I know, I know, how can I possibly have a Misadventures post without abs?! Read on and find out… if you dare. *passes tissues to MamaTulip, who is probably distraught by the thought of no abs*
Poor cold angelic guy – doesn’t he realize he should be wearing a jacket in the snow? (Tragically, I haven’t come up with a clever nickname for him, beyond Bare Back Guy [BBG]… *ahem* Onward!)
Maybe he was waiting for the snow to free his wings?
Which is apparently a two-stage process…*
This was an image from Total-E-Bound/Totally Bound for their Shapeshifters & Morphers category.
Oh oh… I thought he was an angel… but apparently he was just a demon in disguise! (You have to be careful about these things.)
A-ha! He’s further revealed his demonic self with this tattoo – don’t those look like scaly demon wings to you?
Realizing that the demonic wings tattoo revealed too much, he started getting the tattoo removed by laser…
…although that was painful, even for a demon, so he had to drink many shots of brightly colored alcohol to dull the pain.
Remember, kids, you should always
Or maybe suggest that growing their hair and dying it blond isn’t a good look for a demon. 🙂
*Ok, fine, you caught me – that isn’t actually a cover, merely a graphic from an epublisher’s website. But… how could I resist?!
“Well, at least this boy doesn’t seem to be as naughty as some of those other boys…” -Mayhem
Wow, this guy was boring, I miss slouching guy…no who am I kidding. At least this guy could stand 😉
.-= blodeuedd´s last blog ..Review: Vampire Romance 2 Love Bites =-.
Well, he was doing fine up until he grew his hair and dyed it blonde. Mayhem, he’s probably just as naughty…
.-= Brigitte´s last blog ..Remember When… =-.
Wow, that’s one popular stock photograph! I think I like him best in the Snow Angel cover.
.-= Val Kovalin´s last blog ..Review Warriors and Healers by H. J. Brues =-.
Says Mayhem the innocent.
.-= margene´s last blog ..Weekend Recipe =-.
Caged Desire and Let Sleeping Demons Lie both add birds to the horizon. Perhaps he’s moping over losing his own wings as he scans the sky?
.-= Jodi´s last blog ..Now who ever said that crafting wouldn’t pay off in the end? =-.
I have seen this one around but I do like the one for Vivi Anna’s Demon Dreamer the best. The one with the blond getup, not so good…
Whoever he is, verra nice backside… 😉
.-= Donna-FantasyDreamer´s last blog ..Interview with author Foz Meadows and Giveaway =-.
Itchy Neck Guy? It’s amazing how anything to do with angels/demons/wings seem to necessitate a back picture. Angels have abs too. *pout* Although his white feathery wings are lovely.
Isn’t that about as close as ebooks get to covers?
.-= naomi´s last blog ..eye candy tuesday =-.
Sorry, Naomi – It was sort of a on-page decoration on the publisher’s site, not related to any books. I probably phrased that poorly!
Somebody needs to tell Vaughn’s publisher/graphics folks that when you PhotoShop a tattoo onto somebody’s back when one arm is raised higher than the other, the tattoo must also be canted.
.-= trek´s last blog ..Practice, practice, practice =-.
Snif my armpit guy? I do like a good-looking muscled back side on my covers and would buy Snow Angel or Demon Dreamer if the blurbs were good too.
.-= ErotRomReader Janna´s last blog ..Lusting for Covers – Mychael Black’s The Lost Son =-.
No one is touching the bare back comment?! Humm… guess i read just a bit too much man love and should pull my head back out of the gutter. *blush*
.-= Miranda´s last blog ..Contest Bar =-.
@trek: Excellent point, that!
@Miranda: I know! I can’t believe Tam didn’t comment on that. 😉
Do they hire drunken monkeys to Photoshop these things, or what? Nice stick on tattoos that don’t move with the skin they’re on!! *face/palm*
.-= Mouse´s last blog ..Blogus Neglectus =-.
I have a special spot in my kinky heart for back guy. Snow Angel was the first m/m I read.
LOL, our wonder twin powers are on again.
I prefer abs to backs.
Oh gosh.. Yea, kinda miss slouching guy, lmbo!
Oh Miranda… My mind went straight into the gutter when I read his name. So much so, I had to read it twice, lmbo! Because my mind saw another completely different name… hee hee!
Hope you had a great weekend Chris!
that guy really needs someone to scratch his upper back
.-= furiousball´s last blog ..hit the ice! =-.
It seems the only thing you can do with a bare back is add wings to it…..
But I can’t think of anything else to add except clothes… how boring of me. 😉
Hey, in my innocence I never even thought of it and now that Miranda’s said it, I can only think dirty thoughts. Sheesh. Way to ruin … oh wait, that’s making my day better. Thanks Miranda, owe ya one. 😀
OMG Chris, Candy Cane Guy made it on the ugliest cover competition. Check #22, he’s got longer blonde hair though.
Snort. I never knew growing wings was a two stage process! Amazing! LOL
.-= Carolyn Crane´s last blog ..An evil and pernicious new trend that is rotting the heart of blogland =-.
I wasn’t sure I should even bother with this post if there weren’t any abs. Sheesh.
How about “Doctor, it hurts when I do this Guy”?
.-= Cheryl S.´s last blog ..Two More Days, Two More Pieces =-.
@Tam – I nominated him! Please note, people that the ugliest cover competition link is NSFW. Also, if you’re easily offended, stay far away from it!
I kinda like the change-up, myself. I mean, abs are nice, but there’s only so much of them I can handle at work, ya know? 😉
And I too was wondering about the lack of photoshop skilz evidenced in some of those covers… Woe.
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Goals, Postponed =-.
OMG – so glad Miranda mentioned Bare Back Guy…thought I was gonna have to be the one. 😀
I’m kind of fond of acid-washed jeans guy.
Oh my! These are such fine examples of why one should buy exclusive rights! I can’t believe there are so many using the same image!
.-= Kristi aka Fiber Foo´s last blog ..Sneak Peak! =-.
They are going to ban you from taking the mickey out of them…
Are you sure that last one is the same as the others – that looks like a different body…
**waves to Choas****
.-= Erotic Horizon´s last blog ..What Are You Reading on Mondays – A Mix Bag This Week =-.
All these covers crack me up. I had no idea that cover photos were used over and over like this.
Poor guy–I think he has a mixed muscle-tension-migraine headache. I massage my neck that way when I get one of those. Perhaps if he wasn’t getting and removing so many tats, not to mention the hideous dye job, he wouldn’t have these problems.
Totally staying away from the “bare back guy” thread.
.-= Brenda´s last blog ..Progress Report: Frost Diamonds and Seussian Vine Scarf =-.
So, how long before you showcase leaning on one arm guy, or flat on his back guy?
.-= Seanna Lea´s last blog ..mr. nose sniffs again! =-.
I’m a black kitty type of girl. Back guy doesn’t do anything for me.
.-= mrspao´s last blog ..Champion sleeper =-.
But, May, he has a good looking back!
I’m a fan of the back…and the front…and the side…
Hey, it’s the guy on Mandi’s banner, who woulda thunk it? Once again great captions and finding bare backed guy.
You are most wise Mayhem..
.-= Lea´s last blog .."Hold On Tight", by Stephanie Tyler – Review and Surprise Giveaway =-.
you got love some bad photoshopin’
Is it hot in here?
.-= Carrie K´s last blog ..January 11, 1937 – November 28th, 2009 =-.
I’m trying to decide if BBG is actually itchy neck guy or smelling his armpit guy. Backs are okay but I think I like the abs better, unless of course it’s much lower on the back.
OMG the ugliest cover competition! I’m still laughing at covers 21 and 5, but really the competition is tough.
.-= Sydney´s last blog ..Sewing! =-.
The bad blond wig and the wings so don’t work.
I LOVE a good back, but that arm placement looks so random.
.-= Renee´s last blog ..Just finished reading . . . She’s Got it Bad by Sarah Mayberry =-.
Maybe the pose has more to do with what’s happening on the other side… I reckon it’s a classic nipple piercing pose.
.-= Kris´s last blog ..a serious kris ramble: you’ve been warned =-.
Bare Back Guy *snort!* Surely his arm must be asleep by now?
You’d think he would have reached that itch by now. I can help him with that. 🙂
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..What I Read Last Week =-.
Oh look…my dude is very popular:) I have never seen him on a cover before! I lurve a good back.
He has got around, hasn’t 😉
.-= orannia´s last blog ..Breaking Up Is Hard To Do =-.
Don’t know why I think you can’t possible outdo yourself & then you do!! I bow to your genius LOL.