The Return of Linkity!! Now with even more linkity!!



  • Do not follow this link if you are afraid of clowns. *waits for scream of horror from Bronwyn, who will not be able to help herself*


  • Feeling overwhelmed by all the ebook reader choices out there? Check out the ebook primer at An American Editor to help you figure out what sort of reader to buy: Part 1 and Part 2.
  • Dear Author on geographical restrictions: Part 1 and Part 2.
  • Kim Dare’s November newsletter has a free short story featuring two of the characters from the G-A-Y books (based on a photo I took!), plus the chance to win a free ebook.


Think, Do, Learn, Make

Linkity Peeps

Gluten Free


  • If you can’t find your phone and don’t have another phone to call your phone to see if that helps you find it, try I Can’t Find My Phone.


  • I don’t even know what to say about this wacky video JCP found.


  • Possibly too true to be truly funny… (Thanks, Jase!)

Teh Cute

Reading Update (plus another bit from vacation)

“Clean paw, clean paw, I’m going to have a clean, clean paw!” -Mayhem

37 thoughts on “The Return of Linkity!! Now with even more linkity!!”

  1. The Mythbusters just did a show on how sleep deprivation is actually worse for your driving than being just under the legal alcohol driving limit.

    Hmm, if there is indeed a liberal gene, it has to be recessive. No other way I came from my parents.
    A recent post from Alison..Two Scarves and Some TowelsMy Profile

  2. Good grief. Reading your links was a lot of work (yet fun!) and now I don’t want to go to work. Didn’t want to get before I read them, but you know….
    It’s a good thing your kitties keep up with their own cleanliness. You wouldn’t want to bathe them!
    A recent post from margene..The PastMy Profile

  3. Loved the colored pencil shelf!

    OK Go! makes amazing videos.

    Isn’t one of the joys of sex toy shops the whole browsing process?

    Must go now to hoard chocolate.

  4. Bugger it. IE crashed, I lost it. Sigh.

    Ummm, I’m devestated about chocolate, liked the flip flop monkey, found the short story thing interesting given what Jen and I have up our sleeve, lost all my mascara thanks to Squirrel Neo, noted that most of the fun of a sex toy shop is in fiddling with the merchandise when you buy it and drive-through sounds way too boring and taking a chance you’ll get the wrong size, shape or colour.

    Bunny tongue. Too cute.

    Have a great weekend.
    A recent post from Tam..Finally FridayMy Profile

  5. Why? Why can’t I resist a link? Even when I know it freaking involves CLOWNS! I must have some sort of mental defect. But OMG, that book!!!! Why is he strangling that poor monkey?!? Also, I think that little blonde girl is having an asthma attack!

    The out of control crochet is amazing…and a little scary – but not as scary as the toys! Pole dancing baby dolls? WTF?!?

    It’s been decided…I am the girl who cried cute! LOL!

  6. PS. The clown thing…GEEEEEEZ. Not only is the clown strangling the monkey (hmm. Euphemism much?) but all the kidlings are blushing. What horror has he subjected these innocent youths to, which causes them to blush with embarrassment?

  7. I’m totally flumuxed that the laptop is still the most popular ebook reader. I can’t stand reading on mine. I’d find it awesome if it was as easy to “turn the page” as my phone when I’m reading and knitting at the same time, but otherwise it is too heavy and clunky for comfortable reading IMO.

    The chocolate news is scary!

    Thanks for a great linkity once again and including me 🙂
    A recent post from Kristi aka FiberFool..Thankful Thursday – The One With SnowMy Profile

  8. I knit at a Barnes & Noble every other Wednesday with a group of ladies. I’ve definitely noticed the effect of ereaders on this store. They’ve turned over 20% of the shelf space to toys. I still buy a book almost every time I’m there. I alternate the Kindle with the paper.

  9. God help me, I just saved a picture with a rat and a teddy bear… and made a list of ten toys my kids will NEVER EVER HAVE… and bonded with my teenager over a crocheted Tardis. Great Linkety, Chris!

  10. Oh no, not a chocolate shortage!

    While I really like bacon, I don’t want it talk back to me nor do I want to cuddle with it.

    Okay I’m really sorry I followed the pool noodle girlfriend link. LOL!

    Hey if Mississippi can have drive through beer barns, Alabama can have drive through sex shops. The comments on that article are hysterical.
    A recent post from Sydney..Post Halloween Wrap-UpMy Profile

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