Happy Fifth Blogiversary to Stumbling Over Chaos today! Wait, that’s me… Serendipitously, the blog will also receive its 50,000th non-spam comment today – if that comment is you, you’ll win a prize to be determined congrats, Jenre!!
Thanks to all of you for making the last five years so much fun for me!
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! It’s been a while since we checked in with Candy Cane Guy, hasn’t it?
Candy Cane Guy was dreaming of the
he had planned for his night of
, starting with a
because he was sooooo done
, then moving on to some
, and ending with him
(or maybe
, depending on his mood). (EC really likes to pair CCG’s body with that head…)
Slowly waking up, no longer completely
in his dreams, he thought about how wonderful it would be to have
, to be
Do you remember how Candy Cane Guy got his name? It was in the very first Misadventure, nearly a year ago!
*sigh* “I don’t think Mom listens to me at all about the naughty boys. At least there’s a handsome spotty kitty for me to look at this time…” – Mayhem
Happy Fifth Blogiversary! Here’s to the next 5 years
OK that Misadventure has lots of disturbing titles…I love it!
May – I think she is listening to you (hence the spotty kitty). It’s just that we keep begging her to include the naughty boys. So…I guess it’s all our fault
Wow! Five years, what an achievement! Congratulations, Chris!
I like candy cane guy’s Bonnie Tyler hair-do in unleashing the tiger – very eighties :).
Well, I may have been lurking a lot more than usual, but I couldn’t let your Fifth Blogiversary go by without saying, Happy Blogiversary! And 50,000 comments? If they were words, you’d have won NaNoWriMo. Yes. Totally unrelated comment. There sure are a lot of shirtless 24-packs on book covers, aren’t there?
A recent post from Jeanne B…Thanksgiving Is Almost Here
Hmm cookies and man titty. Hey, where’s Kris?
A recent post from katiebabs..WTF Or Not You Decide
Wow, 5 years. You were blogging before it was cool.
Ahead of the wave you are. Happy Blogaversary.
Poor CCG. However he may have preferred that gay.com used someone else’s head on his body, especially with that tag line. LOL
A recent post from Tam..Yay- the week is over!!!!!
Woo-hoo! Congratulations.
I wonder sometimes, how many of these cover models actually ARE gay??
May, it is very nice to look at the pretty jag kitty.
A recent post from trek..In which trek reaches for the stick
5 years? Congratulations!
That title – “Something to Drench” – ugh. Not sexy. I do like his little tattoo on the heat wave cover

A recent post from Patti..Review- Alien Tango by Gini Koch
Wow! 5 years and 50,000 comments?! Yay you!
And did you see the handsome tiger there too, Mayhem?
A recent post from Brigitte..Its The Little Things
Five years! It’s been a fun 5 years. Congratulations. You started my day with a laugh both the story and Mayhem’s reaction. Mayhem, the naughty boys will continue for quite some time, methinks.
A recent post from margene..I Do This To Myself
Happy Blog-a-versary!
That long hair head kinda freaks me out…
A recent post from Miranda..Pixies Serial – Part I
Congratulations on the five years! And wow, I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since the first misadventures.. Time is just whooshing by! Eek.
A recent post from Morning Glow..Review of How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford
I thought that was Too Smooth Guy on the Four Play cover, but the abs don’t look quite right.
I almost missed the cute kitty there
A recent post from blodeuedd..Review- Mini Shopaholic – Sophie Kinsella
Happy Fifth Year, Chris! You and the kitties have done a great job of keeping us informed and entertained. (And yeah, EC does like to recycle its cover models–endlessly.)
A recent post from K. Z. Snow..The First Chapter of MONGREL
Happy 5th Blogiversary!!!
your the 1st blog I read in the mornings–happy 5th. I must have some chaos and mayhem to start the day..and the man candy doesn’t hurt either:)
Chris- Happy Blogiversary- I come here to see the kitties as well, Mayhem.
A recent post from Lorraine..Lack of Progress Report
Congratulations on your Fifth Blogiversary! How am I supposed to get anything done when all I want to do is noodle around and click on all the cool links?
Five years! Outstanding!
A recent post from Val Kovalin..Elisa reviews Trinity Trespass!
happy blogiversary! been with you many of those wonderful years! enjoy!
A recent post from turtle..Part Two
Wow. A birthday and a blogiversary all in one month!
Congratulations on the versary. Wishing you many more years to come – you’ve got a great blog happening here!
Congratulations on your five years!
A recent post from Jennifer..Keelin Progress
Congrats on five fun years!
I’m glad you put a cover with a kitty for Mayhem up there with all the naughty boys.

A recent post from Nicole..FO Friday x 2 Almost
Congrats on you fifth blogiversary!! Wow, 5 years! I feel like a baby, next to you.
Poor Mayhem, still not enjoying the naughty boys.
Wow, five years! Congrats and keep up the great work.
Happy fifth and many more.
Welcome back Candy Cane Guy! Nice to see you again!
A recent post from Kristi aka FiberFool..Linkity for a Short Work Week
Happy Blogiversary!
A recent post from janna..Knitting Resumes plus- Happy Kitty News
Happy happies! *throws confetti*
A recent post from Kris..souvenir giveaway – the winners
Wow – almost a year of misadventures !!
A recent post from mrspao..One pumpkin so many ways
Happy Blogiversary. I think Candy Cane Guy needs some help. It looks like he has too many things to do. Maybe if he hooked up with one of the other misadventures.
A recent post from Seanna Lea..nanowrimo day 21 under the wire
Is it because we want to lick him all over? Just a guess… (ah… I’m starting to get attached to that navel…)
Oh I sooo love that picture of my kittie!!! Very lovely!
Congrats to the winners and congrats to one of my favorite blogs of all time honey!!!!!!! hugs and kisses!!!!
And monday is down…… Hugs!
A recent post from cecile..Review- Lipstick On His Collar by Inez Kelley
Happy Blogiversary!!!!!!!!!! Wow, 5 years? That’s awesome.
Congrats, Jen!

A recent post from Lily..Another set of minis
Happy 5th Blogiversary and 50,000th comment! It’s been a fun 5 years. Aw it’s good to see CCG again.
A recent post from Sydney..Post Halloween Wrap-Up
EC really needs to stop it with that head on CG’s body – totally doesn’t fit him at all, though this head has better hair than the last version of that head. And ‘Someone to Drench’? Drench??? Can one guy really drench another? Oh, that’s just not right. Poor CG. Now I feel bad for him.
A recent post from Ava March..Giveaway for Beyond Reckless
Happy fifth hon.. you and the kitties make my morning…
Keep it up….
I think you are now harrassing that poor boy….
May you are being a flirt as usual..
Happy Blog-versary! You have a fabulous blog so keep it up *hehe, cracks whip*
5 years is a VERY impressive run. You’ve created a really great community on here with a ton of great information and I love all the similar covers.
Belated Blogiversary wishes Chris! I love Stumbling Over Chaos & Misadventures and all the fun going on with Chaos and Mayhem here.
Thank you for making it special.

A recent post from Lea..Tori & I are over at the Island today talking about
Happy 5th, Chris!

A recent post from Renee..Random Observations
Happy anniversary! I’d sing, but I suck at it.

A recent post from Eyre..Chris Mann- I may have to marry him
Happy anniversary…a wee little tiny bit late! Here’s hoping to 5 more years!
Very funny. For a minute I thought one title was “Washing the Jaguar” that was funny too.