Ebook Giveaway: Mongrel by K.Z. Snow [CONTEST CLOSED]

Today is a two contest/two cat picture day! Make sure you go enter the contest for Red Lights & Silver Bells (EMS Heat, Book 6) by Stephani Hecht!

Many thanks to K. Z. Snow for donating an ebook copy of her forthcoming m/m fantasy-steampunk romance, Mongrel, for a lucky commenter to win! Mongrel will be released by Dreamspinner Press on December 8.

Hunzinger’s Mechanical Circus, a rollicking seaside carnival where imagination meets machinery, seems like the only bright spot in the dreary city of Purinton. But a shadow is cast there one day by a tall, cloaked figure striding down the boardwalk and behaving in a most eccentric way – a man with strange eyes and strange ears and a mark at the base of his throat. He’s Fanule Perfidor, commonly known as the Dog King, and he isn’t welcome at the Circus. No resident of Taintwell is. They’re all Branded Mongrels, and they’re officially shunned.

So it’s understandable that Will Marchman, a young patent-medicine salesman, is wary when Perfidor approaches his stand and begins asking questions. Much to his chagrin, Will is beguiled as well. When the two men meet again at a public house in the city’s seediest district, all prejudice falls away. Lust takes over, then affection. An affair is born.

The naive but plucky pitchman soon becomes embroiled in a dangerous quest. Fanule suspects that Alphonse Hunzinger and Purinton’s civic leaders are responsible for the disappearance or incarceration of countless Branded Mongrels. But why? As Will’s passion and regard for his tormented lover grow, he’s determined to help Fanule get answers and prevent any further persecution…or worse.

With the aid of a dead and dismembered witch, a vulgar bounty hunter, and a dapper, voracious vampire, Fan and Will take on a group of ruthless enemies. If only they can stay together and stay alive long enough to see their plan through…


M/M Romances Also Available

About K. Z.

K. Z. Snow has published close to thirty shorts, novellas, and novels in a variety of genres and with a variety of publishers, including Ellora’s Cave, Cerridwen Press, Loose Id, Liquid Silver Books, Dreamspinner Press, Changeling Press, Samhain Publishing (under a different name), and Double Dragon Publishing. At the urging of two headstrong characters, she began writing m/m romance about three years ago and fell in love with it. Her work has since been exclusively in that genre.

K. Z. lives with her boyfriend of nine years in rural Wisconsin, where she still loves all creatures great and small… except wood ticks, mosquitoes, and chicken-killing raccoons.

You can visit KZ at her blog, where you’ll find more information about all of her books, including her m/f and menage titles.

Contest Rules

  • To enter, leave a comment stating that you are entering the contest. Contest closes 7 pm CST, Tuesday, December 7.
  • If you haven’t commented before, your comment will not be visible until after I moderate it. Please do not leave a second comment because your first doesn’t show up! The blog gnomes will decide your comments are spam and then only luck and ritual dust bunny sacrifice will salvage your entry…
  • If your comment is actually an advertisement or if your CommentLuv link turns it into an advertisement, your comment will be deleted. (Most of you do not need to worry – this refers to some pretty clever comment spam.)
  • Winners will be selected by random number.
  • You must leave a valid email address in the “Email” portion of the comment form.
  • Please make sure that your spam filter allows email from stumblingoverchaos.com!
  • If a winner doesn’t respond to my congratulations email within 48 hours, I will select another winner.
  • If you win, please respect the author’s intellectual property and don’t make copies of the ebook for anyone else.
  • This contest is open worldwide!

“Do you mind? I’m trying to sleep here.” -Mayhem

54 thoughts on “Ebook Giveaway: Mongrel by K.Z. Snow [CONTEST CLOSED]”

  1. Wow, that sounds amazing, please enter me 🙂

    Also, I love the captions you put on the pictures, they speak to cat owners everywhere…

  2. I’m entering the contest.

    I’m getting into steampunk novels. With this one, adding m/m and fantasy sounds like a sure win.

  3. This looks different than what I usually read, but I would love to try a bit of steam-punk. My husband loves Gail Carringer’s books and has been encouraging me to get into the steam-punk genre so he might like it, too. Please enter me in this drawing.

  4. I’ve never read anyhthing by K.Z. Snow, but I love steam punk and think this looks like it’s a pretty awesome book. Please count me in <3.

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