Contests! And links! And books! And sleepy cats!

Cheryl’s celebrating her blogiversary – drop by and leave her a comment before midnight, August 13, and you could win some ShiBui sock yarn (for returning commenters) or a Cabled Sheep mug or tote (for new visitors).

Rae’s having a mileage contest – guess how many miles she logged during her Montana vacation and you could win a mysterious prize. Leave your guesses by August 15 (and check her sidebar for more info on the vacation and the contest).

To celebrate her impending publication, “Anna Leonard” is having an lolcat caption contest. Leave your caption by August 19 and you could win a signed copy of her paranormal romance novel The Night Serpent before it’s available in stores.

Speaking of lolz… you can lolinate your website or find out your lol name. Iz funyz.

You may or may not remember that Chaos has had a longstanding fascination with bicycles, although I guess this is the first time he’s been near a bicycle with actual wheels. So far I’ve only hit my head on the back tire twice! 🙂

Obsidian Kitten has two recent posts about cardboard scratchers and toys that might interest you.

There are Keen biking sandals, so maybe I will get clipless pedals at some point. Thanks to KitKatKnit for that info, as well as for this link to a very cool black cat scooter.

Reading Update
Some Like It Hot-Buttered by Jeffrey Cohen. An extremely witty New Jersey-based mystery about the owner of a comedy movie theater.
Blue Dahlia, Black Rose, Red Lily (In the Garden Trilogy); O’Hurley’s Return (Skin Deep & Without a Trace); The Calhouns: Catherine, Amanda and Lilah; The Calhouns: Suzanna and Megan; and Three Fates by Nora Roberts. Just keep in mind that her older stuff, such as the O’Hurleys and Calhouns, is nowhere near as good as her more recent stuff, such as Three Fates (which I particularly enjoyed). And it was fun to see celiac disease mentioned in passing in Black Rose!

*blink blink* “Hey, I was trying to sleep over here! Stop with the random flashing already.” -Mayhem

“She has a point about the flashing, Mom. A guy never gets a chance to look his best with all the random flashing.” -Chaos

27 thoughts on “Contests! And links! And books! And sleepy cats!”

  1. Yeah, they are spoiled! But that’s OK…mine are too!

    Only twice, huh? 😉 Heh, ask me how many times I’ve whacked my leg in the same place (of course) since I’ve moved some furniture around in my bedroom?!

  2. Hmm… I may have to invest in cat scroll — that looks like one happy kitty. You’ve been reading up a storm! I couldn’t put down Mary Doria Russell’s “The Sparrow” yesterday.

  3. Your contest link and other goodies are going to definitely put a dent in my work this morning!! (maybe I should wait till I get home…NOT) I just noticed no one has chewed the corners off any of the cardboard toys. Not even little test bites?

  4. I’ve had my eye on those Keen biking sandals. Alas, my 10 year old Shimano sandals have not fallen apart yet. Those things are sturdy!

  5. I’m “Krazee Snookums” – REALLY?
    I think that Vespa is adorable! But then I’m really really pining for my own scooter…
    I’d forgotten the “Chaos’ Bike Workout” photos!

  6. I saw that scratcher at Target a few weeks ago, and talked myself out of it — I bought them an on-sale toy instead, which they have both ignored. Of course, now that I’m ready to buy it, my Target doesn’t have it …..

  7. I had forgotten about Chaos and the exercise bike. It looks like May is doing dueling cat scratchers. I still need to see if they still have the kitty scroll at Target.

  8. The boy and I checked our local Target and PetCo last night looking for one of those nice cardboard scrattchy “S” shaped things. None to be found. None of the cardboard things they had were large enough for my kids.

  9. Hmm, I’ll have to check out that theater mystery. I do love a lot of Nora Roberts books. You have to admit her “formula” keeps working and she research her various themes well.

  10. I am so slow…I just realized that Chaos is the name of one of your cats. All this time I thought you were referring to the chaos that is the yarn stash. Acck! I have to read the site more.

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