Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes on Wednesday!
- Closetreader Lea’s giving away a copy of Beth Kery’s forthcoming steamy romance, Explosive, and a signed copy of Release. Contest closes at midnight EST, November 19 (aka today).
- Smexy Mandi’s giving away winner’s choice of a signed copy of The Princess in His Bed or Awakened by a Kiss, both by Lila DiPasqua. Contest open through November 20.
- Kris is giving away assorted swag and yaoi artwork that she picked up at Yaoi Con. Contest closes midnight Western Australia Time, November 22.
- Blodeuedd’s giving away two copies of The Forever Queen by Helen Bollicks. Closes November 22, US & Canada only.
- Cecile’s giving away a $65 gift card to CSN stores. Closes November 22, US & Canada only.
- Book Addict Patti’s giving away three ebook sets of The Unidentified Redhead and The Redhead Revealed by Alice Clayton. Contest ends November 30.
- Sweet Vernal Zephyr’s giving away copies of the holiday romances she grew up on – fill out the form by December 12 for your chance to win.
- New releases and more: Lily (so many m/m romances out this week…); Literary Escapism (UF/PNR news, contests, etc; upcoming Tor releases; lots of UF/PNR new releases); and Katiebabs (upcoming romances that intrigued her).
- Remember Cook’s Source, the magazine that stole content, then thought the writer should pay them? They’re closing down… and blaming that same writer. *rolls eyes*
- Theater on a giant book… (Thanks, Jase!)
- Book news: Dear Author and ReadReactReview.
- Lifehacker lists the five best distraction-free writing tools, their top ten tips for better writing, and amusing ways to brush up on your grammar.
- Too bad this reading glasses ring isn’t actually functional.
- Samhain’s giving away four holiday-themed books for Kindle and Nook through mid-December, including titles from Josh Lanyon and Beth Kery.
- Kristi the Fiber Fool’s starting a serialized knitting ebook, Nourishing Knits: 24 Projects to Gift and Entertain. She’ll have subscription information when the first installment is ready. But you can go enter her contest to win a subscription now! (Make sure you read the rules on how to enter. Closes November 25.)
- All About Romance makes some excellent points in this post asking (major) publishers why they’re treating readers who prefer ebooks like second-hand citizens.
- It doesn’t surprise me that a recent study discovered people who read a lot prefer dedicated ereaders to multifunction devices.
- It’s now possible to autograph ebooks! As someone who would prefer to only procure ebooks, I’ve had to continue buying paper books when it’s something I’d like signed – so I hope the technology is adopted.
- If you’re planning to pick up a new ereader over the holidays, spend some time at the eBook Reader Blog checking their reviews – and their list of holiday sales. TeleRead has a Black Friday ereader specials roundup, too. Ereaders are expected to be popular gifts this holiday season, but the iPad’s likely too expensive to enjoy the same popularity. Even Consumer Reports has weighed in!
- But maybe it would be better to start with Dear Author’s buying guide, which helps you figure out which device is right for you.
- One Japanese manga publisher’s going to work with scanalators via a new licensing model to help meet the growing demand for translated manga in the US.
- Gizmo’s Freeware has a list of 250 sites where you can pick up (legal) free ebooks.
- How to print and bind your own copy of an ebook (which may violate your ebook license all over the place).
- Are you an ebook hoarder or ebook reader? I’m both!
Learn, Make, Think, Do
- I’m glad the Milky Way galaxy won this battle. (Thanks, Jase!)
- Turn candy bars and vodka into a tasty chocolate beverage… sounds like a dangerous combination, actually.
- I didn’t realize how many different things you can use toothpaste for besides brushing your teeth.
- New research suggests jet lag can cause learning problems and long-term memory loss.
- Cheese has morphine in it – that explains a lot, doesn’t it?
- Oops, we’re back to not being sure if cell phones contribute to brain cancer or not.
- Did you celebrate National UnFriend Day appropriately on Wednesday?
- Don’t let a lack of snow prevent you from sledding.
- Scientists have also figured out how cats drink – and it’s definitely not the same way dogs drink.
Linkity Peeps
- From Another Purl, some NaNoWriMo links, plus a knitted brain hat.
- From Fiber Fool, craft, recipe, natural living, and photography linkity.
- From Katiebabs, NSFW WTFery.
- The Essential Gluten-Free Blog has some ideas for making gluten-free gravy and gluten-free stuffing. (My own gf cornbread stuffing is pretty darn tasty, if I do say so myself.)
- Maybe a homemade recirculating gravy fountain would liven up your Thanksgiving!
- Do you have your custom Harry Potter Chucks ready? Or maybe you prefer Vans…
- CRAFT has a pretty amazing Harry Potter craft roundup, including amigurumi, wands, and even a seat cover.
Gift Ideas
- Lens bracelets would make a fun gift for a photographer.
- Perhaps a Space Invaders Christmas cross stitch for the geek in your life?
- Maybe your Trekkie pals would appreciate some hand-knitted Star Trek potholders.
- Know anyone who’d love a giant Star Wars LEGO minifig alarm clock?
- Or maybe a usb hub shaped like a battleship?
- Gizmodo has gift ideas for the handymanperson in your life.
- (Not quite) 1000 bloom chrysanthemum.
- The fertilization watch?!
- Because you can never have enough bare butts hanging on your Christmas tree…
- If you’re feeling a lack of something in your life, maybe you just need an individual pie-making machine.
- Um. The boner timer for your turkey?!
- Waffle shoes, anyone?
- The TSA’s sense of humor makes me nervous, too.
- After watching the demented teddy bears video, I was afraid to watch the other video…
- I’m not sure this is funny to we introverts.
- Because what could be better to illustrate how babies are made than paper cut-outs…
- Check out the photos from a vintage knitting pattern book that Knitnzu found! Her captions make this suitable reading for the discerning m/m romance aficionado.
- Mushroom hates this game. (Thanks, Jase!)
- Hyperbole and a Half on moving with two dysfunctional dogs.
- A new Simon’s Cat! (Thanks, Brigitte!)
- Have you checked your bathroom for an infestation?!
- Kitties in sweaters… but no photos of the injuries the owners sustained because of said sweaters.
- It’s not easy to be Basement Cat when there aren’t any basements.
- Awww…
Teh Cute
- Penguins! Opossum! Meerkats! Tanukis! Sad floofy kitten! Floofy kitten! Ferret! Hedgie! Tanuki pup! Kitten! Kitten! Baby otter! Kitten! Tanuki pup! Tiny koala! Kittens!
Reading Update
His for the Holidays by L.B. Gregg, Harper Fox, Z.A. Maxfield, & Josh Lanyon. ebook advance review copy. Excellent collection of four m/m holiday romances. From LB Gregg’s trademark madcap romp to Harper Fox’s angst-filled tale of a detective inspector possibly beyond redemption, each story shines. Highly recommended and very satisfying read.
Kindling Fire with Snow by Kate McMurray. ebook. Very good short m/m romance about two guys, who’d been each others first boyfriends in high school, who run into each other at a bar during a blizzard and have the chance to reconnect.
Handcuffs and Trouble (Rawlings Men, Book 4) by Kim Dare. ebook. Good kinky m/m romance about a rookie constable who thinks he must be getting hazed or something when he ends up in a dangerous dive bar with no idea who he’s supposed to find. Good thing he’s found first.
A Realistic Romance by Andi Anderson. ebook. Good m/m romance about a closeted rock star who agrees under duress to be on a reality tv show to help bolster his faltering career, but is alarmed to discover that the guy he’ll be sharing a small cabin with is very cute and very out. A little bit more editing attention would really have helped this book a lot.
Friday Night Jamie by Bren Christopher. ebook. Good m/m romance (that turns into romantic suspense along the way) about an accountant from a rough background who works diligently during the week, then goes out to pick up a different guy every Friday night.
A Tempting Distraction (Lost Shifters, Book 7) by Stephani Hecht. ebook. Good paranormal m/m romance about Owen, a tiger shifter who was rescued in the previous book and is trying to adjust to life in the Coalition, where he’s not trusted because of his criminal past.
Pride and Joey by Devon Rhodes. ebook short. Good short paranormal m/m romance about a gay lion shifter, hiding his nature from his pride and its homophobic alpha, when he runs across a tranqed cougar shifter. Hopefully Devon will write a bit more in this world!
Once Upon a Dragon by Jambrea Jo Jones. free ebook short. Cute free short m/m fairy tale reminiscent of Sleeping Beauty, with dragon shifters thrown in to make things more interesting.
Twenty Years Until Yes by Cindy Rosenthal. ebook short. Sweet short m/m romance about a long-term couple that takes place in three parts (1984, 1994, and 2004), following changing attitudes about gay couples.
The Hitch-Hiker (The Tomcat Line, Book 1) by Stevie Woods. ebook. Ok m/m romantic suspense about an archeologist who’s made a huge discovery and is now on the run from his jealous colleagues looking to claim the glory for themselves. When he hitches a ride with a handsome trucker, neither of them has any idea what’s ahead of them.
The Lost Temple (The Tomcat Line, Book 2) by Stevie Woods. ebook. Ok m/m romantic suspense continuing the adventures of our trucker and our archeologist/professor. Think gay Indiana Jones, plus bonus stalker.
Halfway by K.I.L. Kenny. ebook. Ok m/m romance about a college student who’s in the process of pledging the same frat his dad had been in. He falls for a crossdressing townie, but his status in the frat causes problems. Be prepared for an abrupt HFN (I guess) ending and a bit of a plot hole.
Use Your Illusion by Jade Falconer. ebook short. Ok short m/m romance about a college student with a crush on a straight jock who doesn’t know he exists. (Wait, what are the odds of reading two books about college students and crossdressing in the same week?)
The Rosebud by M. Raiya. ebook short. Doctors Without Borders Charity Sip Blitz. Very good short m/m romance about a guy who can heal with touch… but at a personal cost that’s kept him on the road for years.
Going Home by C.B. Conwy. ebook short. Doctors Without Borders Charity Sip Blitz. Very good short m/m romance about a guy who’s been staying at home in the States while his boyfriend works throughout the world, providing medical aid. But now the distance thing isn’t working so well anymore…
The Pavilion by Tracy Rowan. ebook short. Doctors Without Borders Charity Sip Blitz. Good m/m romance about a British doctor who shuts down emotionally and moves to the US after his lover dies.
The Boyfriend Line by Avery Zeno. ebook short. Doctors Without Borders Charity Sip Blitz. Very good short m/m romance about a guy who’s just learned that he might have cancer, but isn’t sure he should discuss it with his “friend with benefits” since it might be crossing “the boyfriend line.”
Take It Slow by Taylor Lochland. ebook short. Doctors Without Borders Charity Sip Blitz. Good short m/m romance about an injured runner who finds himself very attracted to the orthopedic specialist.
Have Hope by Emily Moreton. ebook short. Doctors Without Borders Charity Sip Blitz. Decent short m/m story about a double agent whose current mission does not go at all as planned. Be aware that this has no HEA or even HFN.
Ask the Fire by Dennis Paddie. ebook. I think this was spy thriller with delusions of literary grandeur… Trying to read it hurt my brain – I made it through the Prologue and a chunk of the first chapter, but I just couldn’t wade through the byzantine language and plot any more. DNF.
“Remember, Mayhem, if we don’t make eye contact with Mom, we can’t actually be in trouble for being on the table.” -Chaos
“Lalalalalala, I can’t see you, Mom!” -Mayhem
Aha, I see, a woman and a man beneath eh covers means a baby is made, I get it know, nothing else going on there

A recent post from blodeuedd..Review- Dead and Gone – Charlaine Harris
I so want a mooning Christmas ornament.
A recent post from katiebabs..The Dangerous Viscount Book Review Miranda Neville
I’m actually reading Friday Night Jamie and I like it so far. I actually bought 2 e-readers in 6 months *eek* The Cybook has a very annoying freeze glitch (sometimes 8x in a e-book read!) and this is only solved by pressing the reset button *sigh* It doesn’t make it the best e-reader out there for me
I wonder if by now they’ve got an upgrade that fixes it? Can you tell I’m still frustrated about it *rolls eyes at self* 

A recent post from Leontine..Review- Lila DiPasqua – Awakened By A Kiss
Happy belated birthday! : )
(How come your sidebar is gone?)
Oh man, you guys are bad! Even my guys wouldn’t dare get on the table when there’s so much stuff on it! *tskk tskk*
Your g/f cornbread recipe is pretty tasty, and I know first hand. Yum…I may make some just because I can.
That picture of the black kitty from ICHC is just adorable…
A recent post from Brigitte..Its The Little Things
Thanks for the mention!
And yes, my cats do the same exact thing on the table except if they don’t make eye contact and don’t move then I won’t see them.
A recent post from Miranda..Skin Trade REVIEW
Oh, caught in the act! You two will be doing a lot of kissing up to make up for that fur paw.
Now I know why cheese was so hard to give up!
A recent post from margene..I Get By
Despite rumors to the contrary I am not dead I have been playing through Fable 3 twice and Fable 2 at least twice now.
A recent post from Teddypig..Bluefire Reader- Update!
Major linkity abundance here! I’m going to have to come back and explore at my leisure later on. Though I will admit I laughed at the TSA wallpaper. And the reading you managed to get done — very impressive! And the kitties on the table, ha, ha! They’re looking a little guilty like they know better.

A recent post from Val Kovalin..Elisa reviews Trinity Trespass!
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a gluten free for all.
And oh the linkety! I am ordering Unicorn meat for several gifts and maybe lens bracelets and MAYBE I’ll knit a star trek potholder. And that’s only part of todays wonderload.
A recent post from Mary Lou..So Much for Indian Summer
Chris- You will take full and absolute responsibility for the turkey boners-
Naughty kitties!
A recent post from Lorraine..Lack of Progress Report
I am SO getting unicorn meat for certain people for Christmas! I’m also getting the Lego minifig Stormtrooper clock for my youngest. Thanks for all your holiday shopping help, Chris!
The TSA wallpaper made me snort. Loudly.
I actually have a membership to Longwood Gardens (it’s about 40 minutes from my house). Not sure if I’ll make it down there in time to see the super-mega chrysanthemum, though.
I have to admit, even though I didn’t know about unfriend day I went and checked to see if I’d been unfriended.
My cats do the same thing. As I’m telling them to get off the counter, they turn away as if I can’t see them.
A recent post from Jennifer..Keelin Progress
I guess the cats forgot all their manners when you went away. ;o)
I kind of want the Nook color but I’m waiting to see how hard it is to pwn it ;o)
Publishers – Take My Money Please is a great short read. She doesn’t mince words.
A recent post from Julia Rachel Barrett..A Photo Essay
Thank you so much for including my e-book and linkity in your post!
A recent post from Kristi aka FiberFool..Nourishing Knits Is Getting Closer!
Thank you for the linkety.
The Thinkgeek catalog is the only print catalog that I actually enjoy. I find the canned unicorn meat less problematic than Baconnaise.
A recent post from Seanna Lea..nanowrimo day 18
Have you seen Secret Kitten:
or one about a cat that really likes boxes:
A recent post from CatieP..This Moment – November 19- 2010
I am moaning at the memory of many diskettes….
That’s a lot of linkity!
Happy weekend!
A recent post from Nicole..WiP Weds
Don’t look… Don’t look… Don’t make eye contact…
**giggles…. I think she can see you both**
Hugs and have a great weekend honey!
A recent post from Cecile..The Smutty Hussy has an Assistance
But I like the word “Ludibrious”! I also love Ellen.. She is so great..
You wouldn’t catch me wearing that Fertilization Watch! YIKES.. lol That is darn scary..
Hey May you can tell your mom the devil made you do it..
Chris, thank you for the mention as always, so appreciated.
You have a great weekend!
A recent post from Lea..An Interview With Beth Kery & An Explosive Giveaway!
Thanks for the linkage
I’m with you on the introverts one. I think I would wear the HP shoes (did I just admit that out loud?) AND I want the star wars pot holders! Oh, and the boner turkey thingy.
A recent post from Patti..Friday Funk- Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet Jace the Werecat
Cute ring. I’m definitely both a reader and a hoarder. Vodka and chocolate… sounds yummy!
My hubby showed me Kimmel’s Unfriend Day show but oops, I didn’t unfriend anyone.
LOL, loved the Potter cats!
*sigh* It had to be in Florida that they’re giving AK47’s. *deeper sigh*
The TSA’s new policies are pretty scary. And that screensaver, eek, just wrong.
Hmmm, I’m not sure what to think about the baby book.
Looks like another good reading week. I’ve read a couple and have a few more on my TBB/TBR.
Have a great weekend and thanks for the mention!

A recent post from Lily..Happy Friday!
i loves me some linkity.
A recent post from ikisti..weve got snow
Fabulous linkity as always! Those neon trees are fascinating. I need them.
A recent post from Eyre..Yesterday was full of fail- today was full of
Maybe it’s just me, but a gravy fountain just doesn’t sound very appetizing.
Oh I like the circuit board slippers.
No words for the teddy bear video.
Chaos and May, I can tell you that the no eye contact thing doesn’t work.

A recent post from Sydney..Post Halloween Wrap-Up
SO excited about the His for the Holidays anthology!
That gravy fountain totally has my family written all over it. lol
Kisses for the linkities.

A recent post from Kris..random awesomeness
I love your links. When you had the audacity to go on vacation, I actually went through withdrawals.
I always like the linky days – even if it takes me multiple days to click all the links that interest me!
A recent post from trek..In which all is quiet
I love you and hate you in the same post…..
Much info to read this week…. and adding more books to my list and reading Stephanie book TONIGHT!!!
Carry on as you were kitties – I know for a fact you didn’t make eye contact, mommy was spying on your two…!!!
A recent post from Erotic Horizon..With The Words -Virginia Cavanaugh
My friend Steven just put 2 dozen candy canes in some vodka, he’s always making infusions, I’ll have to see if he’s made chocolate yet.
I shared the cheese link with some friends. We were all razzing Michelle because she doesn’t like cheese. Most of us are cheese addicts, seems with good reason.
I don’t think my Vanessa drinks like that. She pushes her tongue against the side of the dish, she will not drink from the middle like Max does. So I have no idea how she gets the water up to her mouth.
Sent some of those Harry Potter links to the kid.
I have to say if my SO gave me a box of carpenter pencils or a ladder for Christmas, it might be our last one.
I kind of like the fertilization watch. Clever.
I am totally in love with Neo!Squirrel.
I agree with your charity sip reviews. Haven’t read too many of the others, except Friday Night Jamie, the snow one and A Realistic Romance.
A recent post from Tam..Yay- the week is over!!!!!
Darn, I’ve been so self-absorbed that I totally forgot that your bd was the 17th! :/ Sorry, and belated Happy Birthday!
Maybe, my memory got a blow from all the morphine cheese I ate this week…
Are we still friends? *puppy eyes*
I’m afraid I’m more of an ebook hoarder these days than an ebook reader. I need to find a new balance and restrict my ebook buying somehow.
The free ebooks at Samhain’s weblog are nice, if only the links on their site would work for me too. Maybe another geographical restriction thingy? Shiloh Walker’s post on that subject (which I found via the ReadReactReview link) was informative.
And I’m one of those readers that read both on a dedicated ereader and on a multifunction device, and if I’m honest I prefer reading on the latter these days. So I’m the exception to the rule/study I guess.

A recent post from Janna ErotRomReader..Happy Gay Friday
I’m an ebook hoarder and reader as well. I love to have them but I read them all the time too!
I just finished His for the Holidays and loved it! There are some other books here I’m evernoting as well. I love that thing!
A recent post from Tracy..Saturday Song
Thank you Chris! I can’t wait to purchase His for the Holidays! It will be my Xmas treat
Oh, and good news about the manga!
Ohhh, naughty kitties!
A recent post from orannia..Inner Beauty
That’s too many links. My head may explode.
the devilish duo strike again, no breakfast food is safe.
A recent post from Rebekah..My New Toy