just In Time!My Profile

  11. I’ve had a crazy, stressful couple of weeks also.

    A neighbor has a dog that’s very old and blind. They say she tends to walk in circles until she bumps into something.

    I love the thread art!

    I can identify with the easy open product graph.
    A recent post from Sydney..Post Halloween Wrap-UpMy Profile

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